Basic Forest Fire Suppression Course - Online Lessons


1.1 Introduction

The current wildland fire management structure being used in Nova Scotia is ICS ( Incident Command System ). This is a national incident management system that provides harmonized operations across Canada and looks the same regardless of the agency. The application of the system extends well beyond wildland fire and involves emergency and non - emergency situations alike ( Search operations, law enforcement incidents, planned event; e.g., concerts, parades ...). With the use of this national system it will mean that Nova Scotia will be better able to participate in wildland fire incidents.

ICS is a management system that provides control for users all working toward a common goal. In order to achieve effective management, the system was designed with 12 principle features which identify the unique quality of ICS as an incident management system.

Good leadership and team work are necessary to ensure safe and effective operations at all levels on a forest fire. The basic principles of good organization are chain of command and span of control.