Pre-Treatment Assessments (PTA)
PTA’s are a vital part of Nova Scotia’s Natural Resource Strategy. They are required to gather the necessary information to prescribe an ecosystems based management prescription. Using Nova Scotia Forest Management Guides.
To help implement PTA’s, the following tools are availiable.
Download Wind Exposure Data - Download a provincial raster dataset (stored within an ESRI File Geodatabase), along with a layer file (.lyr) of the standard wind exposure symbology and an ArcMap MXD containing the data and symbology for use with ArcMap 10.2.x and greater.
Download FEC Soil Type Data in Shapefile (700 mb zip file) or ESRI File Geodatabase (500 mb zip file) format
View the FEC Soil Type and Wind Exposure data online in the Pre-Treatment Assessment Reference Viewer
To be notified of updates to the PTA program email: Tim McGrath at