DP ME 185

DP ME 185, TGI-2: Geological Mapping and Resource Evaluation in Central Nova Scotia, 2003-2005DP ME 185, Version 2, 2006. Digital Geological Data Generated as Part of the Targeted Geoscience Initiative Project (Phase 2), Geological Mapping and Resource Evaluation in Central Nova Scotia, 2003-2005, NTS 11E/06 and 11E/07 and Parts of 11E/05, 11E/10, 11E/11 and 11E/12, Compiled by D. C. Brisco, R. D. Naylor, P. S. Giles, B. E. Fisher, J. C. Poole and J. S. McKinnon. Available in SHP, E00 and DXF/DBF formats.

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