The Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act and Regulations sets standards for shipments of harmful chemicals, to protect the public and those moving the goods.
'Dangerous Goods' are defined in the regulations. Examples are, explosives, compressed gas (such as oxygen, propane, aerosols), flammable liquids (such as paint, gasoline, diesel fuel), oxidizing substances, toxic substances (poison), infectious substances, corrosive substances, and miscellaneous goods that pose enough of a risk in transport to justify regulation.
Moving dangerous goods by any means of transport requires compliance with the regulations. The regulations normally require training those who handle, offer, or transport dangerous goods. Employers must ensure employees receive training appropriate for their work assignment and issue them a training certificate. Otherwise, dangerous goods duties may only be performed under the direct supervision of a trained person.
For transportation by road in Nova Scotia, the Department of Public Work's Vehicle Compliance Group is responsible for administering the regulations.
For help with enforcement questions, or understanding the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations, call (902) 577.0948 or email: Roderick.Dykeman@novascotia.ca Alternatively, questions on any subject may be sent by e-mail using the Department's Public Affairs address.
Transport Canada's, Dangerous Goods Group, Atlantic Region (federal) has inspectors who may inspect business and such premises as air transport facilities where they have jurisdiction.
Responding quickly and appropriately to dangerous goods incidents is important. Shippers should have an appropriate response plan for the goods and quantities moved. If an incident happens, it may need to be reported to the Provincial Authorities by way of the local police (911), 1-800-565-1633, or (902) 426-6030.
The Transport Canada emergency response agency, Canutec can give expert advice on what to do if there is an incident; they may be contacted (24/7) by phone, (613) 996-6666.
The Emergency Response Guidebook (ERG) contains emergency response incident advice for use in the absence of an expert. It may be download or purchased through dealers in transportation of dangerous goods equipment.
Information changes rapidly. If you can update the information here, please contact us at tpwpaff@gov.ns.ca.
Summary Offence Ticket Regulations - Schedule 2A (Nova Scotia)