Indian and Northern Affairs Canada-Comprehensive Claims Branch
Indian and Northern Affairs Canada-Agreements Page
Treaty Negotiations in Ontario
Department of Labrador and Aboriginal Affairs
Mi'kmaq Atlantic Policy Congress Treaty Education Initiative
Confederacy of Mainland Mi'kmaq
Union of Nova Scotia Indians
BC Treaty Commission
Department of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada:
Peace and Friendship Treaties - All treaties signed in eastern Canada
1752 Peace and Friendship Treaty - Transcribed from R. v. Simon, SCC, 1985.
Province of Nova Scotia:
Historical Indian Treaties Map (1725 to 1779) - Department of Natural Resources.
Mi'kmaq Holdings Resource Guide - Nova Scotia Archives and Records Management.
Library and Archives Canada:
Treaties in Historical Perspective - From the era of New France to the present.
Canada in the Making:
Aboriginals - Treaties and Relations 1492-1779 - First contact to the Treaties.