Leasing Crown Land from the Province of Nova Scotia
Crown lands are public assets managed by the Department of Natural Resources. Crown lands can be used for such things as economic development, recreation, and protection of biodiversity. We
have adopted a proactive approach to land asset management and have identified that availability of Crown lands can be an important component for economic and social enterprises and for community
One way that we manage Crown lands are through long-term land leases. We issue leases in response to individual applications or as a result of a public tendering process initiated by us.
How to lease crown land
- Review our Crown Land Leasing Policy, which sets out the process for leasing Crown land.
- Study the guidelines, which explain the process and requirements for applying for a Crown land lease
- general information on accessing Crown land
- who can apply (eligibility)
- how to make an application
- requirements of a development plan
- fees and other requirements such as land surveys, land market value appraisals, and financial securities or performance bonds
- renewal and monitoring for lease compliance.
- Identify the Crown land that would support your project.
- You can apply online or download an application form from our website.
Leasing Crown land includes a number of steps that can make the process take longer than leasing privately owned land. These steps include:
- integrated resource management review to determine how the activity could impact other programs and priorities
- consultation with the Mi’kmaq of Nova Scotia to determine if the activity could impact Aboriginal and treaty rights
- obtaining the approval of the Minister or Cabinet.
Download the brochure on Leasing Crown Land