Asphalt for 2011–2012 | County | |
Repaving 100 Series Highways | ||
Highway 101; from Gore at Exit 12 westerly to Exit 13 -5.0 km | Kings | |
Highway 101; from Exit 10 easterly to Exit 9 Eastbound On Ramp termination - 3.0 km | Kings | |
Highway 101; from Exit 5 easterly to Portland cement concrete section - 9.1 km | Hants | |
Highway 102; Southbound Lanes from 2.6 km north of Stewiacke River Bridge to end of Exit 11 (Stewiacke) On Ramp - 4.1 km |
Colchester | |
Highway 103; from Mersey River Bridge (km 157) westerly to Five Rivers Bridge (km 149) - 7.9 km | Queens | |
Highway 104; Eastbound Lanes from Pictou/Colchester County Line Easterly (Km 134.7 to 144.2) - 9.5km | Pictou | |
Highway 104; from Exit 36 A easterly to the Gorman Road Underpass -5 km | Antigonish | |
Highway 104; Westbound Lanes from end of Portland cement concrete pavement westerly (KM Marker 43.3 to 41) - 2.3 km |
Cumberland | |
Highway 118; Southbound Lanes from approximately 4-km south of Highway 102 Junction to end of on ramp from Highway 107 Eastbound - 6.0 km |
Halifax | |
Highway 125; Westbound Lanes from Exit 5A to Exit 4 (including ramps at Exit 4 and Exit 5)- 5.1 km | Cape Breton | |
Repaving Arterial/ Collectors | ||
Route 215; from Mosher Road easterly to the end of Route 215 at Trunk 2 in Shubenacadie - 6.5 km | Hants | |
Route 216; from 0.5 km east of MacAdam's Lane easterly to Trunk 4 - 7.4 km | Cape Breton | |
Route 224; from Killag Road westerly - 6 km | Halifax | |
Route 236; from Northfield Road easterly to Georgefield Road - 6.3 km | Hants | |
Route 245; from Smith Road to Brown Mill Road - 6.1 km | Pictou | |
Route 289; from Route 336 easterly to Crockett Bridge - 6 km | Colchester | |
Route 316; from 4.7 km west of Trunk 16 (end of 2008 repaving) westerly to 0.5 km west of Whitehead Road - 6.4 |
Guysborough | |
Route 326; from 1.3 km north of Back Mountain Road to 1.7 km south of Sandy MacKay Road - 6.5 km | Colchester | |
Route 376; from Route 256 to Durham Road - 6.2 km | Pictou | |
Trunk 1; from Grosses Coques Bridge westerly to Patrice Road - 5.9 km | Digby | |
Trunk 1; from Hwy 101 Exit 27, Weymouth north westerly to old DAR Crossing - 6.9 km | Digby | |
Trunk 2; from Barney Brook northerly to Milford Road in Milford Station - 5.5 km | Hants | |
Trunk 3; from Highway 103 connector easterly to Willets Road - 6.5 km | Yarmouth | |
Trunk 3; from Dominique Road to the Annis River Bridge - 2.9 km | Yarmouth | |
Trunk 4; from 700 m East of Barclay to Col/Cum County Line - 5.3 km | Colchester | |
Trunk 4 (Grand Lake Road); from eastern lights at Mayflower Mall entrance easterly - 2.8km | Cape Breton | |
Trunk 7; from Moser River Bridge westerly to 100m east of Quoddy Bridge - 9.1 km | Pictou | |
Trunk 10; from Ridge Road northerly - 4.5 km | Halifax | |
Trunk 7; from Route 224 intersection easterly to East River Bridge - 3.2 km | Halifax | |
Trunk 10; from end 2010 paving to West Dalhousie Road (Albany Cross) - 9.3 km | Annapolis | |
Trunk 10; from Crisp Road southerly – 4.5 km | Annapolis | |
Trunk 19; from 1.6 km south of Chisholm Mill Road northerly to Campbells Road - 6.5 km | Inverness | |
Repaving Local Roads | ||
Beech Hill Road; from Trunk 3 northerly to Pennell Road - 2.3 km | Lunenburg | |
Ben Jackson Road; from Fielding Road to Halfway River Road - 3.1 km | Kings | |
Black Rock Road; from Canada Creek southerly to Route 221 (various sections) | Kings | |
Cambridge Road; from Brooklyn Street southerly to Trunk 1 - 3.1 km | Kings | |
Conqueral Road; from Route 331 to Conqueral Mills - 7.5 km | Lunenberg | |
Conqueral Road; from Route 331 to Conqueral Mills - 7.5 km | Cape Breton | |
Irishtown Road; from Trunk 6 to end - 2 km | Cumberland | |
Mill Road; from Windsor Cross Road northerly - 2.3 km | Lunenberg | |
Miller Road; from Trunk 6 to end of pavement - 3.7 km | Cumberland | |
Petite Riviere Road; from Route 331 to Italy Cross Road - 2.3 km | Lunenberg | |
Shore Road; from Black Point Road to Roseway Beach Road- 7.0 km | Shelburne | |
Station Road; from Trunk 2 northerly to East Village Road - 6.4 km | Colchester | |
Three Brooks Road; from Pictou Town line to Highway 106 - 8.7 km | Pictou | |
West Bay Road; from intersection of County Line Road easterly 6.4 km to construction joint at Black River Bridge - 6.4 km | Richmond | |
Westmount Road; from Keltic Drive to Sydport Road (various sections) - 1.5 km | Cape Breton | |
Williams Point Road; from Trunk 4 to end - 3.5 km | Antigonish | |
Double Chip Resurfacing Local Roads | ||
Cove Road; from Trunk 7 to end - 0.4 km | Halifax | |
East Davidson Street; from Melanson Road to Greenfield Road - 3.65 km | Kings | |
East Long Island Road; from junction of Grand Pre Road to end of double chip - 3.6 km | Kings | |
Grand Lake Road; from Renfrew Road to end - 4.7 km | Hants | |
Little Dyke Road; from western end of Trunk 2 entrance to Donkin - 2.5 km | Colchester | |
North River Road; from end of pavement to Aylesford Road - 4.5 km | Kings | |
Shore Road; from Route 207 easterly to start of pavement - 1.0 km | Halifax | |
Stewiacke Road; from South Branch westerly towards Quarry - 3.4 km | Colchester | |
Upper Clyde Road; from end of pavement northerly to Colquist Road - 9.4 km | Shelburne | |
West Long Island Road; from Junction of Evangiline Breech Road to end of double chip seal - 1.6 km | Kings | |
Pavement Strengthening | ||
Upper Lietches Creek Road; from the intersection at Route 223 southerly 3.5 km to end of pavement and then 1.3 to entrance of Alva Quarry - 4.8 km | Victoria | |
Maintenance Paving | ||
Antrim Road; from Jct Route 277 to end of pavement - 5.4 km | Halifax | |
Barss Corner Road; from Forties Road southerly - 4.0 km | Lunenberg | |
Bear Point Road; from Trunk 3 to Trunk 3 - 4.4 km | Shelburne | |
Clarence Road; from Fitch Road to a point westerly - 2.8 km | Annapolis | |
Conquerall Road; from Crousetown Road Westerly to Highway 103 (various sections) - 3.4 km | Lunenberg | |
Greenhill Road; from Ardoise School Road to Woodville Road - 4.12 km | Hants | |
Langford Road; from Route 340 southeasterly - 5.0 km | Digby | |
Lakeview Drive; from Conquerall Mills Road to end of road at the cul-de-sac - 0.63 km | Lunenberg | |
Lower River Road; from Hwy 104 northerly to Trunk 4 - 7.6 km | Richmond | |
Mooseland Road; from end of pavement at village of Mooseland southerly (various sections) - 8 km | Halifax | |
Route 245; from Arisaig Point Road westerly - 3.34 km | Antigonish | |
Route 256; from Route 376 westerly - 3.0 km | Pictou | |
Route 289; from Woodburn Road easterly to Melmerby Beach - 3.0 km | Pictou | |
Route 312; from Jct Hwy 105 Exit 12 northerly to Ferry - 6.11 km | Vctoria | |
Route 341; from Route 358 westerly to Church Street - 6.9 km | Kings | |
Route 345; from Wallace Bridge northerly to Guysborough/Pictou County Line - 6.8 km | Guysborough | |
Trout Brook Road; from Trunk 22 southerly - 4.0 km | Cape Breton | |
Trunk 2; from 4.5 km south of Amherst town line southerly - 3.5 km | Cumberland | |
Trunk 2; from Kennedy Road to Rail Road Crossing - 5.4 km | Colchester | |
Trunk 3; from Mullock Road easterly to Lunenburg town line - 7.9 km | Lunenberg | |
Trunk 4; from Exit 21 to 20 - 4.5 km | Pictou | |
Trunk 4; from Hwy 104 West Bound on-ramp (Exit 7) easterly - 2.5 km | Cumberland | |
Trunk 8; from 0.8 km north of DNR Rifle Range northerly to 2009 paving - 6.7 km | Queens | |
Trunk 8; from approx. 0.6 km south of Virginia Road to a point 6.5km southerly (various sections) - 2.9 km | Annapolis | |
West Caledonia Road; from Hibernia Road to Canning Road (various sections) - 4.0 km | Queen | |
Paving Subdivision Roads | ||
Candy Mountain Road; from existing pavement to end - 0.284 km | Halifax | |
Peter Court; from Mineville Road to cul de sac - 0.137 | Halifax | |
Sandra Drive; from Denise Drive to end - 0.46 km | Halifax | |
MacFarlane Street; from Thomas Street to civic 17 - 0.108 km | Halifax | |
River Drive; from Sunrise Drive to civic 23 River Drive - 0.185 km | Halifax | |
Tanlor Drive; from Myra Road to end - 0.472 km | Halifax | |
Oceanic Drive; from Windward Lane to Leeward Court - 1.231 km | Halifax | |
Windward Lane; from Crowell Road to end - 0.167 km | Halifax | |
Leeward Court; from Oceanic Drive to end - 0.14 km | Halifax | |
Wendybrook Drive; from Route 333 to end - 0.78 km | Halifax | |