Abandoned Mine Openings Database

Attributes for DP ME 10, Version 8, 2020. Nova Scotia Abandoned Mine Openings Database.
  On-Line Linkage https://novascotia.ca/natr/meb/download/dp010.asp
Detailed Description
Data Table/Layer
  Table Name: d010nssh
  Description: ArcGIS geodatabase point feature class / shapefile - Abandoned Mine Opening
  Source: https://novascotia.ca/natr/meb/download/dp010md_attr.asp

Attributes (1 of 69)
Attribute Name: FID
Data Type: OID
Width: 4
Precision: 0
Scale: 0
Description: Internal feature number.
Definition Source: ESRI

Unrepresentable Values (1 of 1)
Value: Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generated.

Attributes (2 of 69)
Attribute Name: Shape
Data Type: Geometry
Width: 0
Precision: 0
Scale: 0
Description: Feature geometry.
Definition Source: ESRI

Unrepresentable Values (1 of 1)
Value: Coordinates defining the features.

Attributes (3 of 69)
Attribute Name: ShaftID
Data Type: String
Width: 15
Description: Unique identifier for each individual mine opening

Attributes (4 of 69)
Attribute Name: S_Location
Data Type: String
Width: 50
Description: Location

Attributes (5 of 69)
Attribute Name: County
Data Type: String
Width: 30
Description: County

Attributes (6 of 69)
Attribute Name: Lris_Pin
Data Type: Number
Width: 18
Description: LRIS Property ID

Attributes (7 of 69)
Attribute Name: Name
Data Type: String
Width: 100
Description: Name (if any) mine opening is known by

Attributes (8 of 69)
Attribute Name: Commodity
Data Type: String
Width: 30
Description: Primary Commodity: e.g. GOLD, LEAD,COPPER

Attributes (9 of 69)
Attribute Name: Opening_ty
Data Type: String
Width: 10
Description: Opening Type: Shaft, slope, adit, pit, stope, open cut, trench, decline or NULL

Attributes (10 of 69)
Attribute Name: Vein_Work
Data Type: String
Width: 50
Description: Name of coal seam, quartz vein, iron bed

Attributes (11 of 69)
Attribute Name: H_Ranking
Data Type: String
Width: 10
Description: Hazard Ranking: I, II, III, IV, Not Rated

Attributes (12 of 69)
Attribute Name: Escape_Pot
Data Type: String
Width: 15
Description: Escape Potential: Nil, Poor, Moderate, Good, Not Rated

Attributes (13 of 69)
Attribute Name: Degree_Haz
Data Type: String
Width: 15
Description: Degree of Hazard: High, Moderate, Low, Not Rated

Attributes (14 of 69)
Attribute Name: LandOwner
Data Type: String
Width: 15
Description: Land Owner: Crown, Private, Federal

Attributes (15 of 69)
Attribute Name: S_evaluato
Data Type: String
Width: 25
Description: Evaluated by

Attributes (16 of 69)
Attribute Name: L_Visit
Data Type: Date
Width: 8
Description: Opening last visited

Attributes (17 of 69)
Attribute Name: Protection
Data Type: String
Width: 30
Description: Protection (if any): Backfilled, fenced, concrete cap, grate, warning signs, etc

Attributes (18 of 69)
Attribute Name: Remediatio
Data Type: Date
Width: 8
Description: Remediation Date

Attributes (19 of 69)
Attribute Name: Landuse
Data Type: String
Width: 35
Description: Landuse: e.g. Woodland, Residential, Abandoned Minesite, Not Rated, etc. or NULL

Attributes (20 of 69)
Attribute Name: Home_Sdis
Data Type: String
Width: 15
Description: Homes within 1 km: NULL, 0, 1-10, 11-20, 21-30, 30+, Not Rated

Attributes (21 of 69)
Attribute Name: Access
Data Type: String
Width: 10
Description: Access: Easy, Moderate, Hard, Not Rated

Attributes (22 of 69)
Attribute Name: Highway
Data Type: Number
Width: 18
Description: Distance to Highway: metres

Attributes (23 of 69)
Attribute Name: Dis_PubRoa
Data Type: Number
Width: 18
Description: Distance to Public road: metres

Attributes (24 of 69)
Attribute Name: Dis_PrivRo
Data Type: Number
Width: 18
Description: Distance to Private road: metres

Attributes (25 of 69)
Attribute Name: Dis_WuTrai
Data Type: Number
Width: 18
Description: Distance to well used trail: metres

Attributes (26 of 69)
Attribute Name: Dis_Trail
Data Type: Number
Width: 18
Description: Distance to trail: metres

Attributes (27 of 69)
Attribute Name: Dis_OgTrai
Data Type: Number
Width: 18
Description: Distance to overgrown trail: metres

Attributes (28 of 69)
Attribute Name: Nts
Data Type: String
Width: 21
Description: Full NTS Claim Reference Sheet: e.g. 11D/13C

Attributes (29 of 69)
Attribute Name: Tract
Data Type: String
Width: 3
Description: Tract that the mine opening is located upon… 1 to 108

Attributes (30 of 69)
Attribute Name: Claim
Data Type: String
Width: 1
Description: Claim block that the mine opening is located upon… A to Q (minus I)

Attributes (31 of 69)
Attribute Name: N_U83Z20_M
Data Type: Number
Width: 18
Description: UTM Northing, NAD83 CSRS, zone 20, metres. NAD_1983_CSRS_UTM_Zone_20N, WKID: 2961 Authority: EPSG

Attributes (32 of 69)
Attribute Name: E_U83Z20_M
Data Type: Number
Width: 18
Description: UTM Easting , NAN83 CSRS, zone 20, metres. NAD_1983_CSRS_UTM_Zone_20N, WKID: 2961 Authority: EPSG

Attributes (33 of 69)
Attribute Name: xy_sources
Data Type: String
Width: 35
Description: XY Source: e.g. GPS, 1:50,000 Scale maps, etc. and N.A

Attributes (34 of 69)
Attribute Name: quality
Data Type: Number
Width: 10
Description: Expected accuracy of the XY coordinate (within metres)

Attributes (35 of 69)
Attribute Name: OrigLength
Data Type: Float
Width: 13
Decimals: 11
Definition Source: Original Length/Height in metres

Attributes (36 of 69)
Attribute Name: OrigWidth
Data Type: Float
Width: 13
Decimals: 11
Description: Original Width in metres

Attributes (37 of 69)
Attribute Name: OrigDepth
Data Type: Float
Width: 13
Decimals: 11
Description: Original Depth in metres

Attributes (38 of 69)
Attribute Name: Mea_length
Data Type: Float
Width: 13
Decimals: 11
Description: Measured Length/Height in metres

Attributes (39 of 69)
Attribute Name: Mea_Width
Data Type: Float
Width: 13
Decimals: 11
Description: Measured Width in metres

Attributes (40 of 69)
Attribute Name: Mea_Depth
Data Type: Float
Width: 13
Decimals: 11
Description: Measured Depth in metres

Attributes (41 of 69)
Attribute Name: Inclinatio
Data Type: Number
Width: 10
Description: Inclination of the mine opening: 0 to 90 degrees

Attributes (42 of 69)
Attribute Name: Ug_work
Data Type: String
Width: 10
Description: Whether there is underground (lateral) work done from the mine opening: T/F, Unknown

Attributes (43 of 69)
Attribute Name: Inter_Shaf
Data Type: String
Width: 10
Description: Whether there is an interconnected shaft: T/F, Unknown

Attributes (44 of 69)
Attribute Name: Mine_Plan
Data Type: String
Width: 1
Description: Whether there are plans of associated mine workings: T/F, NULL

Attributes (45 of 69)
Attribute Name: Surf_Work
Data Type: String
Width: 10
Description: Whether there is any surface work adjacent, i.e. trenching: T/F, Unknown

Attributes (46 of 69)
Attribute Name: Flooded
Data Type: String
Width: 10
Description: Flooded: T/F/Unknown

Attributes (47 of 69)
Attribute Name: Ponded
Data Type: String
Width: 10
Description: Ponded:T/F/Unknown

Attributes (48 of 69)
Attribute Name: Plug_Type
Data Type: String
Width: 18
Description: Plug Type: e.g. Rock & Veg, Rock, Garbage, etc. or NULL

Attributes (49 of 69)
Attribute Name: Plug_Depth
Data Type: Float
Width: 13
Decimals: 11
Description: Plug Depth in metres

Attributes (50 of 69)
Attribute Name: Collar_Str
Data Type: String
Width: 15
Description: Collar Strata : Combination, Rock, Soil, Concrete, Not Rated, NULL

Attributes (51 of 69)
Attribute Name: Collar_Con
Data Type: String
Width: 10
Description: Collar Condition: Stable, Unstable, Caved, Not Rated, NULL

Attributes (52 of 69)
Attribute Name: Comm_stat
Data Type: Number
Width: 10
Description: Commodity Status - all 1

Attributes (53 of 69)
Attribute Name: Comm_adv
Data Type: String
Width: 10
Description: Primary Commodity Code: e.g. Au, Pb, Cu, etc.

Attributes (54 of 69)
Attribute Name: Comm_type
Data Type: String
Width: 10
Description: Commodity Type: metallic , industrial, coal, NULL

Attributes (55 of 69)
Attribute Name: Comm_list
Data Type: String
Width: 50
Description: Commodity List: One or more commodities possible e.g. "Au", "Zn, Pb", "Ag,Au,Cu,Pb"

Attributes (56 of 69)
Attribute Name: hotlink
Data Type: String
Width: 128
Description: GIS Field - URL link to the AMO database

Attributes (57 of 69)
Attribute Name: Lat_WM84dd
Data Type: Number
Width: 18
Decimals: 6
Description: Latitude in decimal degrees. WGS_1984_Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere, WKID: 3857 Authority: EPSG.

Attributes (58 of 69)
Attribute Name: Lon_WM84dd
Data Type: Number
Width: 18
Decimals: 6
Description: Longitude in decimal degrees. WGS_1984_Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere, WKID: 3857 Authority: EPSG.

Attributes (59 of 69)
Attribute Name: extrct_dt
Data Type: String
Width: 40
Description: Extract Date - Date and time the data was extracted from the database, e.g. 2016_04APR_22_1536.

Attributes (60 of 69)
Attribute Name: geo_id
Data Type: Number
Width: 10
Description: GIS Field - GeoID , Unique Identifier within Table ... Integer value

Attributes (61 of 69)
Attribute Name: geo_num
Data Type: String
Width: 32
Description: GIS Field - geo_num ... Unique Identifier within the NS DEM GMB Corporate GIS Database

Attributes (62 of 69)
Attribute Name: stati_num
Data Type: String
Width: 40
Description: GIS Field - ShaftID

Attributes (63 of 69)
Attribute Name: dataset_id
Data Type: String
Width: 8
Description: GIS Field - Dataset ID - dp010

Attributes (64 of 69)
Attribute Name: theme_id
Data Type: String
Width: 8
Description: GIS Field - Theme Designation - sh

Attributes (65 of 69)
Attribute Name: source_id
Data Type: Number
Width: 10
Description: GIS Field - Source ID

Attributes (66 of 69)
Attribute Name: versn
Data Type: Number
Width: 10
Description: Version number of the dataset. GIS administration field.

Attributes (67 of 69)
Attribute Name: gcode
Data Type: String
Width: 32
Description: GIS Field - Gcode

Attributes (68 of 69)
Attribute Name: gcode_desc
Data Type: String
Width: 96
Description: GIS Field - Gcode Description

Attributes (69 of 69)
Attribute Name: av_legend
Data Type: String
Width: 96
Description: GIS Field - ArcView Legend field ... equivalent to Opening_typ