Having fun and helping the environment, students from Nova Scotia Agricultural College take part in a recent Adopt-A-Highway clean-up. For video of the event, go to the link below.
Picking up someone else's garbage is no picnic, yet every year, hundreds of people happily volunteer to do just that. They're part of the Adopt-A-Highway program, an international volunteer litter clean-up program created to help make roadsides cleaner, safer and prettier.
In Nova Scotia, the Department of Public Works is proud to provide in-kind services and field support to this program.
Typically volunteer groups are asked for a three-year commitment of two clean-ups a year
on a small stretch of road, usually in the spring and fall.
To get information or apply to join, contact the Adopt-A-Highway Program directly.
Nova Scotia Adopt-A-Highway Program
D-28 Esplanade Street
Truro NS B2N 2K3
T: 902-843-3553
E: info@nsadoptahighway.ca