The Core Library holds more than 650 000 m from more than 7500 drillholes drilled throughout Nova Scotia. This core is in storage and made available for viewing.
In addition to drill core, there are many archives samples including well cuttings, rock slabs, geochemical samples, and large samples of various industrial mineral commodities such as limestone, barite and building stone. Most core and cuttings are available for examination and may be sampled subject to certain constraints and conditions. Many logs, reports and maps, both published and unpublished, are also available for consultation.
Two large core layout/examination rooms are available for client use. Outdoor core viewing is also available during good weather. The Core Library is equipped with a binocular microscope, a portable UV light, weigh scales, core-splitters and diamond drill saws.
The Core Library has a small reference library area where assessment reports and Geoscience and Mines Branch publications can be consulted.
Please note that safety policies require that they bring and wear work boots when using any of the sample materials. There is often heavy lifting required when consulting core. Work gloves are recommended.
Sampling may be permitted upon request. All surviving sample material and results must be returned to the Core Library.