
This toolbox provides materials and links that support Ecosystem Management in Nova Scotia. Landscape Level policies, guidelines and mapping tools provide a framework for planning and delivering ecosystem-based management; describing ecological processes and structures; and assigning land use intensities.

Field Tools provide ecological guidelines prior to the perscription of management inputs.

Landscape Level Tools:

Nova Scotia's Code of Forest Practice
A Framework for the Implementation of Sustainable Forest Management outlines the principles for management. Forest products, wildlife habitat, and integrated forest use.

A Procedural Guide For Ecological Landscape Analysis (REPORT FOR 2008-2)

Field Tools:

Old Growth Scoresheet

Mapping Tools:

ELC Digital Data Download
Areas of similar ecology are identified and mapped within a hierarchy of ecosystems where broad to specific levels of detail are presented on a series of maps.
The regulations are designed to protect water quality and to maintain various elements of wildlife habitat on all forest harvest sites in Nova scotia.

Provincial Landscape Viewer
The Provincial Landscape Viewer is an online map utility for viewing Department datasets commonly used in landscape planning. These include forest inventory, ecological landscape classification, wildlife, wetlands, Crown lands, protected areas, etc.

Wet Areas Mapping (WAM)
Predicts the depth-to-watertable using elevation (DEM) data, mapped and unmapped streams, water features and wetlands, and data collected and contributed by the partners.View the WAM data online via the Provincial Landscape Viewer or download the data.

Links and Other Useful Resources:

Forest Ecosystem Classification
In 2010, results from 10 years of FEC project work were synthesized to produce a comprehensive provincial FEC guide which is presented in three documents: Forest Ecosystem Classification for Nova Scotia: Part I Vegetation Types (2010); Part II Soil Types (2010); and Part III Ecosites (2010). This three-part guide builds upon, but also supersedes, all earlier FEC publications.

Wildlife Habitat and Watercourses Protection Regulations
The regulations are designed to protect water quality and to maintain various elements of wildlife habitat on all forest harvest sites in Nova scotia.

General Status Ranks of Wild Species in Nova Scotia
The General Status Assessment process is a "first alert" system that provides us with an overall indication of how well species are doing in Nova Scotia. It is a tool that helps us identify which species populations are secure, which species are sensitive and which ones are at risk.

Protected Areas - Nova Scotia Department of Environment
The Protected Areas Branch is responsible for planning and managing Nova Scotia's Wilderness Areas, Nature Reserves and Heritage Rivers.

Atlantic Canada Conservation Data Centre (ACCDC):
Provides objective data and expertise about species and ecological communities of conservation concern, including species at risk, and undertakes field biological inventories to support conservation related decision-making, research, and education in Atlantic Canada.

Contractors and Operators Best Management Practices Manual
For contractors and operators working in private woodlots, a manual of best management practices that describes how to develop landowner agreements, build roads, implement harvesting systems, protect wildlife habitat and conduct self-audits (Nova Forest Alliance, 2001)