In response to a request from the Wild Blueberry Producers Association of Nova Scotia (WBPANS), NR&R and Department of Agriculture implemented an initiative to find suitable Crown lands for wild blueberry development.
Starting in the fall of 2014, an interdepartmental project team (including representatives from Perennia, WBPANS) defined the characteristics of Crown lands that will be suited for wild blueberry development, identified potential Crown lands and conducted field trips to confirm suitability of the target sites. Areas considered to have good potential were identified using the following selection criteria:
Six Crown parcels were tendered in late summer of 2015. These lands are identified in the map below.
After an open Request for Proposals (RFP) process, none of the six parcels leased. NR&R is currently working with the WBPANS on re-issuing the RFP in March 2016. Crown lands that will remain available after the RFP closes in August 2016 will be posted on this website and made available for leasing on a first-come, first served basis.