How Are Projects Prioritized?
100 series highways
Major construction upgrades and twinning of our
100 series highways are based primarily on traffic
volumes, safety studies, and collision statistics.
For paving projects, the department has
implemented a Pavement Management System for
100 series highways in 2010 that involves collecting
up-to-date pavement conditions and traffic
information on all 100 series highways and uses a
pavement management software program that
follows nationally accepted guidelines to generate
the best possible maintenance and rehabilitation
plan. This information, combined with the technical
knowledge of highway program staff, is used to
develop annual and multi-year paving plans,
including various rehabilitation and preservation
Truck routes and local paved roads
handling more than 500 vehicles
The following factors are used to assess priorities
for repaving secondary and local paved roads:
- traffic volumes
- surface roughness
- pavement conditions (cracking, rutting, and
broken pavement)
Priorities for pavement preservation projects such
as crack and chip sealing are developed by highway
program staff who assess the current age and
condition of the pavement.
Local low-volume paved roads
and gravel roads
The following factors will be considered when
determining priorities for surface stabilization
- traffic volumes
- roadside development, including the number of homes, businesses, and community sites (including churches, community halls, recreation centres, parks, etc.) that are located on the road
- requests for road repairs from residents, businesses, not for profit groups, community groups, chambers of commerce and elected officials
Provincial bridges are inspected and assessed on an
annual basis by Department of Transportation and
Infrastructure Renewal engineers and inspectors.
Priorities for annual and multi-year bridge
rehabilitation and replacement programs are
developed by staff considering the condition and
age of the structure, the use of the structure, the
volume of traffic and weights, and the class of
roadway the structure is located on. In all cases,
public safety is the primary consideration.
Road building in Nova Scotia

Road building is an important industry in Nova
Scotia, creating good jobs and injecting millions of
dollars into the economy. An estimated 5,000 Nova
Scotians are directly employed in road building, and
another 2,500 are indirectly employed by the
industry. The annual payroll of Nova Scotians
employed in road building across the province is
approximately $300 million. Each road construction
or maintenance project also brings spinoff benefits
for a variety of support industries, including
construction materials, metalwork/welding,
engineering, electrical, and hazard removal.
Building and maintaining our roads
Building and maintaining our roads is a significant
taxpayer investment.(see right)