Construction and repairs to Nova Scotia's roads and bridges occasionally disrupt waterways and wetlands. The Department of Public Works, Department of Environment and Climate Change and Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) ensure that 3 things happen on jobs near waterways. First, habitat loss is minimized or avoided whenever possible; second, efforts are made to protect the environment during and after construction; and, third, damaged habitats are restored and enhanced or new habitats will be created to compensate for lost or damaged habitat.
As part of fish habitat compensation requirements, the Department of Public Works has restored several streams and riparian zones and is monitoring the sites for at least 5 years after construction. The following websites provide further information on several types of projects that are being conducted around the province:
Fitzgerald Lake Brook Restoration, Guysborough County
Governor Brook Restoration, Halifax Regional Municipality (HRM)
Cranberry Lake Shoreline Restoration, HRM
East River Fish Ladder and Culvert Baffles, HRM
Flat Lake Shoreline Restoration, HRM
Cantley Creek Restoration, Cape Breton Regional Municipality
Sackville River Wetlands Restoration, HRM