Geological Mapping of the Halifax Area

Version 1, 2017. Digital Geological Data Generated as Part of the Bedrock Geological Mapping of the Halifax Area (2007-2012), Halifax County, Nova Scotia. Digital product compiled by C.E. White, M.A. MacDonald, R.J. Horne, B.E. Fisher, J.S. McKinnon and A.L. Barras.

SHP Download of DP ME 440

SHP Download of
DP ME 440

1.2 MB (compressed)
11.3 MB (uncompressed)
Information on the SHP Format
GDB Download of Map DP ME 440

GDB Download of
DP ME 440

4.4 MB (compressed)
18.2 MB (uncompressed)
Information on the GDB Format

Remember ... If your maps look like this when you zoom in, you need to Install the NR&R fonts in the <data_drive>:\nsDNR\dp440v1gd\d440hx\arcmap\fonts directory:











They should look like this ...
