The Northeast Nova Scotia Correctional Facility (NNSCF) opened in February 2015. This state of the art direct supervision facility has a capacity of 196 offenders and a staffing complement of 138 employees.
The facility is designed with 2 separate units: Alpha and Bravo. Each unit consists of 3 smaller living units including a 40-bed, 38-bed and a 20-bed living space. The in-custody population is made up of individuals who are either provincially sentenced, remanded, parole violations or newly sentenced to a federal custody term. NNSCF staff work closely with community partners in developing offender programs that will assist in offender reintegration in the community.
Replacing the now decommissioned Antigonish and Cumberland correctional facilities, the NNSCF services the courthouses in Truro, Amherst, Pictou, Antigonish and Port Hawkesbury.