Listing of Definitions Used in Laws administered by the Occupational Health and Safety Division. (Current to O.I.C. 2000-130, N.S. Reg. 52/2000)
The following is a list of all definitions used in the various laws administered by the Occupational Health and Safety Division of the Nova Scotia Department of Labour, along with a reference to where each definition may be found.
The references use the following key:
Abbreviation | Name of Law |
AppealReg | Occupational Health and Safety Appeal Panel Regulations (Nova Scotia) |
BlastReg | General Blasting Regulations (Nova Scotia) |
CPReg | Controlled Products Regulations (Canada) |
DOInfoReg | Disclosure of Information Regulations (Nova Scotia) |
FirstAidReg | First Aid Regulations (Nova Scotia) |
FP"SReg | Fall Protection and Scaffolding Regulations (Nova Scotia) |
HMIRAct | Hazardous Materials Information Review Act (Canada) |
HMIRReg | Hazardous Materials Information Review Regulations (Canada) |
HPAct | Hazardous Products Act (Canada) |
OHReg | Occupational Health Regulations (Nova Scotia) |
OHSAct | Occupational Health and Safety Act (Nova Scotia) |
OSGReg | Occupational Safety General Regulations (Nova Scotia) |
TWTCReg | Temporary Workplace Traffic Control Regulations (Nova Scotia) |
WHMISReg | Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) Regulations (Nova Scotia) |
"ACGIH" means the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists [CPReg - 32 - Application of definition limited to Part IV of CPReg]
"Act" means the Hazardous Materials Information Review Act [HMIRReg - 2(1)]
"Act" means the Occupational Health and Safety Act [BlastReg - 3(a) and FP"SReg - 3(a)]
"Act" means the Hazardous Products Act [CPReg - 2(1)]
"acute lethality" means death of animals immediately or within 14 days after a single administration of or exposure to a toxic substance [CPReg - 32 - Application of definition limited to Part IV of CPReg]
"adequate" means sufficient to protect a person from injury or damage to health [OSGReg - 2(a)]
"advanced first aid certificate" means a document certifying that a person has successfully completed a first aid course consisting of at least 35 hours of instruction [FirstAidReg - 3(a)]
"advertise", in relation to a prohibited product or restricted product, includes any representation by any means whatever for the purpose of promoting directly or indirectly the sale or other disposition of the product [HPAct - 2]
"aerial device" includes an aerial bucket, aerial ladder, elevating platform, aerial ladder platform or water tower that is designed to position personnel, handle materials, provide a means of exit or discharge water, as the case may be [OSGReg - 201(1) - Application of definition limited to section 201 of OSGReg]
"aerosol container" means a disposable container designed to release pressurized contents by means of a manually operated valve which forms an integral part of the container [CPReg - 32 - Application of definition limited to Part IV of CPReg]
"affected party", in respect of any provision of this Part, has the meaning assigned by regulation [HMIRAct - 10(1)]
"affected party" means, in respect of a controlled product that is the subject of a claim for exemption, a person who is not a competitor of the claimant and uses, supplies or is otherwise involved in the use or supply of the controlled product at a work place, and includes
"aggrieved person" means an employer, constructor, contractor, employee, self-employed person, owner, supplier, provider of an occupational health or safety service, architect, engineer or union at a workplace who is directly affected by an order or decision [OHSAct - 3(a) and AppealReg - 2(a)]
"ALI" means the Automatic Lift Institute [OSGReg - 2(b)]
"analyst" means any person designated as an analyst under the Food and Drugs Act or pursuant to subsection 21(1) [HPAct - 2]
"analyst" means a person appointed as an analyst by the Minister pursuant to this Act [OHSAct - 3(b)]
"anchor point" means a component that is attached to a structure and to which fall protection or scaffold components are secured [FP"SReg - 3(c)]
"angle of repose" means the angle with the horizontal at which material will no longer flow freely [OSGReg - 2(ba)]
"ANSI" means the American National Standards Institute [OSGReg - 2(c) and FP"SReg - 3(b)]
"anti-two blocking device" means a device that warns a person operating a hoisting device that continued movement of the load may cause the load to strike or come into contact with the upper sheaves of the hoisting device [FP"SReg - 3(d)]
"appeal panel" means an appeal panel designated pursuant to this Act; [OHSAct - 3(c)]
"appeal office" means the appeal panel office established for the purposes of the Occupational Health and Safety Act by the Minister of Labour to provide administrative support necessary to establish a functional appeal panel [AppealReg - 2(b)]
"approved" means approved by the Nova Scotia Department of Labour or by an approval agency or authority approved by the Nova Scotia Department of Labour [FP"SReg - 3(e)]
"arborist" means a person trained and employed, in whole or in part, to climb trees for any economic or scientific purpose, including
"architect" [referred to in OHSAct - 21(1) - note that the Architects Act does not define either "architect" or "architecture"]
"ASME" means the American Society of Mechanical Engineers [OSGReg - 2(d)]
"ASTM" means the American Society for Testing and Materials [OSGReg - 2(e) and CPReg - 32 - Application of definition limited to Part 4 of CPReg]
"authority" means an electrical utility whose primary business is the generation or distribution of electricity [OSGReg - 126(1) - Application of definition limited to sections 126 and 128 of OSGReg]
"barrier equipment" means items that prevent the transfer of infectious substances between the wearer of the equipment and another person [FirstAidReg - 3(b)]
"blaster" means a person named on a valid blaster's certificate issued by the Director upon the recommendation of the Board of Examiners for Certification of Blasters [BlastReg - 3(b)]
"blasting machine" means an electrical or electro-mechanical device which provides electrical energy for the purpose of energizing electric detonators but does not include batteries by themselves [BlastReg - 3(e)]
"blasting area" means the zone extending at least 50 metres (164 ft.) in all directions from the place in which explosives are prepared, handled or loaded for firing, or in which misfired explosives exist or are believed to exist, and from which hazards must be excluded to avoid an accidental explosion [BlastReg - 3(d)]
"blasting meter" means a test instrument such as a blasting galvanometer, blasting ohmmeter, blasting voltmeter or blasting multimeter used to check detonators and electrical circuits for continuity, resistance, stray currents and other pertinent measurements [BlastReg - 3(f)]
"blasting activity" includes the storage, handling, transportation, preparation, and use of explosives, and drilling conducted at a blasting area or in relation to the use of explosives [BlastReg - 3(c)]
"blasting switch" means a device used to permit the firing of electric blasting circuits from power lines and constructed so that the door may only be closed and locked with the switch in the "OFF" position [BlastReg - 3(h)]
"blasting operation" means all operations involving explosives or blasting accessories conducted from the time explosives arrive in an area to be blasted until all explosives are gone from the area [BlastReg - 3(g)]
"boatswain's chair" means a seat attached to a suspended rope, designed to accommodate one person in a sitting position [FP"SReg - 3(g)]
"body harness" means a harness consisting of leg and shoulder straps and an upper back suspension unit that will distribute and reduce the impact force of any fall [OSGReg - 197(1)(a) - Application of definition limited to sections 197 to 199 of OSGReg]
"bracket scaffold" means a scaffold consisting of a work platform supported by brackets attached to a structural wall [FP"SReg - 3(h)]
"bulk shipment" has the meaning assigned by regulation [HPAct - 11(1)]
"bulk shipment" means a shipment of a controlled product that is contained, without intermediate containment or intermediate packaging, in
"bulk shipment" means a shipment of a controlled product that is contained without intermediate packaging in
"cantilevered scaffold" means a scaffold with a work platform that is directly attached to components that extend out from a building or a structure [FP"SReg - 3(k)]
"carboy" means a bottle or container for liquids of a 20 L capacity or greater, but less than 75 L, and made of glass, plastic or metal [OSGReg - 38(1) - Application of definition limited to section 38 of OSGReg]
"CAS registry number" means the identification number assigned to a chemical substance by the Chemical Abstracts Service Division of the American Chemical [CPReg - 2(1)]
"CAS registry number" means, in respect of a chemical substance that is a controlled product or an ingredient of a controlled product, the identification number assigned to the chemical substance by the Chemical Abstracts Service Division of the American Chemical Society [HMIRReg - 2(1)]
"catwalk" means a walkway that is 1.8 m or more above the ground or floor level [OSGReg - 146(1) - Application of definition limited to section 146 of OSGReg]
"CGSB" means the Canadian General Standards Board [OSGReg - 2(f) and FP"SReg - 3(i)]
"Chief Screening Officer" means the Chief Screening Officer appointed pursuant to section 38 [HMIRAct - 10(1)]
"Chief Appeals Officer" means the Chief Appeals Officer appointed pursuant to section 38 [HMIRAct - 10(1)]
"chronic toxic effect" means an adverse effect to the health of a person or test animal that develops
"Code of Practice" means a Code of Practice for Temporary Workplace Traffic Control [TWTCReg - 2(a)]
"Commission" means the Hazardous Materials Information Review Commission established by subsection 28(1) of the Hazardous Materials Information Review Act [WHMISReg - 1(b)]
"Commission" means the Hazardous Materials Information Review Commission established by subsection 28(1) [HMIRAct - 10(1)]
"committee" means a joint occupational health and safety committee established pursuant to this Act [OHSAct - 3(d)]
"competent person" means a person who is
"complex mixture" means a mixture that is a combination of many chemicals, has a commonly known generic name and is
"compliance notice" means a response, in writing, to an order of an officer, describing the extent to which the person against whom the order was made has complied with each item identified in the order [OHSAct - 3(e)]
"Compliance Order" means any order issued pursuant to Section 8 of these regulations [OHReg - 1(g)]
"compressed air" means air at an absolute pressure greater than 275 kPa [OSGReg - 101(1) - Application of definition limited to section 101 of OSGReg]
"confined space" means an enclosed or partially enclosed space
"confined space" means a confined space as defined in subsection 129(1) [OSGReg - 197(1)(b) - Application of definition limited to sections 197 to 199 of OSGReg]
"constructor" means a person who contracts for work on a project or who undertakes work on a project himself or herself [OHSAct - 3(f)]
"container" includes a bag, barrel, bottle, box, can, cylinder, drum, storage tank or similar package or receptacle [WHMISReg - 1(c)]
"container" includes a bag, barrel, bottle, box, can, cylinder, drum or similar package or receptacle but does not include a storage tank [HPAct - 11(1)]
"contractor" means a person who contracts for work to be performed at the premises of the person contracting to have the work performed, but does not include a dependent contractor or a constructor [OHSAct - 3(g)]
"contracts for work" includes contracting to perform work and contracting to have work performed [OHSAct - 3(h)]
"controlled product" has the same meaning as in the Hazardous Products Act [HMIRAct - 10(1)]
"controlled product" means any product, material or substance specified by the regulations made pursuant to paragraph 15(1)(a) of the Hazardous Products Act to be included in any of the classes listed in Schedule II of that Act; [WHMISReg - 1(d)]
"controlled product" means any product, material or substance specified by the regulations made pursuant to paragraph 15(1)(a) to be included in any of the classes listed in Schedule II [HPAct - 2]
"Controlled Products Regulations" means the Controlled Products Regulations made pursuant to the Hazardous Products Act [WHMISReg - 1(e)]
"Council" means the Occupational Health and Safety Advisory Council established pursuant to this Act [OHSAct - 3(i)]
"Court" means the Trial Division of the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia [DOInfoReg - 1(a)]
"crane supported work platform" means a work platform suspended from the cable of a hoist or crane [FP"SReg - 3(m)]
"CSA" means the Canadian Standards Association [OSGReg - 2(h) and FP"SReg - 3(j)]
"danger area" means the zone in which there exists a possibility of hazard to persons or property from fly rock, fumes, airblast or ground vibrations [BlastReg - 3(i)]
"day box" means a portable unit used for the keeping of explosives during the day and meeting the requirements of the latest edition of "Magazine Standards for Blasting Explosives and Detonators" as published by the Explosives Division of Energy, Mines and Resources Canada [BlastReg - 3(j)]
"debris net" means a net that is used to catch material and debris which can drop from work areas [FP"SReg - 3(n)]
"demolition zone" means
"demolition" means the destruction or removal of all, or part, of an existing building or structure [OSGReg - 2(i)]
"dependent contractor" means a person, whether or not employed under a contract of employment and whether or not furnishing the person's own tools, vehicles, equipment, machinery, material or any other thing, who performs work or services for another on such terms and conditions that the person is
"Deputy Minister of Labour" includes a person designated by the Deputy Minister of Labour to act in the stead of the Deputy Minister [OHSAct - 3(k)]
"designated" means designated, in writing, by the employer unless otherwise specifically provided [OSGReg - 2(j)]
"detonator" includes electric blasting caps of instantaneous and delay types, blasting caps for use with safety fuses, detonating cord delay connectors and nonelectric instantaneous and delay blasting caps which use detonating cord, shock tube, gas tube or any other replacement for electric leg wires, and any similar device [BlastReg - 3(k)]
"Director of Labour Standards" means the Director of Labour Standards under the Labour Standards Code [OHSAct - 3(m)]
"Director" means the Director of the Occupational Health Division of the Department of Health [OHReg - 1(c)]
"Director" means the Executive Director of Occupational Health and Safety or any person designated by the Director pursuant to this Act to act on behalf of the Director [OHSAct - 3(l)]
"Disclosure of Information Regulations" means the Disclosure of Information Regulations made pursuant to the Occupational Health and Safety Act [WHMISReg - 1(f)]
"discriminatory action" means an action that adversely affects an employee with respect to terms or conditions of employment or any opportunity for employment or promotion and includes dismissal, layoff, suspension, demotion, transfer of job or location, change in hours of work, coercion, intimidation, imposition of any discipline, reprimand or other penalty including reduction in wages, salary or other benefits, or the discontinuation or elimination of the job of the employee [OHSAct - 45(1) - Application of definition limited to sections 45 and 46 of OHSAct]
"Division" means the Occupational Health and Safety Division of the Department of Labour [OHSAct - 3(n)]
"dust" means solid airborne particles that are mechanically generated [CPReg - 32 - Application of definition limited to Part IV of CPReg]
"electrical installation" means the wires, machinery, apparatus, appliances, devices, material and equipment used or intended for use for the generation, transmission, distribution, supply and use of electrical power or energy, and includes a power line and power line equipment [OSGReg - 2(k)]
"emergency first aid certificate" means a document certifying that a person has successfully completed a first aid course consisting of at least 6.5 hours of instruction [FirstAidReg - 3(d)]
"emergency care facility" means a health care facility that
"employee" means any person who is in the service of an employer and shall include any person in training or being instructed in the course of any education or training program as preliminary to employment [OHReg - 1(a)]
"employee" means a person who is employed to do work and includes a dependent contractor [OHSAct - 3(o)]
"employer" means any person, association, body, corporation or agency having control or direction of or being responsible, directly or indirectly, for the employment of any employee [OHReg - 1(b)]
"employer" means a person who employs one or more employees or contracts for the services of one or more employees, and includes a constructor, contractor or subcontractor [OHSAct - 3(p)]
"employer" has the same meaning as in Part II of the Canada Labour Code [HMIRAct - 10(1)]
"engineer" means a person who is registered as a member or licensed to practise under the Engineering Profession Act and is competent to do the work being performed [OSGReg - 2(l)]
"equipment" includes
"existing claim for exemption" means a claim for exemption that is pending or valid [HMIRReg - 2(1)]
"explosive" means a substance, including a detonator or primed explosive, that is manufactured or used to produce an explosion by detonation or deflagration and that is regulated by the Explosives Act (Canada), but does not include ammunition for weapons or fireworks [BlastReg - 3(l)]
"extraneous electricity" means unwanted electrical energy greater than 50 milliamps that is present at the blasting area and that could enter an electric blasting circuit including stray current, static electricity, radio frequency energy, and time-varying electric and magnetic fields [BlastReg - 3(m)]
"fall arrest system" means a system of physical components attached to a person that stops a person during a fall [FP"SReg - 3(o)]
"fall protection" means a harness, net, rope, safety belt, structure or other equipment, or device or means of
"firefighter" means
"first aid room" means a room at the worksite that is used exclusively for the purposes of administering first aid [FirstAidReg - 3(f)]
"first aid attendant" means an employed person who is the holder in good standing of an emergency first aid certificate [FirstAidReg - 3(e)]
"flame projection" means the ignited discharge of the pressurized contents of an aerosol container [CPReg - 32 - Application of definition limited to Part IV of CPReg]
"flash point" means the minimum temperature at which a liquid gives off vapour in sufficient concentration to ignite in test circumstances [CPReg - 32 - Application of definition limited to Part IV of CPReg]
"flashback" means that part of a flame projection that extends from its point of ignition back to the aerosol container [CPReg - 32 - Application of definition limited to Part IV of CPReg]
"flavour" means a product, material or substance that is used solely to impart a taste to another product, material or substance [CPReg - 5.1(1) - Application of definition limited to section 5.1 of CPReg]
"fork-lift platform" means a work platform supported by an industrial lift truck [FP"SReg - 3(q)]
"former Act" means Chapter 320 of the Revised Statutes, 1989, the Occupational Health and Safety Act [OHSAct - 3(q)]
"fragrance" means a product, material or substance that is used solely to impart a smell to another product, material or substance [CPReg - 5.1(1) - Application of definition limited to section 5.1 of CPReg]
"fugitive emission" means a gas, liquid, solid, vapour, fume, mist, fog or dust that escapes from process equipment or from emission control equipment or from a product [WHMISReg - 1(g)]
"full body harness" means a harness consisting of leg and shoulder straps and an upper back suspension unit that will distribute and reduce the impact force of any fall [FP"SReg - 3(r)]
"fume" means solid particles in the air that are generated by condensation from the vapour of a solid material [CPReg - 32 - Application of definition limited to Part IV of CPReg]
"guardrail" means a temporary system of vertical and horizontal members that warn of a fall hazard and reduce the risk of a fall [FP"SReg - 3(s)]
"guardrail" means a system of vertical and horizontal members that warn of a fall hazard and reduce the risk of a fall [OSGReg - 2(n)]
"hazard symbol" includes any design, mark, pictogram, sign, letter, word, number, abbreviation or any combination thereof that is to be displayed on a controlled product a or container in which a controlled product is packaged in order to show the nature of the hazard of the controlled product [HPAct - 11(1)]
"hazard information" means information on the proper and safe storage, handling and use of a controlled product and includes information relating to its toxicological properties [CPReg - 2(1)]
"hazard information" means information on the proper and safe use, storage and handling of a controlled product and includes information relating to its toxicological properties [WHMISReg - 1(h)]
"hazardous product" means any prohibited product, restricted product or controlled product [HPAct - 2]
"hazardous waste" means a controlled product that is intended for disposal or is sold for recycling or recovery [CPReg - 2(2) - Application of definition limited to Part II of HPAct]
"hazardous substance" means chemical or biological material, dangerous goods within the meaning of the Dangerous Goods Transportation Act or a controlled product within the meaning of the Hazardous Products Act (Canada) that is likely to, because of its harmful nature, cause injury or damage to the health or safety of a person exposed to it [OSGReg - 2(o)]
"hazardous waste" means a controlled product that is intended for disposal or is sold for recycling or recovery [WHMISReg - 1(k)]
"hazardous waste" has the meaning assigned by regulation [HPAct - 11(1)]
"Hazardous Products Act" means the Hazardous Products Act (Canada) [WHMISReg - 1(j)]
"Hazardous Materials Information Review Act" means the Hazardous Materials Information Review Act (Canada) [WHMISReg - 1(i)]
"health professional" means a qualified physician, industrial hygienist, toxicologist, epidemiologist or nurse [DOInfoReg - 1(b)]
"heavy duty scaffold" means a scaffold designed to support a uniformly distributed load of 366 kg/m2 or more "guardrail" means a temporary system of vertical and horizontal members that warn of a fall hazard and reduce the risk of a fall [FP"SReg - 3(t)]
"highway" means
but does not include a private road or driveway not open to the use of the public for purposes of vehicular traffic [TWTCReg - 2(b)]
"hoist" means a mechanical device or equipment and its structure used for moving, lifting, or lowering material, including a mobile crane, a tower crane, an electric overhead travelling crane, an automotive lift, a winch, a chain fall or other similar device, but does not include an industrial lift truck, a power operated elevating work platform, a device to which the Elevators and Lifts Act applies or a hoist serving the underground at an underground mine [OSGReg - 2(p)]
"home study course" means any course, text or matter for study offered by any person, whereby such person teaches or undertakes or proposes to teach or prepare students to study a trade or subjects through the use of the mail, express or other common carrier or by private carriers or by any other means of communication [referred to in OHSAct - 22(a) - definition from Trade Schools Regulation Act - 2(b)]
"hospital" means
"IARC" means the International Agency for Research in Cancer [CPReg - 32 - Application of definition limited to Part IV of CPReg]
"import" means to import into Canada [HPAct - 2]
"industrial firefighter" means an employee who
"industrial lift truck" means a self-propelled vehicle that
but does not include a hoist [OSGReg - 2(r)]
"Ingredient Disclosure List" means the Ingredient Disclosure List established by the Governor in Council pursuant to subsection 17(1) [HPAct - 11(1)]
"label" includes any mark, sign, device, stamp, seal, sticker, ticket, tag or wrapper [HPAct - 11(1)]
"inspection officer" means any person appointed pursuant to Section 3 of these regulations [OHReg - 1(d)]
"inspection" means a physical inspection of a workplace, or any part or parts of a workplace, pursuant to the powers conferred upon an officer pursuant to Section 47 [OHSAct - 50(1) - Application of definition limited to section 50 of OHSAct]
"inspector" means any person designated as an inspector pursuant to subsection 21(1) [HPAct - 2]
"kit" means a container holding first aid supplies [FirstAidReg - 3(h)]
"label" includes any mark, sign, device, stamp, seal, sticker, ticket, tag or wrapper; [WHMISReg - 1(l)]
"laboratory sample" means, in respect of a controlled product, a sample of the controlled product that is intended solely to be tested in a laboratory but does not include a controlled product that is to be used
"laboratory sample" means, in respect of a controlled product, a sample of the controlled product that is intended solely to be tested in a laboratory but does not include a controlled product that is to be used
"Labour Standards Tribunal" means the Labour Standards Tribunal under the Labour Standards Code [OHSAct - 3(r)]
"ladderjack scaffold" means a scaffold erected by means of attaching one or more brackets to one or more ladders to support a work platform [FP"SReg - 3(u)]
"lanyard" means a flexible line used to secure a person to a lifeline, a static line or a fixed anchor point [FP"SReg - 3(v)]
"LC50" means the concentration of a substance in air that, when administered by means of inhalation over a specified length of time in an animal assay, is expected to cause the death of 50 per cent of a defined animal population [CPReg - 2(1)]
"LD50" means the single dose of a substance that, when administered by a defined route in an animal assay, is expected to cause the death of 50 per cent of a defined animal population [CPReg - 2(1)]
"lifeline" means a vertical line attached to a fixed anchor point or a static line and to which a lanyard and a ropegrab are attached [FP"SReg - 3(w)]
"light duty scaffold" means a scaffold designed to support a uniformly distributed load of not more than 366 kg/m2 [FP"SReg - 3(x)]
"lock-out tag" means a tag that
"lock-out location" means the location of a lock-out device [OSGReg - 51(1)(c) - Application of definition limited to Part 6 of OSGReg]
"lock-out device" means the device that secures the isolation of the energy source of a locked out machine, equipment, tool or electrical installation [OSGReg - 51(1)(b) - Application of definition limited to Part 6 of OSGReg]
"locked out" means to have
and to have performed a "lock-out" has a similar meaning [OSGReg - 2(s)]
"magazine" means a fixed unit used for the unattended storage of explosives overnight and which meets the requirements of the latest edition of "Magazine Standards for Blasting Explosives and Detonators" as published by the Explosives Division of Energy, Mines and Resources Canada [BlastReg - 3(n)]
"manufactured article" means any article that is formed to a specific shape or design during manufacture, the intended use of which, when in that form, is dependent in whole or in part on its shape or design, and that, under normal conditions of use, will not release or otherwise cause a person to be exposed to a controlled product [WHMISReg - 1(n)]
"manufactured article" means any article that is formed to a specific shape or design during manufacture, the intended use of which when in that form is dependent in whole or in part on its shape or design, and that, under normal conditions of use, will not release or otherwise cause a person to be exposed to a controlled product [HPAct - 11(1)]
"manufacturer's specifications" means
"material safety data sheet" means a document on which words, figures or symbols disclosing the information referred to in subparagraphs 13(a)(i) to (v) may be written, printed or otherwise expressed [HPAct - 11(1)]
"material safety data sheet" has the same meaning as in the Hazardous Products Act [HMIRAct - 10(1)]
"Minister" means the Minister of Consumer and Corporate Affairs [HMIRAct - 10(1)]
"material safety data sheet" means a document disclosing the information referred to in subparagraphs 13(a)(i) to (v) of the Hazardous Products Act and meeting the requirements of the Controlled Products Regulations, subject to Sections 15 and 16 of these regulations [WHMISReg - 1(o)]
"medical practitioner" means a person qualified to practice medicine under the Medical Act [FirstAidReg - 3(j)]
"medication" means a prescription or non-prescription drug, salve or spray [FirstAidReg - 3(i)]
"Minister" means the Minister of Labour [OHSAct - 3(s)]
"Minister" means the Minister of Consumer and Corporate Affairs and in sections 8 to 10 includes the Minister of National Health and Welfare [HPAct - 2]
"Minister" includes, for greater certainty, the Deputy Minister or Acting Minister of Labour [AppealReg - 2(d)]
"misfired hole" means a charge of explosives in a hole or part thereof which for any reason has failed to fire as planned, and "misfire" has a corresponding meaning [BlastReg - 3(o)]
"mist" means liquid droplets suspended in the air that are produced by the dispersion of a liquid or by the condensation of a vapourized liquid [CPReg - 32 - Application of definition limited to Part IV of CPReg]
"mixture" means a combination of two or more products, materials or substances that does not undergo a chemical change as a result of interaction between the products, materials or substances [CPReg - 2(1)]
"mobile" means normally based in a motor vehicle [FirstAidReg - 3(k)]
"mobile crane" means a mobile crane to which CSA standard CAN/CSA-Z150-98, "Safety Code on Mobile Cranes" applies [OSGReg - 2(ua)]
"NACE" means the National Association of Corrosion Engineers (U.S.A.) [CPReg - 32 - Application of definition limited to Part IV of CPReg]
"NFPA" means the National Fire Protection Association [OSGReg - 2(v)]
"normal atmospheric pressure" means an absolute pressure of 101.325 kilopascals (1.00 atmosphere) at 20°C (68°F) [CPReg - 32 - Application of definition limited to Part IV of CPReg]
"Notification Order" means any order issued pursuant to Section 7 of these regulations [OHReg - 1(f)]
"nurse" means a registered nurse within the meaning of the Registered Nurses Association Act, R.S.N.S., 1989, c. 391 [DOInfoReg - 1(c)]
"nurse" means a registered nurse registered or licensed under the laws of a province [CPReg - 2(1)]
"occupation" means any employment, business, calling or pursuit [OHSAct - 3(t)]
"OECD Test Guideline" means a test published in the OECD Standard entitled OECD Guidelines for Testing of Chemicals [CPReg - 32 - Application of definition limited to Part IV of CPReg]
"OECD" means the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development [CPReg - 32 - Application of definition limited to Part IV of CPReg]
"officer" means an occupational health and safety officer appointed pursuant to this Act and includes the Director [OHSAct - 3(u)]
"outer container" means the most outward container of a controlled product that is visible under normal conditions of storage and handling, but does not include the most outward container if it is the only container of the controlled product [CPReg - 14(1) - Application of definition limited to section 14 of CPReg]
"overhead crane" means any mechanical device or structure that is used to raise, lower and move material that travels overhead and that incorporates a
but does not include wall cranes, cantilever gantry cranes and semi-gantry cranes [OSGReg 2(va)]
"owner" includes a trustee, receiver, mortgagee in possession, tenant, lessee or occupier of lands or premises used as a workplace and a person who acts for, or on behalf of, an owner as an agent or delegate [OHSAct - 3(v)]
"party" means,
"permanent powered suspension work platform" means a powered work platform that is suspended from a suspension mechanism which is a permanent part of a building or structure [FP"SReg - 3(y)]
"personnel safety net" means a net that is used to catch a person during a fall [FP"SReg - 3(z)]
"police officer" means
"policy" means an occupational health and safety policy made pursuant to this Act [OHSAct - 3(x)]
"portable compressed gas cylinder" means a cylinder having a water capacity of 450 kg or less that contains or is intended to contain a compressed or liquefied gas [OSGReg - 47(1) - Application of definition limited to sections 48 and 49 of OSGReg]
"posting a placard" means posting a placard that
"powder-actuated tool" means a tool that, by means of a powder-generated explosive force, propels or discharges a fastening device for the purpose of impinging it on, affixing it to or causing it to penetrate another object or material [OSGReg - 108(1) - Application of definition limited to section 108 of OSGReg]
"power line" means the above-ground or underground wiring that is used to distribute electricity [OSGReg - 2(w)]
"power line equipment" means the components that are required to distribute electricity by means of a power line [OSGReg - 2(x)]
"power operated elevating work platform" means a work platform elevated and lowered by means of a mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic or other powered mechanism [FP"SReg - 3(aa)]
"power operated elevating work platform" means a temporary horizontal working surface that provides access and support to a person at a workplace, and that is elevated and lowered by means of a mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic or other powered mechanism and that complies with Section 36 of the Fall Protection and Scaffolding Regulations, including a standard listed in subsection (4) thereof [OSGReg - 2(y)]
"powered mobile equipment" means self-propelled equipment that is designed to operate on land in conditions other than a public highway, but does not include equipment primarily designed to transport persons, an industrial lift truck or a power operated elevating work platform [OSGReg - 2(z)]
"practicable" means physically possible in light of current knowledge and invention [FP"SReg - 3(ab)]
"practicable" means possible, given current knowledge, technology and invention [OHSAct - 3(y)]
"prescribed" means prescribed by regulation [HMIRAct - 10(1)]
"prescribed" means prescribed by regulation [HPAct - 11(1)]
"President" means the President of the Commission [HMIRAct - 10(1)]
"prime a charge" means to position a detonator for use in firing an explosive charge [BlastReg - 3(p)]
"primed explosive" means an explosive containing a detonator [BlastReg - 3(q)]
"product identifier" means, in respect of a controlled product, the brand name, code name, code number, chemical name, common name, generic name or trade name [WHMISReg - 1(p)]
"product identifier" means, in respect of a controlled product, the brand name, code name or code number specified by a supplier or the chemical name, common name, generic name or trade name [HMIRReg - 2(1) and CPReg - 2(1)]
"product identification number" means the number and letters, if any, specified in column II of an item of List II in Schedule II to the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations that correspond to the product specified in column I of an item of that List [CPReg - 2(1)]
"professional engineer" means a person who practises professional engineering; "professional engineering" means application of engineering for gain, hire or hope of reward, either
directly or indirectly; "engineering" means the science and art of designing, investigating, supervising the construction, maintenance or operation of, making specifications, inventories or appraisals of, and consultations or reports on machinery, structures, works, plants, mines, mineral deposits, processes, transportation systems, transmission systems and communication systems or any other part thereof [referred to in OHSAct - 21(1) - definitions from Engineering Profession Act - 2(g), (m), (n)]
"professional engineer" means a person who is a professional engineer within the meaning of the Engineering Professions Act and is competent to do the work being performed [FP"SReg - 3(ac)]
"program of instruction" means a group of courses that leads to the granting of a College diploma or College certificate [referred to in OHSAct - 22(b) - definition from Community Colleges Act - 2(i) and 50(i) - note that the term actually defined in the Community Colleges Act is "program of study"]
"program" means an occupational health and safety program required pursuant to this Act, unless the context otherwise requires [OHSAct - 3(z)]
"prohibited product" means any product, material or substance included in Part I of Schedule I [HPAct - 2]
"project" means a construction project, and includes
"pumpjack scaffold" means a scaffold consisting of a work platform supported by vertical poles and adjustable support brackets [FP"SReg - 3(ad)]
"ramp" means a ramp designed primarily for pedestrian use [OSGReg - 143A - Application of definition limited to sections 144 and 145 of OSGReg]
"rated load" means the maximum load that a hoist is designed to lift or the revised maximum load that a hoist can lift in accordance with subsection (9) or (10) [OSGReg 73(1) - Application of definition limited to sections 73 and 74 of OSGReg]
"rolling scaffold" means an assembled scaffold
"reasonably practicable" means practicable unless the person on whom a duty is placed can show that there is a gross disproportion between the benefit of the duty and the cost, in time, trouble and money, of the measures to secure the duty [OHSAct - 3(ab) and FP"SReg - 3(ae)]
"regularly employed" includes seasonal employment with a predictably recurring period of employment that exceeds four weeks, unless otherwise established by regulation or ordered by an officer [OHSAct - 3(ac)]
"regulation" means a regulation made pursuant to section 48 [HMIRAct - 10(1)]
"regulation" means a regulation made pursuant to subsection 15(1) [HPAct - 11(1)]
"remote location" means a place requiring more than 30 minutes of surface travel time in one direction from an emergency care facility that is open during the working hours at a worksite [FirstAidReg - 3(l)]
"representative" means a health and safety representative selected pursuant to this Act [OHSAct - 3(ad)]
"research and development" means systematic investigation or search carried out in a field of science or technology by means of experiment or analysis, other than investigation or search in respect of market research, sales promotion, quality control or routine testing of controlled products, and includes
"respiratory tract sensitization" means the development in a person who is not atopic of severe asthma-like symptoms on exposure to a substance to which the person has been exposed [CPReg - 32 - Application of definition limited to Part IV of CPReg]
"restricted product" means any product, material or substance included in Part II of Schedule I [HPAct - 2]
"rigging hardware" means a chain, cable, webbing, bucket, grapple, hook, ring, sling or other device used to attach a load to a hoist [OSGReg - 80(1) - Application of definition limited to section 80 of OSGReg]
"risk phrase" means, in respect of a controlled product or a class, division or subdivision of controlled products, a statement identifying a hazard that may arise from the nature of the controlled product or the class, division or subdivision of controlled products [CPReg - 2(1) and WHMISReg - 1(q)]
"roofing bracket" means a bracket
"ropegrab" means a mechanical fall-arrest device that
"rule" means a rule made pursuant to section 47 [HMIRAct - 10(1)]
"SAE" means the Society of Automotive Engineers [OSGReg - 2(aa)]
"safe means of access and egress" means equipment or a structure that is built to prevent falls by persons going to or from a work area [FP"SReg - 3(ai)]
"safe surface" means an area which
"safeguard" means a guard, shield, guardrail, fence, gate, barrier, safety net, wire mesh or other protective enclosure or device, but does not include personal protective equipment [OSGReg - 87(1) - Application of definition limited to section 87 of OSGReg]
"safety belt" means a belt worn by a person as a means of fall protection [FP"SReg - 3(ak)]
"scaffold" means
"screening officer" means a screening officer appointed pursuant to section 38 [HMIRAct - 10(1)]
"selected chair" or "selected member" means a person proposed by the appeal office for designation by the Minister to a panel to hear a particular appeal; [AppealReg - 2(c)]
"self-employed person" means a person who is engaged in an occupation on that person's own behalf but does not include a dependent contractor [OHSAct - 3(ae)]
"sell" includes offer for sale, expose for sale and distribute [HPAct - 2]
"skin sensitization" means an immunologically-mediated cutaneous reaction in a person who is not atopic or in an animal that is not atopic on exposure to a substance to which the person or animal has been exposed [CPReg - 32 - Application of definition limited to Part IV of CPReg]
"softener" means padding or hoses that are used with a lifeline, suspended scaffold or static line to prevent a rope from being cut or chafed [FP"SReg - 3(am)]
"standard first aid certificate" means a certification of successful completion of a first aid course that consists of at least 13 hours of instruction [FirstAidReg - 3(m)]
"standard" means any standard issued pursuant to Section 4 of these regulations; [OHReg - 1(e)]
"static line" means a rope
"statistically significant" means shown by statistical procedures to have a high probability of being due to something other than chance [CPReg - 32 - Application of definition limited to Part IV of CPReg]
"structural fire-fighting" means the activities of rescue, fire suppression and conservation of property from fires involving buildings, structures, vehicles, vessels, aircraft or other large objects constructed by human effort [OSGReg - 2(ab)]
"subsequent claim for exemption" means a claim for exemption that
"supplier material safety data sheet" means a material safety data sheet provided by a supplier pursuant to paragraph 13(a) of the Hazardous Products Act; [WHMISReg - 1(s)]
"supplier identifier" means, in respect of a controlled product, the name of the supplier of the controlled product [CPReg - 2(1)]
"supplier label" means a label provided by a supplier disclosing the information and displaying the hazard symbols referred to in paragraph 13(b) of the Hazardous Products Act and meeting the requirements of the Controlled Products Regulations [WHMISReg - 1(r)]
"supplier" means a person who manufactures, supplies, sells, leases, distributes or installs any tool, equipment, machine or device or any biological, chemical or physical agent to be used by an employee [OHSAct - 3(af)]
"supplier" means a person who is a manufacturer, processor or packager of a controlled product or a person who, in the course of business, imports or sells controlled products [HPAct - 11(1)]
"supplier" has the same meaning as in the Hazardous Products Act [HMIRAct - 10(1)]
"surface mine" means a work or undertaking, other than a trench, for the purpose of opening up, proving, removing or extracting any metallic or non-metallic mineral or mineral bearing substance, rock, earth, clay, sand or gravel by means of an open excavation, and includes a pit or quarry [OSGReg - 2(ac)]
"surface travel time" means the time required to safely transport an injured employee on a stretcher to an emergency care facility by land or water, having consideration for the weather, road conditions, traffic patterns and other factors which may affect travel and are likely to prevail during working hours [FirstAidReg - 3(n)]
"suspended scaffold" means a scaffold with a work platform supported by ropes suspended from components cantilevered out from a building or other structure, and includes a swingstage, a boatswain's chair and a multi-point suspended scaffold [FP"SReg - 3(ao)]
"swingstage" means a scaffold with a work platform supported by two ropes [FP"SReg - 3(ap)]
"switching device" means a device designed for the sole purpose of opening, closing or opening and closing one or more electrical circuits, and includes
"temporary workplace" means a workplace that is
(i) located on or near a highway,
"temporary flooring" means a horizontal working surface that
"thimble" means a metal insert for the inside of a wire rope eye, used when forming an attachment loop, to prevent wear on the rope; [FP"SReg - 3(ar)]
"tower crane" means any mechanical device or structure that
"trade secret" means any secret, commercially valuable plan, appliance, formula, process, pattern, device or information which is generally recognized as confidential by an employer, supplier or manufacturer, as the case may be, including but not limited to the name and other identification of a chemical, substance or agent which is secret [DOInfoReg - 1(d)]
"trade school" means any school or place or any course of study by correspondence or otherwise kept or operated by any person wherein or whereby any trade is taught or purported to be taught. [referred to in OHSAct - 22(a) - definition from Trade Schools Regulation Act - 2(f)]
"transmit" means to transmit by any physical, electronic, optical or other means [HPAct - 11(1)]
"trench" means an excavation in which the excavation depth exceeds the excavation width [OSGReg - 2(ae)]
"union" includes a trade union as defined in the Trade Union Act that has the status of bargaining agent under that Act in respect of any bargaining unit at a workplace, and includes an organization representing employees where the organization has exclusive bargaining rights under any other Act in respect of the employees [OHSAct - 3(ag)]
"vapour" means the gaseous form of a substance that is found in a solid or liquid state at normal atmospheric pressure [CPReg - 32 - Application of definition limited to Part IV of CPReg]
"welding or allied process" means any specific type of electric or oxy fuel gas welding or cutting process referred to in Appendix A of CSA standard CSA W117.2 - 94, "Safety in Welding, Cutting, and Allied Processes", and includes
"wooden carpenter's portable bracket scaffold" means a triangular wooden bracket scaffold with gussets that is attached to a vertical wall when in use and which does not normally have another means of support during use [FP"SReg - 3(as)]
"work platform" means a temporary horizontal working surface that provides access and support to a person at the workplace [FP"SReg - 3(au)]
"work area" means a location at the workplace at which an employee is, or may be required or permitted to be, stationed and includes a work platform [FP"SReg - 3(at)]
"work area" means a location at the workplace at which an employee is working, or may be required or permitted to work [OSGReg - 2(af)]
"work place" means a place where a person works for remuneration [CPReg - 2(2) - Application of definition limited to Part II of HPAct]
"work place" has the meaning assigned by regulation [HPAct - 11(1)]
"worked" means drilled, blasted, extracted, excavated, loaded or subjected to other similar work [OSGReg - 2(ag)]
"working face" means an area in a surface mine where consolidated or unconsolidated material is worked [OSGReg - 174 - Application of definition limited to Part 15 of OSGReg]
"workplace label" means a label which discloses
"workplace" means any place where an employee is or is likely to be engaged in any occupation and includes any vehicle or mobile equipment used or likely to be used by an employee in an occupation [OHSAct - 3(ah)]
"written form" includes an electronic transmission which is received by the recipient in a readable form [AppealReg - 2(f)]
"zero energy state" means a condition in which a machine, equipment, tool or electrical installation is rendered incapable of spontaneous or unexpected action or otherwise releasing kinetic or potential energy [OSGReg - 51(1)(e) - Application of definition limited to Part 6 of OSGReg]
Nova Scotia Department of Labour and Advanced Education
Occupational Health and Safety Division
5151 Terminal Road, 5th Floor
PO Box 697
Halifax, Nova Scotia
B3J 2T8
Phone: (902)424-5400 or 1-800-9LABOUR (in N.S.)
Fax: (902)424-5640
Secure Enquiry Form
Single copies of related publications are available from the Occupational Health and Safety Division of Nova Scotia Department of Labour and Advanced Education at no charge.