
Metadata for DP ME 486, Version 1, 2013, Digital Data Showing the Potential for Radon in Indoor Air in Nova Scotia

Table Of Contents

Identification Information

Citation Information
Title: DP ME 486, Version 1, 2013, Digital Data Showing the Potential for Radon in Indoor Air in Nova Scotia
Originator: G. A. O'Reilly , T.A. Goodwin , J. S. McKinnon , B. E. Fisher
Publication Date: 2013
Edition: 1
Data Type: vector and raster digital data
Series: NSNR&R-MRB Digital Product
Issue Identification: DP ME 486
Publisher: Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources, Mineral Resources Branch
Publication Place: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Online linkage:
Data Description
Abstract: Radon (Rn) is a naturally occurring, colourless and odourless gas that is radioactive and known to cause lung cancer. In fact, Rn is the second leading cause of lung cancer after smoking and the leading cause of the disease among nonsmokers (World Health Organization, 2009). Radon is generated naturally from the radioactive decay of uranium. Both elements are found in varying amounts in all the soils and rocks throughout the province (Goodwin et al., 2009, 2010a).

A GIS-based (Geographic Information System) approach was used to produce this dataset and open File map 2013-028. Using a GIS model to produce a dataset of this sort requires coverage of the study area in digital information layers of bedrock geology, surficial/soil geology and airborne gamma-ray spectrometry for eU (equivalent uranium). Coverage of the study area by indoor Rn measurement surveys is also necessary in order to test the validity of the GIS model and to determine exceedence probability percentages. Nova Scotia, more so than any other Canadian province or territory, benefits by having total provincial coverage in all these digital data layers and is, thus, a prime candidate for creating this derived digital product. The derivation and running of the GIS model are explained in more detail in O'Reilly et al. (2010). Basically, the GIS model brings together the three digital information layers and integrates the characteristics of each that pertain to its potential for the generation of Rn and for allowing the gas to migrate and accumulate within homes. The airborne gamma-ray spectrometric layer provides an estimate of the U concentration (U is the original source of the Rn) of the surface soils and rocks. The bedrock geology layer shows the distribution of each rock unit throughout the province and provides an estimate of each unit's potential to produce Rn. The surficial geology layer provides an estimate of the permeability of the surface material, a factor deemed very important in allowing Rn to travel through the soil to reach a building's foundation. These three data layers are factored against each other in the running of the GIS model and collectively produce a new layer depicting Rn potential score (Rn Score).

In our model the three data layers were given an equal weighting. Within each data layer, the potential for each unit constituting that layer to produce Rn was subjectively scored from 1 to 100. As such, following the running of the GIS model, a maximum cumulative Rn score of 300 is possible for any particular area. The GIS model produced a range of cumulative Rn scores from a minimum of 25 to a maximum of 275. It should be noted that areas of water cover produce a Rn score of zero, but since there are no homes or dwellings in water, these areas were ignored.

The Nova Scotia Department of Health and Wellness recommends that all homeowners in the province test their homes for Rn. Many Rn studies carried out globally have shown conclusively that, although the percentage of homes exceeding established Rn guidelines can vary from area to area, there are no areas completely devoid of homes with high Rn. No matter where you live, the only way you will know for sure whether or not your home has high Rn is to complete a proper Rn test (Health Canada, 2008). Since there are regions where there are a higher percentage of Rn guideline exceedences, a dataset such as this showing the distribution of these regions is useful in determining priority areas for testing and for assisting with building code guidelines.
Purpose: The purpose of this data is to show the potential for Radon (Rn) in the province of Nova Scotia.

The authors want to stress that we agree with the Health Canada and Nova Scotia Department of Health and Wellness recommendation that all homes within the province should be tested for Rn. The data from this study clearly show that there is no region of the province free of homes with Rn exceedences. Conversely, it should also be noted that within all three categories on the map there still are many homes that have an indoor Rn level that is well below the Health Canada guideline. Living within a high Rn potential area is by no means a guarantee that your home will have high Rn. However, the only available option to know for sure is to test your home for Rn and if you find you do have a problem, take the appropriate measures to remediate the situation.
Supplemental Information: MRB data class = geohaz
Language English
Data Credit: Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources, Mineral Resources Branch
Data Environment ArcGIS 10.0 on a SUN Ultra Sparc 60 workstation running Solaris 8
Native Data Set Format ESRI Geodatabase
Contact Information

Jeff Poole
Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources, Mineral Resources Branch
Digital Information Services Supervisor
1701 Hollis Street, P.O. Box 698
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
B3J 2T9
(phone) 902-424-8139
(fax) 902-434-7735
Jeff Poole
Available: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm AST
Time Period Information
Date: 2013
Currentness Reference: publication date
Data Status
Progress: Complete
Update Frequency: As needed
Spatial Domain
West Coordinate: -66.5
East Coordinate: -59.5
North Coordinate: 47.25
South Coordinate: 43.25
G-Poly coordinates
G-Poly Pair(1 of 5) 47.25, -66.5
G-Poly Pair(2 of 5) 47.25, -59.5
G-Poly Pair(3 of 5) 43.25, -59.5
G-Poly Pair(4 of 5) 43.25, -66.5
G-Poly Pair(5 of 5) 47.25, -66.5

Theme Keywords: Geologic & Geophysical ; geoscientificInformation ; Downloadable Data ; digital databases ; digital products ; digital geoscience data ; radon ; radium ; radiometric surveys, airborne ; radioactive minerals ; granites ; geohazard ; uranium ; bedrock geological mapping ; cancer ; cancer, lung ; environmental geology ; geophysics ; GIS modeling ; radon surveys ; radon surveys, indoor air ; soil permeability ; surficial geological mapping
Place Keywords: Nova Scotia
Access and Usage Information
Access Constraints: The access constraints are contained in the following License Agreement and the User Constraints which the user must agree to before using the data. A copy of the License Agreement and GSC User Constraints is included with the digital product. The License Agreement reads as follows For the data contained on this medium (media), or any part thereof, herein called the DATA Between the PROVINCE OF NOVA SCOTIA as represented by the Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources, hereinafter referred to as NR&R and the recipient of the data hereinafter called the USER For good consideration, the receipt of which is acknowledged, NR&R licences the non-exclusive use of the digital DATA to the USER on the following terms and conditions. TERMS AND CONDITIONS NR&R remains the owner of the DATA and is not assigning copyright privileges to the USER. The USER agrees to acknowledge NR&R as the source of the DATA, if using or distributing it in its original form, whether in whole or in part, or as part of a value added product. NR&R reserves the right to modify and/or update the DATA without obligations to notify the USER. The DATA is provided to the USER on an "as is" basis, without warranties of any kind, express or implied. The entire risk as to the quality and accuracy of the DATA is with the USER and the USER shall use his/her own judgment in making use of the DATA or drawing conclusions based upon it. NR&R shall not be liable to the USER, his/her clients, servants, agents, contractors, assigns, or to any other person for any loss or damage of any kind including personal injury or death arising from the use of the DATA or accompanying written materials, or from errors, deficiencies or faults therein, whether such damage is caused by negligence or otherwise. If errors or omissions are found in the DATA, the USER will notify NR&R. This Licence is the entire Agreement between the parties and supersedes all previous Agreements or understandings between NR&R and the USER hereto, whether written or oral, in connection with or incidental to the DATA. This Licence shall be binding upon the parties hereto and each of their executors, administrators, successors and assigns and shall ensure to the benefit of such executors, administrators, successors and authorized assigns. This Licence must be included with the DATA if the USER copies, resells, or re-distributes the DATA whether in whole or in part. This Licence can be terminated by NR&R at any time. Upon such termination, the USER shall refrain from using the DATA and destroy all copies and backups in the USER'S possession. This Licence is in effect once the USER reads and accepts the Terms and Conditions of this Licence. If the USER is unable or unwilling to fully comply with these terms and conditions, the USER must refrain from using the DATA. By using the DATA, the USER acknowledges that he/she was aware of the terms and conditions of this Licence when he/she accepted it, understood them, and agreed to be bound by them." A copy of the terms and conditions of the license are available with the downloaded product.
Use Constraints: Any constraints on the use of the data are contained in the above license agreement. The terms and conditions of the license accompany the downloaded digital product. A statement of some use constraints can be viewed in the technical prerequisites.
Browse Graphic Information
Filename: None
Description: None at this time
Security Information
Classification System: None
Classification: Unclassified
Handling Description: None
Cross Reference Information
Cross Reference (1 of 11)
Title: An update on thoron exposure in Canada with simultaneous 222Rn and 220Rn measurements in Fredericton and Halifax
Originator: J. Chen , D. Moir , T. Pronk , T. Goodwin , M. Janik , S. Tokonami
Publication Date: 2011
Data Form: document
Series: Radiation Protection Dosimetry
Issue: v. 147. no. 4, p. 541-547
Cross Reference (2 of 11)
Title: Radon soil gas in Nova Scotia; in Mineral Resources Branch, Report of Activities 2008
Originator: T. A. Goodwin , K. L. Ford , P. W. B. Fiske , E. M. MacIsaac
Publication Date: 2009
Data Form: document
Other Citation: ISN: 22230
Series: NSNR&R Report
Issue: Report ME 2009-1, p. 25-34
Publication Place: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Publisher: Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources, Mineral Resources Branch
Cross Reference (3 of 11)
Title: Radon soil gas in the Halifax Regional Municipality: progress report on the 2009 sampling program; in Mineral Resources Branch, Report of Activities 2009
Originator: T. A. Goodwin , K. E. O'Brien , K. L. Ford , P. W. B. Fiske
Publication Date: 2010
Data Form: document
Other Citation: ISN: 22563
Series: NSNR&R Report
Issue: Report ME 2010-1, p. 29-34
Publication Place: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Publisher: Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources, Mineral Resources Branch
Cross Reference (4 of 11)
Title: Radon soil gas associated with the C2 zone, Millet Brook uranium district; in Mineral Resources Branch, Report of Activities 2009
Originator: T. A. Goodwin , G. A. O'Reilly , K. L. Ford , P. W. B. Fiske
Publication Date: 2010
Data Form: document
Series: NSNR&R Report
Issue: Report ME 2010-1, p. 35-40
Publication Place: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Publisher: Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources, Mineral Resources Branch
Cross Reference (5 of 11)
Title: Guide for the radon measurements in residential dwellings (homes)
Originator: Health Canada
Publication Date: 2008
Data Form: document
Online Linkage:
Series: Health Canada Publication
Issue: 4171, 15 p
Cross Reference (6 of 11)
Title: Cross Canada survey of radon concentration in homes - final report
Originator: Health Canada
Publication Date: 2012
Data Form: document
Online Linkage:
Series: Health Canada internet publication
Cross Reference (7 of 11)
Title: A survey to measure domestic concentrations of radon gas in Nova Scotia, Part 1, screening survey (1990)
Originator: S. A. Jackson
Publication Date: Unpublished Material
Data Form: document
Series: Nova Scotia Department of Health unpublished report
Issue: 30 p.
Cross Reference (8 of 11)
Title: Map showing potential for radon in indoor air in Nova Scotia; in Mineral Resources Branch, Report of Activities 2008
Originator: G. A. O'Reilly
Publication Date: 2009
Data Form: map
Other Citation: ISN: 22240
Series: NSNR&R Report
Issue: Report ME 2009-1, p. 111-113
Publication Place: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Publisher: Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources, Mineral Resources Branch
Cross Reference (9 of 11)
Title: A GIS-based approach to producing a map showing the potential for radon in indoor air in Nova Scotia; in Mineral Resources Branch, Report of Activities 2009
Originator: G. A. O'Reilly , T. A. Goodwin , B. E. Fisher
Publication Date: 2010
Data Form: document
Series: NSNR&R Report
Issue: Report ME 2010-1, p. 95-97
Publication Place: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Publisher: Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources, Mineral Resources Branch
Cross Reference (10 of 11)
Title: Large-scale radon hazard evaluation in the Oslofjord region of Norway utilizing indoor radon concentrations, airborne gamma ray spectrometry and geological mapping
Originator: M. A. Smethurst , T. Strand , A. V. Sundal , A. L. Rudjoed
Publication Date: 2008
Data Form: document
Series: The Science of the Total Environment
Issue: v. 407, p. 379-393
Cross Reference (11 of 11)
Title: Map Showing the Potential for Radon in Indoor Air in Nova Scotia, scale 1:750 000
Originator: G. A. O'Reilly , T. A. Goodwin , J. S. McKinnon , B. E. Fisher
Publication Date: 2013
Data Form: map
Series: NSNR&R-MRB Open File Map
Issue: OFM ME 2013-028
Publication Place: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Publisher: Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources, Mineral Resources Branch

Data Quality Information
Positional Accuracy
Horizontal Accuracy Report: There may be positional accuracy errors in the digital data that come from the original data collection. The data set contains data gathered from numerous surveys and the accuracy may vary between these. UTM Coordinates (Northings and Eastings): Northings and Eastings are in NAD83, zone 20 metric units. UTM coordinates in the database have been approximated based on the various levels of available georeferencing accuracy.
Source Information
Source (1 of 5)
Title: NTS Digital 1:250 000 Topographic Maps - Coastal Zone Series
Originator: Service Nova Scotia and Municipal Relations, Registry and Information Management Services, Nova Scotia Geomatics Centre
Data Form: vector digital data
Other Citation: Base data is derived from the Nova Scotia Topographic Database (NSTDB), Copyright Province of Nova Scotia. All rights reserved. The NSTDB is available from Service Nova Scotia & Municipal Relations, Nova Scotia Geomatics Center, 160 Willow St., Amherst, N.S.
Series Name: Digital Bases
Issue Identification: NTS Digital 1:250 000 Topographic Maps - Coastal Zone Series
Publication Place: Amherst, Nova Scotia, Canada
Publisher: Service Nova Scotia and Municipal Relations, Registry and Information Management Services, Nova Scotia Geomatics Centre
Scale Denominator: 250000
Source Media: disc
Source Contribution: Topographic information, such as the coastline, were taken from the digital 1:250 000 NTS Coastal Zone Series base maps and use on the hard copy map. The lakes layer was used in the GIS model to rank water bodies.
Currentness Reference: ground condition
Currentness Date: unknown
Source (2 of 5)
Title: DP ME 56, Version 2, 2006, Shaded Relief Images derived from a 25 metre Digital Elevation Model of the Province of Nova Scotia
Originator: B. E. Fisher , J. C. Poole , J.S. McKinnon
Publication Date: August 2006
Data Form: vector digital data
Series Name: Digital Product
Issue Identification: DP ME 56
Publication Place: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Publisher: Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources, Mineral Resources Branch
Citation Abbreviation: DP ME 56
Source Contribution: A shaded relief image is used to highlight the radon potential on the hard copy map. An image with a 25 m resolution, azimuth of 315, sun angle of 45 degrees and verticle exaggeration of 10 was used.
Online Linkage:
Source (3 of 5)
Title: DP ME 43, Version 2, 2006, Digital Version of Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources Map ME 2000-1, Geological Map of the Province of Nova Scotia, scale 1:500 000, Compiled by J. D. Keppie, 2000
Originator: B. E. Fisher , J.C. Poole
Publication Date: 2000
Data Form: vector digital data
Series Name: Digital Product
Issue Identification: DP ME 43
Publication Place: Halifax, Nova Scotia
Publisher: Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources, Mineral Resources Branch
Scale Denominator: 500000
Citation Abbreviation: DP ME 43
Source Contribution: A raster of the bedrock geology polygons was created and used in the radon potential GIS model.
Online Linkage:
Source (4 of 5)
Title: Soil Survey Reports of Nova Scotia
Originator: Nova Scotia Department of Agriculture
Publication Date: 1958-1991
Data Form: vector digital data
Other Citation: Series of soil surveys by the Dept. of Agriculture by county.
Scale Denominator: 63360
Source Contribution: County soil survey data was merged together into a provincial dataset and used in the radon potential GIS model.
Online Linkage:
Source (5 of 5)
Title: Airborne gamma ray spectrometry compilation, equivalent uranium, Nova Scotia
Data Form: raster digital data
Other Citation: Data given to George O'Reilly by Ken Ford with the GSC.
Publisher: Geological Survey of Canada
Source Media: disc
Source Contribution: Data was used in the GIS model to determine radon potential in the province.
Processing Step Information
Processing Step (1 of 3)
Description: In order to be used as part of a model to demonstrate radon levels in NS, a series of county soil layers provided by CANSIS were edited and merged together into one provincial soil layer. The soil units were previously given a rank by George O'Reilly based on permeability. This work was done by Jeff McKinnon.
Software and Version: ArcGIS 9.3.1
Date: 2009
Contact Person: (see Contact Information)
Processing Step (2 of 3)
Description: A GIS model was created in order to estimate the radon potential in NS, with 3 layers being used in this model: airborne gamma-ray spectrometric layer, the provincial bedrock geology layer, and a provincial soils layer. George O'Reilly gave each polygon in the bedrock and soils layer a ranking based on radon potential, and both layers were rasterized at a 250 pixel size with the extent matching the radiometrics layer. A raster was also created from a lakes layers, with each lake being given a 0 value. The pixel values for all 3 layers were added together for an overall radon score, and multiplied by the lakes raster (which would eliminate the water values). Different weight factors were tested, and it was determined by George that the best results were indicated by using no weighting. The GIS work was done by Jeff McKinnon.
Software and Version: ArcGIS 9.3.1
Date: 2010
Contact Person: (see Contact Information)
Processing Step (3 of 3)
Description: A map (OFM-2013-028) was created by George O'Reilly and Angie Barras to illustrate the results, and this map along with a digital product (DP 486) was released in the fall of 2013.
Software and Version: ArcGIS 10.0
Date: Fall 2013
Contact Person: (see Contact Information)

Spatial Data Organization Information

Spatial Reference Method: Raster

Spatial Reference Information

Data Projection: Transverse Mercator
Geographic Coordinate System: GCS_North_American_1983_CSRS
Projected Coordinate System: NAD_1983_CSRS_UTM_Zone_20N
Datum: D_North_American_1983_CSRS
Ellipsoid: Geodetic Reference System 80
Semi-Major Axis: 6378137.000000
Denominator Of Flattening Axis: 298.257222

Entity Attribute Information

Overview Description
Dataset Overview: This data set contains a raster dataset and a polygon feature classes stored in an ESRI file geodatabase. The shapefile (SHP) and KML\KMZ downloadable products contain the equivalent fliles as indicated below.
Detailed Description
Data Layer/Table (1 of 2)
Table Name: z486nsrz_radon_potential
Description: ESRI file geodatabase raster - radon potential
Metadata Link:
Data Layer/Table (2 of 2)
Table Name: z486nsrz_radon_potential_py_3_class, z486nsrz.shp
Description: ESRI file geodatabase feature class polygons - radon potential divided into 3 classes
Metadata Link:

Distribution Information

Description: Downloadable Data
Available: since 2013
Liability: The DATA is provided to the USER on an "as is" basis, without warranties of any kind, express or implied. The entire risk as to the quality and accuracy of the DATA is with the USER and the USER shall use his/her own judgment in making use of the DATA or drawing conclusions based upon it. NR&R shall not be liable to the USER, his/her clients, servants, agents, contractors, assigns, or to any other person for any loss or damage of any kind including personal injury or death arising from the use of the DATA or accompanying written materials, or from errors, deficiencies or faults therein, whether such damage is caused by negligence or otherwise. If errors or omissions are found in the DATA, the USER will notify NR&R. The terms and conditions of the license accompany the downloaded digital product.
Technical Prerequisite: In order to view our digital files on your computer, you require mapping software (e.g. ArcGIS, ArcInfo, ArcView, MapInfo, AutoCAD). If you do not have this software, ESRI provides a number of free Map Viewers. These include ArcExplorer2, ArcExplorer4 and ArcGIS Explorer which you can download over the Internet. ArcExplorer2 works with our E00, SHP, JPG, SID and TIF files, while ArcExplorer4 worked with our SHP, TIF, JPG and web services. ArcGIS Explorer will work with SHP, FGDB, KML files among others and web services. KML files can also be used with Google Earth. The TIF and JPG image file formats can be viewed in a number of graphics and image packages including CorelDraw and Paint Shop Pro. The MRSID SID images can be viewed in an increasing number of image packages as well as with a free MrSID viewer supplied by LizardTech. Links for these and other map viewers can be found at the bottom of


MRB provides its digital data products in a number of formats. You can find our more information on these format and how to use them at


A number of NR&R or GSC fonts may be required to properly view our data sets in an ArcMap project or to view the hard copy maps in a PDF format (normally the fonts will be embedded in the PDF). The fonts required for a particular data set may be found in the c:\nsDNR\dp999v9XX\d999YY\arcmap\fonts directory on your computer after you download the data set. A complete set of all of our fonts will be installed in the c:\nsDNR\fonts directory which is automatically installed and updated with our digital products. In order to see a complete list of fonts that are used and to download the NR&R and GSC fonts from our web site please go to Any of these fonts can be installed on your computer by using going to Start - Settings - Control Panel - Fonts - File - Install.


Our SHP and FGDB products include an ArcMap map document (MXD files) which have all of the features symbolized and tables loaded with links and joins already created. These MXD's use relative paths so it should be drive and path independent. The MXD files can be found in the c:\nsDNR\data_set_id\arcmap\project directory.


We have also included ArcGIS Explorer map files (NMF) for this dataset that can be found in the c:\data_set_id\arcgisexpl directory. They are part of the SHP and FGDB products. The NMF files use relative paths and should work even if the dataset is put on a drive other than your C: drive.


KML/KMZ files for this dataset can be found under the c:\nsDNR\data_set_id\kml directory. They can be opened using Google Earth, ArcGIS Explorer or a number of other GIS software packages. MRB recommends using the SHP or FGDB products with ArcGIS Explorer (FREE) or ArcMap since the results will look most like the published map products.


Geological maps and associated digital products are intended for use at the published scale of the map.
Ordering Fee: Free
Instructions: The dataset can be downloaded from the internet
Distribution Contact:
See contact information
Digital Form: (1 of 3)
format name: ArcView Shapefile (SHP) and TIFF (Compressed)
format version: 10.0
format specification: dp486v1sh.exe
Transfer Size: 7.1 MB
Dataset Size: 38 MB
Information Content: Radon potential in Nova Scotia divided into high-medium-low categories
Decompression Technique: self extracting ZIP file
Online Transfer:
Digital Form: (2 of 3)
format name: ArcGIS Geodatabase (FGDB) and TIFF (Compressed)
format version: 10.0
format specification: dp486v1_gd.exe
Transfer Size: 7.2 MB
Dataset Size: 30 MB
Information Content: Geodatabase containing a raster and a polygon feature class showing radon potential in Nova Scotia
Decompression Technique: self extracting .ZIP file
Online Transfer:
Digital Form: (3 of 3)
format name: KML\KMZ
format version: 2.2
format specification: dp486v1km.exe
Transfer Size: 17.7 MB
Dataset Size: 18 MB
Information Content: Contains data showing the three categories (High, Medium and Low)
Decompression Technique: self extracting .ZIP file
Online Transfer:

Metadata Reference

Creation Date: 20131108
Metadata Standard: FGDC Content Standards for Digital Geospatial Metadata
Standard Version: FGDC-STD-001-1998
Metadata Language: English
Time Convention: local time
Access Constraints: None
User Constraints: None
Security Classification System: None
Security Classification: Unclassified
Security Handling Description: None
Metadata Contact:
See contact information