Public Consultation Summary Report - Summary of Results
What Was Heard — Most prominent themes from the public open houses and comments submitted via the website that relate to Questions 1 and 3.
After grouping and consolidation, the most prominent themes are presented in an order that represents the number of comments per theme, from the largest number of comments to the smallest.
Notes: a) A number of groups were well organized in getting their members out to public sessions and those numbers are reflected in some of the points. b) Comments relating to very specific geographical locations were recorded under question 2; these cannot be grouped into themes and are being reviewed individually by NR&R.
Shelburne (Shelburne County)
- Food production/ agriculture – berries, maple syrup, horticultural greenhouses etc
- Tourism and walking, skiing, canoeing and hunting/ fishing – eco-tourism; cabins to encourage hiking & canoeing; hiking/ skiing trails
- Vehicular, ATV & snowmobile access (in favour two thirds; against/ controlled one third) – trails; businesses accessible by trails; look at policies in Maine & New Brunswick; prevent ATV access
- Forestry – sustainable; community forestry
- Balance environmental, social and economic sustainability – continue consultation; adequate fines for damage caused by companies
Windsor (Hants County)
- Vehicular, ATV & snowmobile access (all in favour). Oversight and trail maintenance by ATV clubs
- Open lands for general access
- Forestry – sustainable; community forestry; remediate former clear cuts
- Tourism and recreation (hiking, canoeing, skiing, hunting, fishing) – access to all crown land for this; protect wilderness and river areas for hiking and fishing to attract ecotourism
- Camps, leases and land sales: renew leases, make more available, allow leaseholders to buy
- Balance environmental, social and economic sustainability
Saulnierville (Digby County)
- Vehicular, ATV & snowmobile access / General access (almost all in favour; limited access - a few) – ATV access for hunting, fishing & camping; ATV tourism; access for elderly and handicapped.
- Maintain roads and bridges
- Forestry - sustainable; fair allocation of resource; level playing field for private woodlots vs those cutting on crown land; emphasize viable livelihood for all in industry, small and large; important economic driver; allow cutting for firewood.
- Balance environmental, social and economic sustainability– regulate and enforce regulation; let us continue to hunt and fish.
- Protected areas – (majority against) – protection prevents economic benefits.
- Tourism and recreation, walking, skiing, canoeing and hunting/ fishing – hunting, fishing, ATV tourism
Yarmouth (Yarmouth County)
- Vehicular, ATV & snowmobile access – (majority in favour; a few want limits). Oversight and trail maintenance by ATV clubs
- Forestry – sustainable; remediate former clear cuts; important economic driver; limit long term licenses/ control for major companies; mixed stands, uneven age management
- Tourism and recreation (hiking, canoeing, skiing, hunting, fishing) – develop trail system with campsites; eco-tourism; multi-purpose trails (including ATV) promoted for tourism
- Balance environmental, social and economic sustainability – with a strong emphasis on protection
- Protected areas: Increase protected areas; protect some Bowater lands as a trade-off to “unprotect” some smaller traditional hunting and fishing areas
- Balance environmental, social and economic sustainability; continue consultation
Cornwallis (Annapolis County)
- Tourism & recreation (hiking, canoeing, skiing, hunting, fishing)
- Protected areas - protect environmentally sensitive areas; reduce access, increase wilderness
- Forestry – Sustainable; fair allocation of resource
- Vehicular & ATV access – (half in favour, half against)
- Balance environmental, social and economic sustainability
Berwick (Kings County)
- Forestry and diverse value-added products from woodlands - sustainable; reduce clear-cutting; educate on sustainable practices; mixed stands, uneven age management; selective harvesting; diversify forest products into value added new products and develop forest food products; important economic driver – ensure benefits go to Nova Scotians
- Balance environmental, social and economic sustainability - education on this; no large leases to major companies; fair allocation of resource; involve municipalities in consultation processes
- Tourism and walking, skiing, canoeing and hunting/ fishing – eco-tourism; recreation to enjoy nature; trail systems (hiking only and multi-use)
- Vehicular, ATV & snowmobile access – balance ATV use with protection
- Protection
West Northfield (Lunenburg County)
- Forestry – sustainable; fair allocation of resource; emphasize viable livelihood for all in industry, small and large; important economic driver; track clear-cuts by satellite; protect woodlands from trespass and illegal cutting; continue Bowater’s forest management approach
- Tourism and walking, skiing, canoeing and hunting/ fishing – recreational use similar to Kejimkujik, with balance between protection and access; develop eco-tourism with related businesses/ services; long distance trails
- Balance environmental, social and economic sustainability – keep public control, not major private companies; mixed use; usage and access to benefit Nova Scotians; consultation good but don’t delay decisions: livelihoods are on hold
- Vehicular, ATV & snowmobile access – balance access and protection; controlled access with help of clubs
- Protection and enforcement - increase enforcement personnel to protect environment and wilderness
Black Point (Halifax Regional Municipality)
- Forestry – no whole tree harvesting for biomass (use waste only); community forestry; sustainable; no clear cutting; limit long term licenses or control by major companies; diversify forest products into value added new products and develop forest food products; important economic driver; a mix of protected areas, community forestry & biomass demonstration projects
- Vehicular, ATV & snowmobile access / General access (90% in favour; 10% against) - access to camps and property on/ adjacent to crown land; create a permit system for access; keep some areas free of motorized vehicles; prevent environmental damage
- Tourism and recreation, walking, skiing, canoeing and hunting/ fishing - develop trail system; with campsites and lodging for tourists; eco-tourism; recreation & parks; educate users in protecting the environment
- Protected areas/ ecological protection – increase/ maintain/ control protected areas; control illegal dumping; protect watercourses, wetlands and habitats
- Plan for long term, holistic sustainability; encourage varied uses; continue consultation
Greenfield (Queens County)
- Forestry - Sustainable; fair allocation of resource; emphasize viable livelihood for all in industry
- Tourism and recreation (hiking, canoeing, skiing, hunting, fishing)
- Vehicular access – in favour; suggestions for balanced approach
Public comments submitted via the Website
- Tourism and walking, skiing, canoeing and hunting/ fishing – recreation including hiking/ canoeing/ wilderness travel/ mountain biking; ecotourism; hunting, trapping & fishing
- Forestry – community forest; sustainable; uneven age management; require FSC certification; no clear cutting; ecosystem based forestry; no monoculture planting; no biomass/ no whole tree harvesting for biomass; develop and teach sustainable harvesting techniques; shift to smaller scale forestry; limit large industrial operations; limit long term licenses to pulp mills or sawmills; develop value added products; local wood processing; small sized tender blocks that logging contractors could bid for right to harvest
- Protected areas
- Non-timber/ Agriculture/ Food Production/ value added opportunities – berries, maple syrup, mushrooms; general agriculture; develop new technology to facilitate more value add
- Vehicular, ATV & snowmobile access (3/4 in favour; 1/4 against or restricted access) - consider fee systems for ATV users; use ATV access to stimulate the economy
- Wind farms/ renewable energy
- Research and educational opportunities
- Resource extraction – minerals, aggregate, peat
- Sell/ lease waterfront lots for camps
- Continue consultations on a more routine basis; collaborate with municipalities