Vision & Mission of Correctional Services

Vision, Mission & Key Principles


Correctional Services’ mission, vision and key principles, and those of its components, are consistent with those of the Department of Justice, the Correctional Services Act and the Correctional Services Regulations.

Divisional Vision and Vision Narrative

Correctional Services’ vision is of a professional, properly trained, motivated staff team working in an integrated, focussed, equitable delivery system, providing cost-effective programs and services that are responsive to offenders and the public.

To accomplish our vision, Correctional Services will provide leadership in the delivery of

  • safe, secure correctional facilities and healthy, supportive correctional facilities for offenders and staff
  • programs and services based on high standards to achieve positive change in offender behaviour and attitude
  • services which balance deterrence, punishment and rehabilitation
  • partnerships with other correctional and community-based agencies
  • integrated information and communication systems
  • achievement of goals and objectives through creativity, innovation and integrity in decision making continuity and consistency in service delivery within and between operating units


The mission of Correctional Services is to contribute to the maintenance of a just, peaceful and safe society by

  • providing services to assist the courts in the remanding and sentencing processes
  • administering community- and custody-based sentences of the courts
  • providing safe and secure custody, direction and control for the accused and convicted offenders
  • providing programs that address dynamic criminogenic factors, and reintegration planning to facilitate the successful integration of offenders into the community

Key Principles

Our key principles which are reflected in the Division's policies, strategic planning, operations and management, are

  • respect for the rights and dignity of all those involved in the correctional process
  • recognition that the offender remains a member of society and forfeits only those rights and privileges which are taken away by statute or those necessary because of court imposed custody or control
  • use of the least restrictive actions needed to meet the legal requirements of the court disposition
  • recognition that law abiding behaviour is a matter of personal choice and individual responsibility
  • provision of a favourable environment with encouragement and support from staff that meets the needs of offenders, encourages their participation in programs and helps result in a positive response
  • use of services available to the public in the correctional process, whenever practical or possible
  • shared responsibility and cooperative action among staff, the community, other segments of the justice system, and offenders
  • effective use of resources through data gathering and evaluation
  • positive working conditions and effective development for staff
  • safeguards for the use of discretion that are fair and seen as fair
  • accountability through regular independent and public assessment