To become a Special Constable, one must be:
If you are applying for a Special Constable appointment to enforce provincial/federal legislation and/or municipal by-laws you must use the following form, and submit your application to the address noted below. The Application must be accompanied by:
New Applications:
Special Constable Appointment for Enforcement of Legislation and/or Municipal By-laws Application Form (PDF)
Special Constable Renewal Application Form (PDF)
Submit your application to the following address:
Department of Justice, Public Safety & Security Division
Attention: Security Programs Office
P.O. Box 7
Halifax, Nova Scotia
B3J 2L6
If you are applying for a Special Constable appointment to perform parking enforcement within Halifax Regional Municipality you must use the following forms, and submit your application to the address noted below.
Special Constable Appointment Application Form for HRM Parking Enforcement (PDF)
Property Information Form - HRM (PDF)
Halifax Regional Municipality- Parking Enforcement
P.O. Box 1749
Halifax, NS B3J 3A5