Highway Funding in Nova Scotia in 2011-12
There are three primary sources of
funding for highway construction
and maintenance in Nova Scotia.
The majority of highway funding in Nova Scotia is
from provincial sources. Provincial funding includes
all revenue from provincial gas taxes and the net
revenue from the Registry of Motor Vehicles.
The federal government provides funding from a
variety of federal programs, including the Canada
Strategic Infrastructure Fund, the Building Canada
Plan, the Gateways and Border Crossings Fund and
infrastructure stimulus funding.
Some funding is received from municipalities for
cost-shared projects in their jurisdictions.

Each year the highway capital budget is approved
as part of the provincial budget. This funding is
used for projects across the province, with more
than 150 highway improvement projects slated for
The 2011-12 highway capital budget is $265
million, the third largest investment ever made in
Nova Scotia's road system.
The following chart provides a breakdown of how
this funding is being spent.