
A Guide to Rock and Mineral Collecting in Nova Scotia

Cover of the publication - A Guide to Rock and Mineral Collecting in Nova Scotia
Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources
Mineral Resources Branch
Information Circular ME 66, 2007
Table of Contents:
  • Introduction
  • The Mineral Resources Act
  • Lands Not Open for Collecting
  • Ask Permission First
  • Guidelines for the Collector
  • Keep Your Hobby Safe
  • Contact Information

A Guide to Mineral Exploration Legislation in Nova Scotia

Cover of the publication - A Guide to Mineral Exploration Legislation in Nova Scotia

Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources
Mineral Resources Branch
Information Circular ME 58, 4th Edition, 2008

Table of Contents:

  • Ownership of Minerals
  • Identification of Mineral Rights
  • Prospecting and Regional Exploration
  • Acquiring Exploration Licences
  • Excavation and Drilling
  • Maintaining an Exploration Licence
  • Filing Assessment Work
  • Renewal and Optional Procedures
  • Information Sources

Mineral Rights, Landowners, and Mineral Exploration

Cover of the publication - Mineral Rights, Landowners, and Mineral Exploration

Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources
Mineral Resources Branch
Information Circular ME 2, 1986

Table of Contents:

  • Who owns the mineral rights?
  • What are the rights of the landowners?
  • What is the difference between mineral exploration and mining?
  • Why is mineral exploration important?
  • Would you like more information?

Community Consultation: A Guide for Prospectors and Mineral Exploration Companies Working in Nova Scotia

Cover of the publication - A Guide to Mineral Exploration Legislation in Nova Scotia

Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources
Mineral Resources Branch
Information Circular ME 68, November 2013

  • The exploration phase of the mining cycle offers the earliest opportunity to begin the process of working to achieve a social license for mineral resource development. Working to make your project part of the community at the exploration stage is a wiser business decision than attempting to impose your project on a resistant community later on. The purpose of this document is to provide guidance and resources to assist prospectors and exploration companies with community consultation. The document is not intended to be a step-by-step guide, but it does outline in general terms the Nova Scotia government’s expectations for when and how exploration companies engage with individuals and communities…

Proponents' Guide: The Role of Proponents in Crown Consultation with the Mi'kmaq of Nova Scotia

Proponents' Guide: The Role of Proponents in Crown Consultation with the Mi'kmaq of Nova Scotia

The Government of Nova Scotia (the Province)
is developing a new relationship with the
Mi’kmaq of Nova Scotia (the Mi’kmaq) that
includes greater opportunities for Mi’kmaq
participation in social and economic
development, and meaningful consultation with
the Mi’kmaq on decisions that impact land and natural resources

A User′s Guide to the ′One Window′ Process for Mine Development Approvals

Cover of the publication - A User′s Guide to the ′One Window′ Process for Mine Development Approvals

Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources
Mineral Resources Branch
Open File Report ME 2020-002, 2020

Access to Municipal Water Supply Land

Any licence holder receiving an Exploration Licence over ground indicated as a Municipal Water Supply Watershed area shall be notified concerning that part of the licence which falls within the watershed area as depicted on the Claims Reference Maps.