Submissions Received
In total 379 submissions were received in the form of letters, paper questionnaires, online questionnaires, maps and reference documents. Submissions were from both stakeholders and members of the public. Key points from the submissions have been included in the analysis in this report. Some of the submissions from the public and stakeholder organizations were quite detailed, some including maps. The verbatim submissions will be used by the Department of Natural Resources. They are not being published due to privacy issues.
The Stakeholder groups from whom submissions were received are:
Reference Document Submission
1. South West Nova Scotia Temperature and Solar Radiation Study, 2011 Summary, applied Geomatics Research Group. David Colville & Wayne Reiger – applied Geomatics Research Group, Centre of Geographic Sciences, NSCC, Middleton, N.S. (with an Agricultural applications summary by John Lewis, Agra Point)