Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources
Mineral Resources Branch
Information Circular ME 58, 4th Edition, 2008
Table of Contents:
Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources
Mineral Resources Branch
Information Circular ME 2, 1986
Table of Contents:
Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources
Mineral Resources Branch
Information Circular ME 68, November 2013
The Government of Nova Scotia (the Province)
is developing a new relationship with the
Mi’kmaq of Nova Scotia (the Mi’kmaq) that
includes greater opportunities for Mi’kmaq
participation in social and economic
development, and meaningful consultation with
the Mi’kmaq on decisions that impact land and
natural resources
Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources
Mineral Resources Branch
Open File Report ME 2020-002, 2020
Any licence holder receiving an Exploration Licence over ground indicated as a Municipal Water Supply Watershed area shall be notified concerning that part of the licence which falls within the watershed area as depicted on the Claims Reference Maps.