The Home Oxygen Services Program is available to eligible Nova Scotians through the Department of Seniors and long-term Care. This program funds oxygen equipment such as oxygen concentrators, portable oxygen tanks and other related supplies.
If you need oxygen services for medical reasons and have been referred to the program by a designated physician throughout the province, you can receive Home Oxygen Services. After your initial referral, your eligibility for Home Oxygen Services will be assessed every year by a designated physician.
You can call Continuing Care at 1-800-225-7225 to find someone in your area or view a list of designated physicians.
Home Oxygen Services are available through your District Health Authority’s Continuing Care division. Once you’ve been referred to the program by a designated physician, you’ll be assessed by a Care Coordinator who will help determine your specific oxygen therapy needs. To contact Continuing Care, call toll free, 1-800-225-7225.
Call Continuing Care, toll-free, at 1-800-225-7225 to arrange for an assessment from a Care Coordinator.
The Home Oxygen Services program gives you equipment to maintain your oxygen treatments at home. You’ll be given an oxygen concentrator, regulator, nasal cannula, oxygen tubing and a backup cylinder. If you are eligible, you’ll also receive a monthly portable oxygen delivery system that will allow you to continue your therapy when you’re not at home. The portable system includes a standard regulator, a cylinder cart, and up to 10 oxygen tanks.
There is no cost for oxygen equipment provided through the Home Oxygen Services Program.
Oxygen therapy is only effective if taken as directed, which means you must be smoke-free when receiving Home Oxygen Services. You must sign a non-smoking agreement when funded for this service by the Department of Seniors and Long-term Care. You must also maintain regular appointments with a designated physician who will monitor your therapy progress and make adjustments if necessary, and you must continue your therapy as directed and renew your oxygen prescription every year.
You will be required to sign a non-smoking agreement. It’s up to you to notify your Care Coordinator and oxygen provider when your personal information changes such as a change in address, an anticipated change in service delivery (vacations, hospital stays, etc.) and/or a change to your emergency contact.
A Care Coordinator will provide you with a list of approved oxygen providers. You can choose any provider from this Approved Vendor List. Once you choose a provider, you must continue to receive your oxygen from them for at least one year. Whichever provider you choose will deliver, set up and maintain your equipment as part of the service they provide.
Your Home Oxygen Services funding is covered for use within Nova Scotia only. The program does not cover any costs for oxygen received while traveling outside the province. Please note that if you are away from the province for more than 90 days, you’ll be discharged from the Home Oxygen Services Program.
Yes, your home oxygen funding will continue for up to 30 days after you enter the hospital. Your funding will be placed on hold if you are hospitalized for more than 30 days. However, if your hospital stay lasts for more than 90 days, you will be discharged/released from the Home Oxygen Services Program.
The Department of Seniors and Long-term Care has created policies and monitoring standards to ensure that there is a consistent quality of care for those who need services outside of the hospital, in their home, or in the community.
Visit Policies and Standards page.
To apply, call Continuing Care, at 1-800-225-7225.