The Department of Public Works is continuing with plans to construct a connection between Exit 5A at Highway 102 and Trunk 2 in Wellington. Planning and preliminary design work to finalize the road and intersections is currently underway. This project will allow direct access to Highway 102 from Wellington and surrounding areas providing improved connectivity of the provincial highway network.
The proposed project will consist of 2 through lanes along with an active transportation trail adjacent to the new connector road. This trail will link the airport with the provincial Blue Route bike network. Due to the grades in the area a climbing lane will be provided where necessary to allow drivers to pass slower moving vehicles when travelling uphill. A map has been provided that illustrates the proposed location of the new roadway.
Starting at the existing 5A interchange the road travels westerly to an intersection with Trunk 2 near Sunnylea Road. The road alignment is designed to avoid or minimize the impact to environmentally sensitive areas such as wetlands. The new connector will be designated "controlled access", however it is expected that land access will be provided to each parcel between Highway 102 and the Old Holland Road.
A modern roundabout will be constructed at the ramp terminal at Exit 5A as well as at the intersection of the new connector road with Trunk 2 and Sunnylea Road. Roundabouts provide significant operational and safety benefits when compared to traditional signalized or stop-controlled intersections.
The new connector road is planned to be constructed below existing grade for most of its length between Trunk 2 and Old Holland road. Efforts will be made to minimize potential negative impacts such as noise and visibility of the road through this design. In addition, treed buffers and revegetation of side slopes will be further measures used to minimize potential impacts.
Careful planning and design measures along with accepted construction techniques will ensure that environmental impacts from activities such as road construction near developed areas, ponds and streams, disturbance of acid generating slates, and disruption of highly erodible materials are minimized.
The cost to construct the 5 km of road, roundabouts, and trail is currently estimated at $20 million. Highway 102 is part of the National Highway System and the project has received approval for a Federal contribution of up to 50 percent of the total eligible project costs to a maximum contribution of $10 million.
Planning and preliminary design work is well underway for this project. An environmental assessment is currently being conducted in accordance with the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act. Once registered there will be a public comment period available for those who wish to provide feedback on the document.
Construction of this section also requires completion of the detailed design for the roadway(s), structures, and interchanges, along with the acquisition of land and environmental mitigation plans. We are proceeding on a schedule that will result in being ready for construction by the winter of 2019/2020.
Project Map (PDF)
Project Location (PDF)
Sound levels - Wood (PDF)
ARD - Wood (PDF)
Wetlands - Wood (PDF)
Watercourses - Wood (PDF)
Noise receptors - Wood (PDF)
Habitat - Wood (PDF)