The overall acid rock drainage potential of rocks can be determined by analyzing their chemical composition and mineral assemblage. Lithogeochemical and petrological studies in the HRM identified the potential acid-producing units of the Goldenville and Halifax groups. This study compares two methods for predicting the acid-producing potential: using a portable XRF instrument and the legally mandated acid-base test.
Increased urban growth has prompted a request for more detailed geoscience information in areas of new development. In 2007, a geoscience mapping program began mapping bedrock and surficial geology in the HRM. This report presents the preliminary results and their connection to human health by highlighting several geohazards, including acid rock drainage.
In 2007, The Environmental Geology Program was established to "identify and assess geological hazards that have significant potential to impact public health, safety and land use in Nova Scotia." The program supports researching, mapping and identifying geological hazards such as coastal erosion, water quality issues, and hazardous geologic features, including acid rock drainage. This report reviews the progress of the program′s debut year.
In Nova Scotia, ARD occurs primarily from the exposure of pyrite and pyrrhotite to air and water. Magnetic surveys can locate these minerals and better define contacts between rock types. This report presents a study′s field magnetic results and identifies various sulphide-rich rocks in the Halifax and Goldenville Formations. This information is useful for predicting bedrock acid rock drainage when exposed to oxidizing conditions.
Acid Rock Drainage can cause negative environmental effects similar to the effects from acid rain and can be mitigated by the buffering capacity of the receiving environment. This short paper discusses mapping the acid-producing potential of surficial sediments and bedrock.
Want to know where you can see evidence of Acid Rock Drainage in HRM? This report describes several field trip stops where the process of sulphide oxidation is visible with red iron staining on outcrops and in streams.
Often rocks are quarried and crushed into sand and gravel aggregate for use in highway construction, concrete, and asphalt. This paper discusses the bedrock aggregate potential in southern Nova Scotia, and why crushing certain rocks from the Meguma Group is problematic for generating acid rock drainage
This short report discusses the progress of bedrock mapping of the HRM area. More detailed mapping will better define contacts between the bedrock units in the Meguma Supergroup . In particular, well-defining the Cunard formation will help land use planners, developers and environmental consultants identify areas of concern in respect to acid rock drainage issues in urban areas.