Some kinds of legal documents are evidence in a Court if it is shown that the party who made them swore or affirmed their truth. The oath or affirmation is taken by a Commissioner of Oaths. An affidavit is a statement of facts which the maker swears to be true. An affirmation is also a statement of facts but the maker affirms instead of swears it to be true. A declaration includes an affidavit or an affirmation.
The Minister of Justice appoints Commissioners of Oaths under the authority of the Notaries and Commissioners Act. A Commissioner of Oaths is deemed to be an officer of the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia. Commissioners take declarations concerning any matter to come before a court in the Province.
In addition to appointments, some professionals are automatically Commissioners of Oaths, including barristers of the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia, Canadian Armed Forces officers on active duty, MLAs, municipal chiefs of police, every commissioned officer of the RCMP on active service and every non-commissioned officer of the RCMP who is head of a detachment on active service in Nova Scotia, and funeral directors.
1690 Hollis Street (B3J 1V7)
P.O. Box 7
Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 1T0
Phone: (902) 424-1182
Email: NPCO-Admin@novascotia.ca