Geological Map of Mount Uniacke (West Half)

Metadata for DP ME 179, Version 1, 2009. Digital Version of Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources Map ME 1987-08, Geological Map of Mount Uniacke, NTS 11D/13 (West Half), Scale 1:50 000, by M. C. Corey, 1987
Table Of Contents

Identification Information
Citation Information
  Title: DP ME 179, Version 1, 2009. Digital Version of Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources Map ME 1987-08, Geological Map of Mount Uniacke, NTS 11D/13 (West Half), Scale 1:50 000, by M. C. Corey, 1987
  Originator: B. E. Fisher, J. S. McKinnon, P. C. Barker
  Publication Date: 2009
  Edition: 1
  Data Type: vector digital data
  Series: Digital Product
  Issue Identification: DP ME 179
  Publisher: Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources, Mineral Resources Branch
  Publication Place: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
  Online linkage:
Data Description
  Abstract: This digital product is a digital version of Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources (NSNR&R) Published Map ME 1987-08, Geological Map of Mount Uniacke, Nova Scotia, compiled by M. C. Corey, 1987. The digital product was created by the NSNR&R, Mineral Resources Branch (MRB) staff. The digital product was digitized from Map ME 1987-08 and the databases were developed from the information contained on this map. The digital product contains layers for geological features such as: anticlines/synclines, faults, bedrock geology, geological contacts, mineral occurrences, outcrops (large and small), stockwork, structural data, cross sections and other geological features.
  Purpose: The purpose of this data set is to create a digital version of NSNR&R Map ME 1987-08. This digital product shows the bedrock geology of 1:50 000 NTS map sheet 11D/13 West Half (Mount Uniacke, Hants and Halifax Counties, Nova Scotia).
  Supplemental Information: Data Set ID = p87008; Data Class = bgeo50; Project ID = valley aggregate
  Language English
  Data Credit: Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources
  Data Environment ArcInfo 8.3 on a SUN Sparc 20 workstation running Solaris 7
  Native Data Set Format ArcView 3.2a shapefiles
Contact Information
  Jeff Poole
  Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources, Mineral Resources Branch
  Digital Information Services Supervisor
  1701 Hollis Street, P.O. Box 698
  Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
  B3J 2T9
  (phone) 902-424-8139
  (fax) 902-424-7735
  Staff Contact
  Available: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. AST Monday - Friday
Time Period Information
  Date: 2009
  Currentness Reference: publication date
Data Status
  Progress: Complete
  Update Frequency: As needed
Spatial Domain
  West Coordinate: -64.00
  East Coordinate: -63.75
  North Coordinate: 45.00
  South Coordinate: 44.75
  G-Poly coordinates
  G-Poly Pair (1 of 5) 45.00, -64.00
  G-Poly Pair (2 of 5) 45.00, -63.75
  G-Poly Pair (3 of 5) 44.75, -63.75
  G-Poly Pair (4 of 5) 44.75, -64.00
  G-Poly Pair (5 of 5) 45.00, -64.00
  Theme Keywords: Geologic & Geophysical; geoscientific Information; Downloadable Data; Bedrock Geology (BG); BG 1:50 000; digital products; digital geoscience data; digital maps; digital databases; BG Detailed Scale Map; alteration; anticlines; arsenic; arsenopyrite; autunite; bedrock geological mapping; chalcopyrite; chemical analyses; copper; geophysics; grab samples; granodiorites; iron; leucogranites; leucomonzogranites; metagreywackes; metallic minerals; mineralization; mineralogy; molybdenite; molybdenum; monzogranites; pyrite; quarries; quartz veins; radiometric surveys, airborne; regional geology; rock geochemistry; scheelite; siltstones; slates; synclines; torbernite; tungsten; uranium; wolframite
  Place Keywords: Mount Uniacke; Halifax County; Hants County; Nova Scotia; 11D/13
  Stratum Keywords: Big Indian Lake Pluton; Goldenville Formation; Halifax Formation; Lakeland Anticline; Meguma Group; Mount Uniacke Anticline; Oland Anticline; Panuke Lake Leucomonzogranite; Rawdon Mines Anticline; Sandy Lake Monzogranite; South Mountain Batholith; Walsh Brook Leucomonzogranite; Big Indian Polyphase Intrusive Suite
  Temporal Keywords: Cambrian; Carboniferous; Devonian; Ordovician
Access and Usage Information
  Access Constraints:

The access constraints are contained in the following License Agreement which the user must agree to before using the data. A copy of the License Agreement is included with the digital product. The License Agreement reads as follows:

"For the data contained on this medium (media), or any part thereof, herein called the DATA

Between the PROVINCE OF NOVA SCOTIA as represented by the Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources, hereinafter referred to as NR&R and the recipient of the data hereinafter called the USER

For good consideration, the receipt of which is acknowledged, NR&R licences the non-exclusive use of the digital DATA to the USER on the following terms and conditions.


NR&R remains the owner of the DATA and is not assigning copyright privileges to the USER.

The USER agrees to acknowledge NR&R as the source of the DATA, if using or distributing it in its original form, whether in whole or in part, or as part of a value added product.

NR&R reserves the right to modify and/or update the DATA without obligations to notify the USER.

The DATA is provided to the USER on an "as is" basis, without warranties of any kind, express or implied.

The entire risk as to the quality and accuracy of the DATA is with the USER and the USER shall use his/her own judgment in making use of the DATA or drawing conclusions based upon it.

NR&R shall not be liable to the USER, his/her clients, servants, agents, contractors, assigns, or to any other person for any loss or damage of any kind including personal injury or death arising from the use of the DATA or accompanying written materials, or from errors, deficiencies or faults therein, whether such damage is caused by negligence or otherwise. If errors or omissions are found in the DATA, the USER will notify NR&R.

This Licence is the entire Agreement between the parties and supersedes all previous Agreements or understandings between NR&R and the USER hereto, whether written or oral, in connection with or incidental to the DATA. This Licence shall be binding upon the parties hereto and each of their executors, administrators, successors and assigns and shall ensure to the benefit of such executors, administrators, successors and authorized assigns.

This Licence must be included with the DATA if the USER copies, resells, or re-distributes the DATA whether in whole or in part.

This Licence can be terminated by NR&R at any time. Upon such termination, the USER shall refrain from using the DATA and destroy all copies and backups in the USER'S possession.

This Licence is in effect once the USER reads and accepts the Terms and Conditions of this Licence. If the USER is unable or unwilling to fully comply with these terms and conditions, the USER must refrain from using the DATA. By using the DATA, the USER acknowledges that he/she was aware of the terms and conditions of this Licence when he/she accepted it, understood them, and agreed to be bound by them."

A copy of the terms and conditions of the license are available with the downloaded product.

  Use Constraints: Any constraints on the use of the data are contained in the above license agreement. The terms and conditions of the license accompany the downloaded digital product. A statement of some use constraints can be viewed in the technical prerequisites.
Browse Graphic Information
  Filename: none
  Description: none at this time
Security Information
  Classification System: none
  Classification: Unclassified
  Handling Description: none
Cross Reference Information
Cross Reference (1 of 10)
  Title: Metallogenic map of the Province of Nova Scotia, scale 1:500 000
  Originator: A. K. Chatterjee
  Publication Date: 1983
  Data Form: map
  Series: NSDME Published Map
  Issue: 83-5
  Publication Place: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
  Publisher: Nova Scotia Department of Mines and Energy
Cross Reference (2 of 10)
  Title: Bedrock Geology of the South Mountain Batholith: NTS Map Sheet 11D/13
  Originator: M. C. Corey
  Publication Date: 1986
  Data Form: document
  Series: NSDME Report of Activities
  Issue: 1985
  Publication Place: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
  Publisher: Nova Scotia Department of Mines and Energy
Cross Reference (3 of 10)
  Title: Ponhook Lake Sheet, Map No. 72
  Originator: E. R. Faribault
  Publication Date: 1916
  Data Form: map
  Series: GSC Publication
  Issue: No. 1539
  Publication Place: Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
  Publisher: Geological Survey of Canada
Cross Reference (4 of 10)
  Title: New Ross Sheet, Map No. 86
  Originator: E. R. Faribault
  Publication Date: 1931
  Data Form: map
  Series: GSC Publication
  Issue: No. 2259
  Publication Place: Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
  Publisher: Geological Survey of Canada
Cross Reference (5 of 10)
  Title: Airphotograph Interpretation of the Surficial Geology of Map Sheets 11D/05, 11D/12, 21A/16
  Originator: P. W. Finck
  Publication Date: 1985
  Data Form: document
  Series: NSDME Report of Activities
  Issue: 1984
  Publication Place: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
  Publisher: Nova Scotia Department of Mines and Energy
Cross Reference (6 of 10)
  Title: Geology of the South Mountain Batholith of the Eastern Half of NTS Sheet 21A/16
  Originator: L. J. Ham, R. J. Horne
  Publication Date: 1986
  Data Form: document
  Series: NSDME Report of Activities
  Issue: 1985
  Publication Place: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
  Publisher: Nova Scotia Department of Mines and Energy
Cross Reference (7 of 10)
  Title: Geological Map of the Windsor Area, Nova Scotia, scale 1:25 000
  Originator: R. G. Moore, S. A. Ferguson
  Publication Date: 1986
  Data Form: map
  Series: NSDME Map
  Issue: 86-2
  Publication Place: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
  Publisher: Nova Scotia Department of Mines and Energy
Cross Reference (8 of 10)
  Title: Metasomatic-hydrothermal mineral deposits of the New Ross-Mahone Bay area, Nova Scotia
  Originator: G. A. O'Reilly, E. J. Farley, M. H. Charest
  Publication Date: 1982
  Data Form: document
  Series: NSDME Paper
  Issue: 82-2, 96 p.
  Publication Place: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
  Publisher: Nova Scotia Department of Mines and Energy
Cross Reference (9 of 10)
  Title: Stratigraphy and sedimentology of the Meguma Zone and part of the Avalon Zone; in The Caledonide Orogen, NATO Advanced Study Institute, Atlantic Canada, August 1982. Compiled by A .F. King. Department of Earth Sciences, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's, Newfoundland
  Originator: P. E. Schenk
  Publication Date: 1982
  Data Form: document
  Series: IGCP project
  Issue: 17, report 9, pp. 189-307
  Publication Place: St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada
Cross Reference (10 of 10)
  Title: To each plutonic rock its proper name
  Originator: A. L. Streckeisen
  Publication Date: 1976
  Data Form: document
  Series: Earth Science Review
  Issue: v. 12, p. 1-33

Data Quality Information
Positional Accuracy
  Positional Accuracy Report: There may be positional accuracy errors in the digital data that come from the original data collection, plus there are errors added by the process of digitizing the features from the original published Map ME 1987-8. The entire risk as to the quality and accuracy of the data is with the user and the user shall use his/her own judgment in making use of the data or drawing conclusions from it.
Source Information
Source (1 of 2)
  Title: Geological Map of Mount Uniacke, Nova Scotia (N.T.S. Sheet 11D/13 West Half)
  Originator: M. C. Corey
  Publication Date: 1987
  Publication Time: Unknown
  Data Form: map
  Series Name: NSNR&R Map
  Issue Identification: Map ME 1987-08
  Publication Place: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
  Publisher: Nova Scotia Department of Mines and Energy
  Scale Denominator: 50000
  Source Media: paper
  Citation Abbreviation: NSNR&R Map ME 1987-08
  Source Contribution: The geological points, lines and polygons that are contained in the digital product were digitized from this map
  Currentness Reference: publication date
  Currentness Date: 1987
Source (2 of 2)
  Title: NTS Digital 1:50 000 Topographic Maps
  Originator: Nova Scotia Geomatics Center
  Data Form: vector digital data
  Other Citation: Base data is derived from the Nova Scotia Topographic Database (NSTDB), Copyright Province of Nova Scotia. All rights reserved. The NSTDB is available from Service Nova Scotia & Municipal Relations, Nova Scotia Geomatics Center, 160 Willow St., Amherst, N.S.
  Series Name: Digital Bases
  Issue Identification: NTS Digital 1:50 000 Topographic Maps
  Publication Place: Amherst, Nova Scotia, Canada
  Publisher: Nova Scotia Geomatics Center
  Scale Denominator: 50000
  Source Media: disc
  Citation Abbreviation: NSGC
  Source Contribution: Topographic information, such as the coastline, were taken from the digital 1:50 000 NTS base maps and used to construct the geological polygons while other features such as roads, streams and lakes were used to georeference the hard copy map to the digital bases during the digitizing process
  Currentness Reference: ground condition
  Currentness Date: unknown
Processing Step Information
Processing Step (1 of 5)
  Description: In 2001 the 1987-8 hard copy map was digitized by Adam Sherry at the request of Garth Prime so that the data could be used on a the Metro Aggregate maps that he was in the process of producing. The data was used on Open File Map 2001-1 but a digital product of the map was never created so the digital product was not completed at that time. The required features were checked and used on the new maps.
  Software and Version: ArcView 3.2
  Date: 2001
  Contact Organization: see contact information
Processing Step (2 of 5)
  Description: In 2004 the GIS Group began working on a new 1:50 000 for 11D/13 under the Central Meguma project name. Rick Horne decided that the South Mountain Batholith portions of the map were to be taken from the 1987-8 map. Summer student Liam Fitzgerald began updating the previously created coverages and shapefile to our current format, performing QA on the database and making any edit changes required.
  Software and Version: ArcView 3.2
  Date: 2005
  Contact Person: (see Contact Information)
Processing Step (3 of 5)
  Description: In 2007 Jeff McKinnon moved the data onto the new 1:50 000 CSZ bases that we are now using as our standard base for all maps.
  Software and Version: ArcMap 9.2
  Date: 2008
  Contact Person: (see Contact Information)
Processing Step (4 of 5)
  Description: In 2009 Jeff McKinnon did a final check on the database and made any changes required.
  Software and Version: ArcMap 9.3
  Date: 2009
  Contact Person: (see Contact Information)
Processing Step (5 of 5)
  Description: Digital Product 179 was released in June 2009 along with four 1:25 000 Central Meguma Map and Digital Product 147 which contains the actual data that was used on the maps.
  Software and Version: ArcMap 9.3
  Date: 2009
  Contact Person: (see Contact Information)

Spatial Data Organization Information
  Spatial Reference Method: Point and Vector

Spatial Reference Information
  Data Projection: Universal Transverse Mercator
  Zone: 20
  Scale Factor at Central Meridian: 0.9996
  Longitude at Central Meridian: -63.0
  Latitude of Projection Origin: 0
  False Easting: 500000
  False Northing: 0
  Geographic Coordinate System: GSC_North_American_1983_CSRS98
  Projected Coordinate System: NAD_1983_CSRS98_UTM_Zone_20N
  Datum: D_North_American_1983_CSRS98
  Ellipsoid: Geodetic Reference System 80
  Semi-Major Axis: 6378137.0
  Denominator Of Flattening Axis: 298.257222

Entity Attribute Information
Overview Description
  Dataset Overview: The data set contains 14 shapefiles consisting of points, lines and polygons.
Detailed Description
Data Layer/Table (1 of 15)
  Table Name: d179mnas.shp
  Description: ESRI lines - anticlines and synclines
  Metadata Link:
Data Layer/Table (2 of 15)
  Table Name: d179mnfa.shp
  Description: ESRI lines - faults
  Metadata Link:
Data Layer/Table (3 of 15)
  Table Name: d179mngb.shp
  Description: ESRI polygons - bedrock geology
  Metadata Link:
Data Layer/Table (4 of 15)
  Table Name: d179mngc.shp
  Description: ESRI lines - geological contacts
  Metadata Link:
Data Layer/Table (5 of 15)
  Table Name: d179mnog.shp
  Description: ESRI lines - other geological features
  Metadata Link:
Data Layer/Table (6 of 15)
  Table Name: d179mnmo.shp
  Description: ESRI points - mineral occurrences
  Metadata Link:
Data Layer/Table (7 of 15)
  Table Name: d179mnnl.shp
  Description: ESRI polygon - neatline
  Metadata Link:
Data Layer/Table (8 of 15)
  Table Name: d179mnol.shp
  Description: ESRI polygons - large outcrops
  Metadata Link:
Data Layer/Table (9 of 15)
  Table Name: d179mnos.shp
  Description: ESRI points - outcrops
  Metadata Link:
Data Layer/Table (10 of 15)
  Table Name: d179mnsk.shp
  Description: ESRI points - stockworks
  Metadata Link:
Data Layer/Table (11 of 15)
  Table Name: d179mnst.shp
  Description: ESRI points - structural data
  Metadata Link:
Data Layer/Table (12 of 15)
  Table Name: geosdesc.dbf
  Description: table - geological unit descriptions
Data Layer/Table (13 of 15)
  Table Name: d179mntx.shp
  Description: ESRI point - text information
  Metadata Link:
Data Layer/Table (14 of 15)
  Table Name: d179mnxs.shp
  Description: ESRI lines - cross sections
  Metadata Link:
Data Layer/Table (15 of 15)
  Table Name: d179mnro.shp
  Description: ESRI polygons - reference outlines
  Metadata Link:

Distribution Information
  Description: Downloadable Data
  Digital Custom Order Process: Digital Product Number = DP ME 179
  Available: since 2009
  Liability: The DATA is provided to the USER on an "as is" basis, without warranties of any kind, express or implied. The entire risk as to the quality and accuracy of the DATA is with the USER and the USER shall use his/her own judgment in making use of the DATA or drawing conclusions based upon it. NR&R shall not be liable to the USER, his/her clients, servants, agents, contractors, assigns, or to any other person for any loss or damage of any kind including personal injury or death arising from the use of the DATA or accompanying written materials, or from errors, deficiencies or faults therein, whether such damage is caused by negligence or otherwise. If errors or omissions are found in the DATA, the USER will notify NR&R. The terms and conditions of the license accompany the downloaded digital product.
  Technical Prerequisite: In order to view this data set, mapping software is required (eg. ArcView, MapInfo, AutoCAD). If you do not have this software, ESRI provides a free map viewer called ArcExplorer, which you can download over the Internet. This viewer works with the E00 files and an ArcExplorer Import Utility (import71.exe) is needed to convert the E00 files into ArcInfo coverages, which can be then viewed in ArcExplorer. ArcView Project Information Our SHP products include an ArcView project which have all of the shapefiles symbolized and tables loaded with link and joins already created. This project uses relative paths so it should be drive and path independent. It can be found in the c:\data_set_id\arcview\project directory. ArcExplorer Project Information We have also included an ArcExplorer 2 project (.aep) and an ArcExplorer 4 (.axl) project for this data set that can be found in the c:\data_set_id\arcexpl directory. The shapefiles are already loaded and have limited symbolization, any related tables are not loaded. The AEP project uses relative paths and should be no problem using it without any changes. The AXL project includes a string "#DPMEPATH#" which you will need to search for and replace with your drive letter and a colon (ex: c:) in order to make the project work. Please note the if you do not install the data set using the default path you may need to replace other parts of the reference to the path in the AXL. Hotlinks In order to use the hotlink feature within ArcView 3.x in you may need to load MRB's Hotlink Anything extension which may be located in the arcview/ext directory along with documentation. You may also need to set the variable MEBGIS_HOME on your system to the location of the data set on your system. The SHP product provides an ArcView project set up with the hotlinks working. Some modifications to the HOTLINK field in the database tables or in the HLFILES may be required to make the hotlink work properly. Knowledge of ArcView and hotlinks may be required to make this work properly A feature called hotlinks is used in ArcView to link a feature such as a mineral occurrence or cross section to a single text file, image or website etc. For features that we want to link multiple items or documents to we have developed our own hotlink extension for ArcView 3.x called "Hotlink Anything". The extension and documentation on how to install the extension, and set the required MEBGIS_HOME variable to the location of the data set on your system is included in the x:\nsgov\dig_prod_num\data_set_id\arcview\ext directory (example - c:\nsgov\dp305v1sh\g118a\arcview\ext) assuming that you used our default directories when downloading the data. The SHP product provides an ArcView project set up with the hotlinks working. Some modifications to the HOTLINK field in the database tables or in the HLFILES.TXT file may be required to make the hotlink work properly. Knowledge of ArcView and hotlinks may be required to make the native hotlink utility or our extension work properly Problems and Limitations Problems have been reported trying to import ARC E00 files into ArcView on Windows 95 computers. Related tables do not import into ArcView. It is not a problem on UNIX, Windows 3.1 or Windows NT platforms. If you experience this problem you can use our DXF/DBF product which contains the tables in dBase format. dBase files can be imported into ArcView. This map is intended for use at the published scale of 1:50 000
  Ordering Fee: Free
  Instructions: The data set can be downloaded over the Internet
  Distribution Contact:
  see contact information
Digital Form: (1 of 3)
  format name: ArcInfo Export (E00)
  format version: 7.2.1
  format specification: dp179v1e0.exe
  Transfer Size: 0.3 MB
  Dataset Size: 2.2 MB
  Information Content: Contains data pertaining to anticlines/synclines, faults, bedrock geologic units, geological contacts, mineral occurrences, neatline, large and small outcrops, stockworks, structural data, text locations, cross sections, and other geological features.
  Decompression Technique: self extracting DOS based pkzip archive file
  Online Transfer:
Digital Form: (2 of 3)
  format name: DBF/DXF
  format specification: dp179v1dx.exe
  Transfer Size: 0.3 MB
  Dataset Size: 4.1 MB
  Information Content: Contains data pertaining to anticlines/synclines, faults, bedrock geologic units, geological contacts, mineral occurrences, neatline, large and small outcrops, stockworks, structural data, text locations, cross sections, and other geological features.
  Decompression Technique: self extracting DOS based pkzip archive file
  Online Transfer:
Digital Form: (3 of 3)
  format name: ArcView Shapefile (SHP)
  format version: 3.2a
  format specification: dp179v1sh.exe
  Transfer Size: 10 MB
  Dataset Size: 13.8 MB
  Information Content: Contains data pertaining to anticlines/synclines, faults, bedrock geologic units, geological contacts, mineral occurrences, neatline, large and small outcrops, stockworks, structural data, text locations, cross sections, and other geological features.
  Decompression Technique: self extracting DOS based pkzip archive file
  Online Transfer:

Metadata Reference
  Creation Date: 20090703
  Metadata Standard: FGDC Content Standards for Digital Geospatial Metadata
  Standard Version: FGDC-STD-001-1998
  Metadata Language: English
  Time Convention: local time
  Review Date: As required
  Access Constraints: none
  User Constraints: none
  Security Classification System: none
  Security Classification: Unclassified
  Security Handling Description: none
  Metadata Contact:
  see contact information