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Homicide The Government of the Province of Nova Scotia is offering rewards of up to one hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($150,000) for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person(s) responsible for the murder of Danny DiBENEDETTO. On February 8, 2005, at approximately 7:35 pm, police responded to a report of a shooting at 33 Dartmoor Crescent. Upon police arrival, police discovered the victim, Danny DiBENEDETTO, laying on his living room floor having suffered from a gun shot wound. Mr. DiBENEDETTO was conscious and he stated that three men entered his home, robbed and shot him before fleeing. Mr. DiBENEDETTO was transported to the QEII Hospital, where he was later pronounced dead. The investigation has revealed that three masked men were seen leaving the address. Any person with information regarding the person(s) responsible for the murder of Danny DiBENEDETTO should call the Rewards for Major Unsolved Crimes Program at 1-888-710-9090. The reward is payable in Canadian funds and will be apportioned as deemed just by the Minister of Justice for the Province of Nova Scotia. Employees of law enforcement and correctional agencies are not eligible to collect this reward. |