Why a 5-year Plan

Nova Scotia's first ever five-year
paving and highway improvement
plan was released on November 29,
2010, as part of government's commitment to
fixing rural roads and keeping communities strong.
The 2011-12 edition is the second five-year plan the
province has presented. The plan outlines major
construction projects, repaving, major bridge
replacements and maintenance, and infrastructure
work the province plans to pursue on a year-by-year
basis over the next five years. This advance planning
allows the department to fix more roads, reach more
communities, and work more effectively with
partners while being transparent and accountable.
The plan also enables Nova Scotians to track
provincial road improvements on a yearly basis. Each
year following budget approval, a detailed plan for
that year's highway construction season will be
released, along with a report on the previous year's
The plan also explains the government's new
approach, making the most of every available dollar
to address highway construction and maintenance.
In the past, the majority of funding has gone to the
most damaged roads, so the overall condition of
roads deteriorated faster than they could be fixed.
The province is now taking a more balanced
approach that uses a variety of improvement
options, with a greater focus on improving paved
roads before they become severely damaged and
require more costly repairs. Some road improvement
work is also being done in-house to ensure that
prices are competitive in all parts of the province.