The One-Metre Rule is one rule included in new legislation that is designed to encourge safe sharing of Nova Scotia highways by al road users. It means that drivers are required to leave one metre of open space between their vehicle and the cyclist when driving beside, or passing a cyclist. Even if the bicyclist is riding on the edge of the bicycle lane next to the traffic lane the One-Metre Rule applies.
Most of us already leave some space; however, the new law clarifies a safe passing distance when driving.
Bill 93 legislation is designed to encourage safe sharing of the road by cyclists and drivers. It includes requirements for both cyclists and drivers.
Bill 93 requires drivers to:
Bill 93 requires cyclists to:
There are a variety of penalties depending on which section is at issue.
The penalties associated with not leaving 1-metre of space are Category D offence (including court costs):
1st offence $282.71
2nd offence $455.21
3rd offence $800.21
The penalties for parking in a bicycle lane are a Category A (including all court costs):
1st offence $138.96
2nd offence $167.71
3rd offence $225.21
The penalties for driving in a bicycle lane are a Category G (including all court costs):
1st offence $685.21
2nd offence $1260.21
3rd offence $2410.21
Drivers are allowed to cross a centre line to pass a bicycle, if the driver can do so safely. Only pass if there is no oncoming traffic.
Bicycle lanes are reserved for the use of cyclists. If you must drive in a bicycle lane to avoid an obstruction you must first yield to cyclists. Drivers are prohibited from parking in a bike lane. Motor vehicles may cross a bicycle lanes when necessary to make a turn or get to a parking space.
The penalties are the same for each situation (including all court costs):
1st offence $138.96
2nd offence $167.71
3rd offence $225.21
Nova Scotia will be the first to have this type of legislation in Canada. However, there are many jurisdictions in the United States that have this type of legislation.
The legislation comes into effect on June 1, 2011.
Yes. In Nova Scotia, bicycles are considered vehicles and have the same right to use the roads as any other vehicle. When cycling we are responsible for following the same rules as we do when driving.
Yes. The requirement of leaving at least one metre separation when passing a bicycle applies to all motor vehicles, including trucks and trailers.
As in any passing manuever, whether passing a bicycle or any slow-moving vehicle, drivers on two-lane roads may need to use the oncoming lane in order to safely complete a pass. That's why Bill 93 allows a motor vehicle to cross a solid yellow line in order to pass a bicycle, if it is safe to do.
Yes. Driver must maintain one metre distance from a cyclist (not from the edge of the bike lane), even if the cyclist is in a bike lane.
A 'safe' pass is one in which you can see far enough ahead to determine that you can move into the oncoming lane in order to pass the bicycle, without encountering an oncoming car. The distance needed depends on your speed, acceleration, and the speed of the bicycle. Never pass on a blind crest or around a corner.
No. Under the new laws, you may not park in bike lanes. However, the law does recognize there are situations, particularly at bus stops, where it is necessary to temporarily stop or stand in a bike lane as part of operations; for example transit buses. Vehicles may temporarily stand or stop in a bike lane while actively engaged in loading or unloading of goods or people. If you must stop in a bike lane to unload/load passengers or goods, you must yield to cyclists already in the bike lane prior to pulling over and stopping.
As a cyclist watch for commercial vehicles or buses that may be stopped in a bike lane. When this occurs, remember to wait and see if it is safe to pass on the left or wait until the vehicle leaves. If it is a bus, and it has a signal on to pull away from the curb, yield to the bus. If the bus is stopped and no signal is present, pass on the left to allow passengers to leave the bus.