Policing Services is accountable to the Minister of Justice and the public they serve. We will strive to inform the police community as to our activities through a policy of openness and accessibility.
Policing Services will be sensitive and responsive to the needs of the police community and the public they serve. Our programs and policies will be evaluated on an ongoing basis to measure their validity, reliability and effectiveness.
Policing Services will ensure that the resources supplied by the taxpayers of Nova Scotia are used to provide the best value in performance and productivity.
Policing is a shared responsibility of governments, communities and individuals. We believe we can best achieve our mission by entering into partnerships with citizens, organizations and other jurisdictions.
We are committed to providing a working environment that is challenging, rewarding and physically safe; where individual and team contribution is recognized; where respect for the individual is fostered; and where staff can develop professionally and personally.
We aspire to excellence in all work and in the quality of all our programs.
We will cultivate leadership and innovation throughout Policing Services to prepare for a change.
The work of Policing Services will be carried out in a manner that is respectful to the rights of everyone.
Policy and program standards of fairness, honesty, integrity and quality will be consistently applied.
In a democratic society, law is the surest expression of the public will. Policing Services will contribute its skills to making law; promoting the rule of law; promoting decision making based on law; and ensuring that public affairs are administered in accordance with the law.
The Department of Justice is committed to the fair and effective administration of justice and to excellence in service to the people of Nova Scotia.
Policing Services will be committed to providing a physically safe work environment that is challenging and rewarding, where individual and team contribution is recognized; where respect for the individual is fostered; and where law enforcement officers, investigators and guards, in both the private and public sector can develop professionally and personally. Policing Services shall ensure the efficient and effective administration of the firearms control program and the licensing of private investigators and guards within the Province of Nova Scotia.