Report on Potential Field Modelling Project, Targeted Geoscience Initiative, Antigonish, Guysborough, Cape Breton, Inverness, Richmond and Victoria Counties (NTS 11F/10, 11, 14, 15 and 11K/02), South-central Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia1�

Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources
Mineral Resources Branch
Open File Report ME 2003-3

By M. S. King

Free PDF Download

1Contribution to the Natural Resources Canada (Geological Survey of Canada) and Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources joint project 'Geological Mapping for Mineral Development, South-central Cape Breton Island', a Natural Resources Canada's Targeted Geoscience Initiative 2000-2003.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction by R. C. Boehner
    • Potential Field Maps
      • Gravity and Aeromagnetic Model Line Sections
      • Internal Basin Sections
      • Isolated-point Gravity Lows (3-5 mGal) 
  • Introduction
  • Purpose and Scope
  • Geophysical Data
    • Geophysical Data Processing
  • Petrophysical Data and Analysis
  • Potential Field Models
    • Summary of Modelling Results
  • Conclusions
  • References
  • Statement of Qualifications
  • Appendix I: List of Potential Field Map Products
  • Appendix II: Petrophysical Data and Sample Descriptions
  • Appendix III: Potential Field Model Location Maps
  • Appendix IV: Potential Field Models