DP ME 11

DP ME 11, Version 2, 2006. Enhanced Aeromagnetic and Digital Elevation Image of the Eastern Meguma Area of Nova Scotia, (25 m x 25 m, 40 m x 40 m, 80 m x 80 m Resolutions). Digital product compiled by M. S. King.

The Image Products for DP ME 11

Schematic Diagram
This diagram shows the extent of the DP ME 11 images. The outlined area shows the location of the zoomed in images below.

25 m x 25 m Resolution Image 25 m x 25 m Resolution Image A zoomed in area of the 25 m x 25 m resolution image. Compared to the other images, it shows the most detail but it is the largest in size (JPG - 6.7 Mb) and will take a long time to download.
JPG Download of DP ME 11
JPG Download of DP ME 11 (25 m x 25 m Resolution)
This JPG is 9262 pixels x 3721 pixels x 16 million colours. It is 6.7 Mb compressed and uncompressed.

TIFF Download of DP ME 11 (25 m x 25 m Resolution)
Too Large to Download
Available on CD

40 m x 40 m Resolution Image 40 m x 40 m Resolution Image A zoomed in area of the 40 m x 40 m resolution image. Compared to the 25 m x 25 m resolution image it shows less detail but more than the 80 m x 80 m resolution image. It is intermediate in size (JPG - 3.3 Mb) and will be faster to download than the 25 m x 25 m resolution image but slower than the 80 m x 80 m resolution image.
JPG Download of DP ME 11
JPG Download of DP ME 11 (40 m x 40 m Resolution)
This JPG is 5717 pixels x 2297 pixels x 16 million colours. It is 3.3 Mb compressed and uncompressed.

Tiff Download of DP ME 11
TIFF Download of DP ME 11 (40 m x 40 m Resolution)
This TIFF is 5717 x 2297 x 256 colours. It is 4.9 Mb compressed and 12.9 Mb uncompressed.

80 m x 80 m Resolution Image 80 m x 80 m Resolution Image A zoomed in area of the 80 m x 80 m resolution image. Compared to the 25 m x 25 m and 40 m x 40 m resolution images, it shows the least detail. It is the smallest image (JPG - 1.1 Mb) and will be the fastest to download.
Tiff Download of DP ME 11
JPG Download of DP ME 11 (80 m x 80 m Resolution)
This JPG is 2859 pixels x 1149 pixels x 16 million colours. It is 1.1 Mb compressed and uncompressed.

Tiff Download of DP ME 11
TIFF Download of DP ME 11 (80 m x 80 m Resolution)
This TIFF is 2859 x 1149 x 256 colours. It is 1.4 Mb compressed and 3.3 Mb uncompressed.

The Legend for DP ME 11

Legend For DP 011
JPG Download Of
Legend For DP ME 11
JPG Download of Legend for DP ME 11
This JPG is 352 pixels x 1555 pixels x 16 million colours. It is 0.1 Mb compressed and 0.1 Mb uncompressed.

Tiff Download Of
Legend For DP ME 11
TIFF Download of Legend for DP ME 11
This TIFF is 352 pixels x 1555 pixels x 256 colours. It is 0.04 Mb compressed and 0.6 Mb uncompressed.