Standard Database Field Definitions

Field Name Item Definition Field Definition
age_desc 48 48 C Full age description of bedrock geologic unit/spore sample
age_error 3 3 I Error range for spore sample age dating
age_ka 12 12 C Karst age range for surficial geologic unit
age_min 48 48 C Upper age of individual bedrock geologic unit
age_max 48 48 C Lower age of individual bedrock geologic unit
age_myr 5 5 I Age of spore sample in millions of years
age_type 24 24 C Type of aging process used to date spore sample
am_hue 3 3 I ArcMap hue colour value for bedrock geologic unit
am_sat 3 3 I ArcMap saturation colour value for bedrock geologic unit
am_val 3 3 I ArcMap value colour value for bedrock geologic unit
anno_label 12 12 C Label for bedrock/surficial geologic unit using font for geological mapping labelling conventions
author 50 50 C Author of map from which the dataset is derived
av_angle 4 4 I Calculated plotting value for strike
av_hue 3 3 I ArcView hue colour value for bedrock geologic unit
av_legend 96 96 C Value that is to be displayed in the ArcView legend
avl_file 12 12 C Standard ArcView legend file
av_name 48 48 C ArcView theme name
avp_file 12 12 C ArcView symbol palette
av_sat 3 3 I ArcView saturation colour value for bedrock geologic unit
av_val 3 3 I ArcView value colour value for bedrock geologic unit
book_id 16 16 C ID given to field notebook
book_page 4 4 I Field notebook page that data is recorded
comments 254 254 C Any comments given about data
dataset_id 8 8 C Identifier given to dataset
depth_f 9 2 F Depth of shaft in feet
depth_m 9 2 F Depth of shaft in meters
dip 2 2 I Dip of structural surface
diplblalgn 40 40 C Alignment of label for dip of structural feature
diplblangl 4 4 I Angle of label for dip of structural feature
diplblfont 40 40 C Font of label for dip of structural feature
diplblrgb0 3 3 I First RGB value of label for dip of structural feature
diplblrgb1 3 3 I Second RGB value of label for dip of structural feature
diplblrgb2 3 3 I Third RGB value of label for dip of structural feature
diplblscal 8 8 I Scale of label for dip of structural feature
diplblsize 4 4 I Size of label for dip of structural feature
diplblspc 4 4 I Spacing of label for dip of structural feature
diplblstyl 40 40 C Style of label for dip of structural feature
diplbltext 40 40 C Label text for dip of structural feature
diplbl_x 8 8 I X coordinate value of label for dip of structural feature
diplbl_y 8 8 I Y coordinate value of label for dip of structural feature
entrd_by 32 32 C Individual who entered data into database
entrd_date 32 32 C Date that data was entered into database
feat_type 12 12 C Type of feature (e. g. point, line, polygon or text)
field_day 32 32 C Day that data was captured
fl_code 12 12 C Original FieldLog code for feature
gcode 32 32 C Geological code given to feature
gcode_desc 96 96 C Description of geological code
geo_id 7 7 I Unique ID given to each individual feature within a theme
geologist 32 32 C Geologist who noted characteristics of outcrop
geo_num 32 32 C Unique ID given to each individual feature within a dataset
glaciation 32 32 C Glaciation period of surficial geologic unit
hole_no 12 12 C Number given to drillhole
hotlink 128 128 C Path to hotlink document
int_id 56 56 C Internal ID given by MRB staff as a feature identifier throughout data processing
lbl_txt 40 40 C ?
legend_id 5 5 I 5 digit ID given to bedrock geology unit in order to sort in stratigraphic order in ArcView legend
legend_lab 100 100 C Label given to bedrock/surficial geologic unit in ArcView legend
lithology 32 32 C Lithological properties of outcrop
loc_desc 128 128 C Description given for location of station
map_id 32 32 C ID given to map that contains location of station
map_no 8 8 C Number given to map from which the dataset is derived
mineral 64 64 C Type of mineral occurrence/mineral being mined/sampled
name 64 64 C Name given to individual features
notes 254 254 C Notes on quality assessment and compilation of data
occ_number 7 7 C Number given to mineral occurrence
old_name 5 5 C Previous name given to dataset
oth_name 64 64 C Other name given to surficial geologic unit
parent 48 48 C Highest rank of individual bedrock geologic unit
period 24 24 C Time period of surficial geologic unit
pgeo_num 32 32 C ?
photo_id 16 16 C ID given to ortho photo that contains location of station
pit_type 32 32 C Type of pit
plot_code 32 32 C Geological code given to feature that is to be plotted
plot_dip 4 4 C Dip value to be plotted for structural feature
plot_scale 6 6 I Scale that the feature is to be plotted
plot_y_n 4 4 C Determination of whether feature is to be plotted
project_id 80 80 C Project that created the field data capture
pub_date 5 5 C Publication date of the map from which the dataset is derived
rock_type 48 48 C Type of rock mined at aggregate quarry or sampled
sample_no 12 12 C Number given to spore/pit/geochemical sample
samp_type 24 24 C Type of sample taken
scale 20 20 C Scale of map from which the dataset is derived
source 48 48 C Source of mineral occurrence/gcode value
source_id 6 6 I Numeric source ID
stage 48 48 C Time stage of surficial geologic unit
stati_id 6 6 I Numeric value given to each station
stati_num 40 40 C ID given to each individual station
stati_prfx 16 16 C Prefix given to each station
stati_sffx 16 16 C Suffix given to each station
strike 3 3 I Strike of structural surface
struc_id 6 6 I Numeric value given to each individual structural feature
struc_num 40 40 C ID given to each individual structural feature
sub_thm 48 48 C Further subset of theme type description
theme_id 8 8 C Identifier given to theme type
thm_desc 48 48 C Description of theme type
title 254 254 C Title of map from which the dataset is derived
txt_label 12 12 C Text label given to bedrock/surficial geologic unit
txtlblalgn 40 40 C Alignment of label for text feature
txtlblangl 4 4 I Angle of label for text feature
txtlblfont 40 40 C Font of label for text feature
txtlblrgb0 3 3 I First RGB value of label for text feature
txtlblrgb1 3 3 I Second RGB value of label for text feature
txtlblrgb2 3 3 I Third RGB value of label for text feature
txtlblscal 8 8 I Scale of label for text feature
txtlblsize 4 4 I Size of label for text feature
txtlblspc 4 4 I Spacing of label for text feature
txtlblstyl 40 40 C Style of label for text feature
txtlbltext 40 40 C Label text for text feature
txtlbl_x 8 8 I X coordinate value of label for text feature
txtlbl_y 8 8 I Y coordinate value of label for text feature
txt_type 32 32 C ?
unit 96 96 C Name of surficial geologic unit
unit_desc 254 254 C Description of bedrock/surficial geologic unit or outcrop type
unit_lab 12 12 C Label given to outcrop type
unit_name 96 96 C Bedrock geologic unit name used in ArcView legend
unit_rank 32 32 C Type of geologic bedrock unit used in ArcView legend (e. g. group, formation, suite, etc.)
unit_type 48 48 C Type of surficial geologic unit
wdth_mn_cm 9 2 F Minimum width of vein in centimetres
wdth_mn_in 9 2 F Minimum width of vein in inches
wdth_mx_cm 9 2 F Maximum width of vein in centimetres
wdth_mx_in 9 2 F Maximum width of vein in inches
wkspc 9 9 C Folder that the dataset is located