Nova Scotia’s nursing strategy is helping Nova Scotia attract and keep the nurses it needs now, and into the future.
Government invests close to $4.7 million a year to help employers recruit and retain nurses through orientation and support for new graduates, professional development, mentorship, and co-op student work placements.
Since the strategy was launched in May 2015, the province has funded more than 40 innovative projects, proposed by nurses, to improve workplaces, and recruit and retain nurses.
These projects included an exchange program between rural and urban nurses, and a program that helped nurse leaders working in home care in rural Cape Breton strengthen their teams and improve how care is provided to patients and their families.
The nursing strategy has also supported assessment and bridging programs for new immigrant nurses as they work to earn their RN license in Nova Scotia, and offered targeted funding for co-op placements in hard-to-fill areas like mental health and addictions and long-term care.
Read the 2016 Nursing Strategy Update in PDF format
View original Nursing Strategy in PDF format
View Registered Nurse Education Review in Nova Scotia - Final Report in PDF format
View Registered Nurse Education Review in Nova Scotia - Highlights of the final report in PDF format