VLF-EM Images for Central Nova Scotia

DP ME 123, Version 1, 2004. Airborne VLF-EM Line Total Field Images collectively covering parts of NTS sheets 11E/02 and 11E/07, TGI-2 Project, Central Nova Scotia

Table Of Contents


Identification Information
Citation Information
  Title: DP ME 123, Version  1, 2004. Airborne VLF-EM Line Total Field Images collectively covering parts of NTS Sheets 11E/02 and 11E/07, TGI-2 Project, Central Nova Scotia
  Originator: M.S. King
  Publication Date: June 10, 2004
  Edition: 1
  Data Type: raster digital data
  Series: Digital Product
  Issue Identification: DP ME 123
  Publisher: Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources, Mineral Resources Branch
  Publication Place: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
  Online linkage: https://novascotia.ca/natr/meb/download/dp123.asp
Data Description
  Abstract: This data set consists of one TIFF image, one JPEG image, and one PDF Open File Map of airborne VLF-EM line total field data covering an area in central Nova Scotia which is part St. Mary's Basin TGI-2 project. This digital product was derived from data collected by the Geological Survey of Canada (Survey# 184). For these images only the leveled and de-corrugated Line (Tx: Annapolis, Md) total field data was used.The 24-bit colour images were produced with 10m pixel sizes. Shading was from the southeast at 35 degrees above the horizon. For complete details an Open File Report will be forthcoming from M. S. King later in 2004. The images were produced by contractor M. S. King using funds provided under the Natural Resources Canada and Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources joint project 'Mapping, Mineral and Energy Resource Evaluation, Central Nova Scotia', part of Natural Resources Canada's Targeted Geoscience Initiative (TGI-2) 2003-2005.
  Purpose: The St. Mary's Basin Targeted Geoscience Initiative (TGI-2) was designed to increase geological knowledge in northern Nova Scotia through new geological and geophysical investigations. Projects included geological mapping, detailed shallow seismic investigations, and reprocessing and enhancement of existing gravity and magnetic data. The Musquodoboit survey (GSC survey# 184) was processed as part of the TGI-2 project. The objective of re-processing existing data (e. g. VLF-EM) is to provide geoscientists with regional (e. g. 1:50 000 scale) map products. To this end existing data are re-processed to removed line or other errors common in airborne electromagnetic surveys and to enhance local structural and stratigraphic trends using advanced digital processing techniques. The resulting images are generated in a geo-referenced format for inclusion into the provincial database. These products allow for easy distribution and comparison to complementary data sets. This project is not designed to interpret VLF-EM data. In contrast to magnetic data, VLF-EM data commonly contain cultural features (e. g. power lines) and the first step in any interpretation is an evaluation of known culture in a particular area. Other phenomena related to electromagnetic theory affect VLF interpretations and the reader should be aware of these prior to using these data.
  Supplemental Information: Dataset ID = v123t2av; Data Class = vlf-em; Project ID = TGI2
  Language English
  Data Credit: Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources
  Data Environment GeoSoft
  Native Data Set Format TIFF and JPEG Image
Contact Information
    Brian Fisher
    Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources, Mineral Resources Branch
    Digital Information Services Supervisor
    1701 Hollis Street, P.O. Box 698
    Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
    B3J 2T9
    (phone) 902-424-8139
    (fax) 902-424-7735
    Staff Contact
    Available: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. AST Monday - Friday
Time Period Information
  Date: June 10, 2004
  Currentness Reference: publication date
Data Status
  Progress: Complete
  Update Frequency: None planned
Spatial Domain
  West Coordinate: -62.5
  East Coordinate: -63.0
  North Coordinate: 45.4
  South Coordinate: 45.1
  G-Poly coordinates
  G-Poly Pair (1 of 5) 45.4, -63.0
  G-Poly Pair (2 of 5) 45.4, -62.5
  G-Poly Pair (3 of 5) 45.4, -62.5
  G-Poly Pair (4 of 5) 45.1, -63.0
  G-Poly Pair (5 of 5) 45.4, -63.0
  Theme Keywords: Geophysics; Physics; Remote Sensing; GeoscientificInformation; Geology; Downloadable Data; VLF-EM (VLF); 11E/02; total field; vlf surveys, airborne; Geologic & Geophysical; Geophysics (GP); VLF Images; 11E/07; Imagery and Base Maps
  Place Keywords: Nova Scotia; Musquodoboit, N S; Halifax County, N.S.; Colchester County, N.S.; Pictou County, N.S.; Guysborough County, N.S.
Access and Usage Information
  Access Constraints:

The access constraints are contained in the following License Agreement which the user must agree to before using the data. A copy of the License Agreement is included with the digital product. The License Agreement reads as follows:

"For the data contained on this medium (media), or any part thereof, herein called the DATA

Between the PROVINCE OF NOVA SCOTIA as represented by the Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources, hereinafter referred to as NR&R and the recipient of the data hereinafter called the USER

For good consideration, the receipt of which is acknowledged, NR&R licences the non-exclusive use of the digital DATA to the USER on the following terms and conditions.


NR&R remains the owner of the DATA and is not assigning copyright privileges to the USER.

The USER agrees to acknowledge NR&R as the source of the DATA, if using or distributing it in its original form, whether in whole or in part, or as part of a value added product.

NR&R reserves the right to modify and/or update the DATA without obligations to notify the USER.

The DATA is provided to the USER on an "as is" basis, without warranties of any kind, express or implied.

The entire risk as to the quality and accuracy of the DATA is with the USER and the USER shall use his/her own judgment in making use of the DATA or drawing conclusions based upon it.

NR&R shall not be liable to the USER, his/her clients, servants, agents, contractors, assigns, or to any other person for any loss or damage of any kind including personal injury or death arising from the use of the DATA or accompanying written materials, or from errors, deficiencies or faults therein, whether such damage is caused by negligence or otherwise. If errors or omissions are found in the DATA, the USER will notify NR&R.

This Licence is the entire Agreement between the parties and supersedes all previous Agreements or understandings between NR&R and the USER hereto, whether written or oral, in connection with or incidental to the DATA. This Licence shall be binding upon the parties hereto and each of their executors, administrators, successors and assigns and shall ensure to the benefit of such executors, administrators, successors and authorized assigns.

This Licence must be included with the DATA if the USER copies, resells, or re-distributes the DATA whether in whole or in part.

This Licence can be terminated by NR&R at any time. Upon such termination, the USER shall refrain from using the DATA and destroy all copies and backups in the USER'S possession.

This Licence is in effect once the USER reads and accepts the Terms and Conditions of this Licence. If the USER is unable or unwilling to fully comply with these terms and conditions, the USER must refrain from using the DATA. By using the DATA, the USER acknowledges that he/she was aware of the terms and conditions of this Licence when he/she accepted it, understood them, and agreed to be bound by them."

A copy of the terms and conditions of the license are available with the downloaded product.

  Use Constraints: Any constraints on the use of the data are contained in the above license agreement. The terms and conditions of the license accompany the downloaded digital product. A statement of some use constraints can be viewed in the technical prerequisites.
Browse Graphic Information
  Filename: none
  Description: none at this time
Security Information
  Classification System: none
  Classification: Unclassified
  Handling Description: none
Cross Reference Information
Cross Reference (1 of 3)
  Title: DP ME 112, Version  1, 2004, Airborne VLF-EM Line Total Field Images collectively covering NTS sheets 11D/15, 11E02 and parts of 11D/10, 11D/11, 11D/14, 11E/03 and 11E/07, Musquodoboit Valley area, Nova Scotia
  Originator: M.S. King
  Publication Date: 2005
  Data Form: raster digital data
  Online linkage: https://novascotia.ca/natr/meb/download/dp112.asp
  Series: Digital Product
  Issue: DP ME 112
  Publication Place: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
  Publisher: Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources, Mineral Resources Branch
Cross Reference (2 of 3)
  Title: DP ME 113, Version  1, 2004, Airborne VLF-EM Ortho Total Field Images collectively covering parts of NTS sheets 11E/05, 11E/06, 11E/07, 11E/10, 11E/11, 11E/12, 21H/07, 21H/08, 21H/09 and 21H/10, TGI-2 project, Cobequid Highlands, Nova Scotia
  Originator: M.S. King
  Publication Date: June 10, 2004
  Data Form: raster digital data
  Online linkage: https://novascotia.ca/natr/meb/download/dp113.asp
  Series: Digital Product
  Issue: DP ME 113
  Publication Place: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
  Publisher: Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources, Mineral Resources Branch
Cross Reference (3 of 3)
  Title: OFM ME 2005-101, Airborne Total Field VLF-EM (Line Component) Map for Parts of 11E/02 and 11E/07, Central Nova Scotia, scale 1:50 000.
  Originator: M.S. King
  Publication Date: 2005
  Data Form: map
  Online linkage: https://novascotia.ca/natr/meb/download/dp123.asp
  Series: NSNR&R Open File Map
  Issue: OFM ME 2005-101
  Publication Place: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
  Publisher: Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources, Mineral Resources Branch

Data Quality Information
Positional Accuracy
  Positional Accuracy Report: There may be positional accuracy errors in the data that came from the original data collection. VLF-EM data is acquired as an ancillary data set in most surveys and therefore it is not treated with the same quality control measures as magnetic data. In particular, VLF transmitters are shut down according to a regular schedule and this interferes data acquisition during that period, unless more than one frequency is measured. An airborne survey is not stopped because a VLF transmitter is shut off for scheduled maintenance (e. g. once a week for Cutler, Me). Ideally two transmitting stations oriented orthogonal to one another (i. e. Line and Ortho station), with respect to the survey area and underlying geology (e. g. Keppie 2000), are recorded with the hope of having at least one station recoding at any given time. The results are blanks the data sets when the transmitters were shut down during the survey or low signal strength due to electromagnetic interference occurs. The survey contractor typically dummies out these data points by use of an arbitrary numerical constant and they were removed prior to processing and enhancement. VLF-EM data are not typically leveled, as are magnetic data. This manifests as significant line error in the total field data set, which includes multiple components of the electromagnetic field (e. g. cross-line). A similar error is present in the quadrature data but to a much smaller degree due to the measured component being relatively independent of adjacent lines. Line error is removed from the VLF-EM data by applying a directional high pass filter tuned to line orientation and spacing. The data generated from this filter is subtracted from the original data to generate a de-corrugated or cleaned data set. Typically this filter can only be applied to the line station; however, in the case of this survey both stations are essentially parallel and generate "line station" data. These filters are applied to gridded total field and quadrature data at different stages in the processing. The entire risk as to the quality and accuracy of the data is with the user and the user shall use his/her own judgment in making use of the data or drawing conclusions from it.
Source Information
Source (1 of 1)
  Title: Geophysical Data
  Originator: Geological Survey of Canada - Geophysical Data Centre and Radiation Geophysics Division
  Publication Date: Unknown
  Publication Time: Unknown
  Data Form: remote-sensing image
  Publication Place: Ottawa, Canada
  Publisher: Geological Survey of Canada
  Source Media: CD-ROM
  Source Contribution: The airborne data used to generate this map was collected by the Geological Survey of Canada (Survey# 184).
  Currentness Reference: publication date
  Currentness Date: unknown
Processing Step Information
Processing Step (1 of 4)
  Description: The images were produced by contractor M. S. (Steve) King using funds provided under the Natural Resources Canada and Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources joint project 'Mapping, Mineral and Energy Resource Evaluation, Central Nova Scotia', part of Natural Resources Canada's Targeted Geoscience Initiative (TGI-2) 2003-2005.
  Software and Version: GeoSoft
  Date: February - March 2004
  Contact Person: (see Contact Information)
Processing Step (2 of 4)
  Description: This digital product was released by the Mineral Resources Branch as DP ME 123 on June 10, 2004.
  Software and Version: none required
  Date: June 10, 2004
  Contact Person: (see Contact Information)
Processing Step (3 of 4)
  Description: In summer 2004, work began to create 109 Open File Maps produced from M.S. (Steve) King geophysical images. This work was done by casual employees Angie Ehler and Sharon Lee.
  Software and Version: ArcGIS 8.3 with Mapbook Extension
  Date: 2004-2005
  Contact Person: (see Contact Information)
Processing Step (4 of 4)
  Description: A revision of DP ME 123 was released by the Mineral Resources Branch on June xx, 2005, which included a PDF copy of Open File Map ME 2005-101.
  Software and Version: none required
  Contact Person: (see Contact Information)

Spatial Data Organization Information
  Spatial Reference Method: Raster
  Raster Type: Pixel
  Display Type:  
  Row Count: 3035
  Raster Origin: Upper Left
  Number of Bands: 3
  Cell Size X Direction: 10.0
  Cell Size X Units: meters
  Cell Size Y Direction: 20.000000, 50.000000, 10.000000
  Cell Size Y Units: meters
  Bits Per Pixel: 8
  Image Format: TIFF and JPEG
  Image Colormap: FALSE
  Compression Type: None

Spatial Reference Information
  Data Projection: Universal Transverse Mercator
  Zone: 20
  Scale Factor at Central Meridian: 0.9996
  Longitude at Central Meridian: -63.0
  Latitude of Projection Origin: 0
  False Easting: 500000
  False Northing: 0
  Geographic Coordinate System: GCS_Clarke_1866
  Projected Coordinate System: Clarke_1866_UTM_Zone_20N
  Datum: North American Datum of 1927
  Ellipsoid: Clarke 1866
  Semi-Major Axis: 6378206.400000
  Denominator Of Flattening Axis: 294.978698

Entity Attribute Information
Overview Description
  Dataset Overview: Data set consists of 1 TIFF image and 1 JPEG image.
Detailed Description
Data Layer/Table (1 of 2)
  Table Name: ltf010mu.tif and ltf010mu.tfw
  Description: TIFF image showing line total field VLF-EM for the Musquodoboit area, Nova Scotia (10m resolution) and an ArcInfo world file.
Data Layer/Table (2 of 2)
  Table Name: ltf010mu.jpg and ltf010mu.jgw
  Description: TIFF image showing line total field VLF-EM for the Musquodoboit area, Nova Scotia (10m resolution) and an ArcInfo world file.

Distribution Information
  Description: Downloadable Data
  Digital Custom Order Process: Digital Product Number = DP ME 123
  Available: since June 10, 2004
  Liability: The DATA is provided to the USER on an "as is" basis, without warranties of any kind, express or implied. The entire risk as to the quality and accuracy of the DATA is with the USER and the USER shall use his/her own judgment in making use of the DATA or drawing conclusions based upon it. NR&R shall not be liable to the USER, his/her clients, servants, agents, contractors, assigns, or to any other person for any loss or damage of any kind including personal injury or death arising from the use of the DATA or accompanying written materials, or from errors, deficiencies or faults therein, whether such damage is caused by negligence or otherwise. If errors or omissions are found in the DATA, the USER will notify NR&R. The terms and conditions of the license accompany the downloaded digital product.
  Technical Prerequisite: In order to view our digital files on your computer, you require mapping software (e. g. ArcGIS(R), ArcInfo(R), ArcView(R), MapInfo(R), AutoCAD(R)). If you do not have this software, ESRI* provides a FREE Map Viewer called ArcExplorer(R) which you can download over the Internet. ArcExplorer(R) works with our "E00", "SHP", "JPG", "SID" and "TIF" files. The "TIF" and "JPG" image file formats can be viewed in a number of graphics and image packages including CorelDraw* and Paint Shop Pro. The MRSID "SID" images can be viewed in an increasing number of image packages as well as with a FREE MRSID viewer supplied by LizardTech*. In order to use the E00 format data you need to download both ArcExplorer(R) and the ArcExplorer(R) Import Utility (Import71.exe). The import utility is required to convert the ArcInfo "E00" files into ArcInfo coverages, which then can be viewed in ArcExplorer(R). In order to view our PDF files on your computer, you will require a PDF Viewer (e. g. Adobe® Acrobat® Reader). If you do not have this software, Adobe(R) provides this software, Adobe(R) provides this software for FREE download over the Internet. You will require Adobe® Acrobat® Reader Version 4.0 or greater to view the PDF files.
  Ordering Fee: Free
  Instructions: The data set can be downloaded over the Internet.
  Distribution Contact:
    see contact information
Digital Form: (1 of 3)
  format name: TIFF
  format specification: dp123v1tfv10tf.exe
  Transfer Size: 8.7 Mb
  Dataset Size: 60.7 Mb
  Information Content: Line total field VLF-EM TIFF images for part of the TGI-2 project area in central Nova Scotia at a 10m resolution.
  Decompression Technique: self extracting DOS based pkzip archive files
  Online Transfer: https://novascotia.ca/natr/meb/download/dp123.asp
Digital Form: (2 of 3)
  format name: JPEG
  format specification: dp123v1tfv10jg.exe
  Transfer Size: 2.1 Mb
  Dataset Size: 2.2 Mb
  Information Content: Line total field VLF-EM JPEG images for part of the TGI-2 project area in central Nova Scotia at a 10m resolution.
  Decompression Technique: self extracting DOS based pkzip archive files
  Online Transfer: https://novascotia.ca/natr/meb/download/dp123.asp
Digital Form: (3 of 3)
  format name: PDF
  format specification: dp123v1ofm2005-101pd.exe
  Transfer Size: 15.6 Mb
  Dataset Size: 18.0 Mb
  Information Content: Line total field VLF-EM PDF Open File Map for part of the TGI-2 project area in central Nova Scotia.
  Decompression Technique: self extracting DOS based pkzip archive files
  Online Transfer: https://novascotia.ca/natr/meb/download/dp123.asp

Metadata Reference
  Creation Date: 20050613
  Metadata Standard: FGDC Content Standards for Digital Geospatial Metadata
  Standard Version: FGDC-STD-001-1998
  Metadata Language: en
  Time Convention: local time
  Review Date: As required
  Access Constraints: none
  User Constraints: none
  Security Classification System: none
  Security Classification: Unclassified
  Security Handling Description: none
  Metadata Contact:
    Brian Fisher
    Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources, Mineral Resources Branch
    Digital Information Services Supervisor
    1701 Hollis Street, P.O. Box 698
    Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
    B3J 2T9
    (phone) 902-424-8139
    (fax) 902-424-7735
    Staff Contact
    Available: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. AST Monday-Friday