Geological Mapping of Cape Breton Island

DP ME 433, Version 2, 2021. Digital Geological Data Generated as Part of the Bedrock Geological Mapping Compilation Project for Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia. Digital product compiled by S. M. Barr, C. E. White, B. E. Fisher, J. S. McKinnon, A. L. Barras and D. S. Hapgood.


Location Map


Format and Projection


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Related Products

OFM ME 2021-003, 2021-004 and 2017-007 to 2017-031


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This digital product is a compilation and integration by S.M. Barr and C.E. White of previous field work and detailed bedrock geological mapping initiatives over the last 25 years in Cape Breton Island. The data was used to create Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources (NSNR&R) Open File Maps OFM ME 2017-007 to 2017-031, compiled by S.M. Barr and C. E. White, 2017. The digital product was created by the NSNR&R, Geoscience and Mines Branch (GMB) staff. The digital product contains layers for geological features such as: anticlines/synclines, coal seams, areas of concentrated drilling, drillholes, faults, bedrock geologic units, geological contacts, mineral occurrences, neatline, small outcrops, reference outlines, structural data, and terrane boundaries. In 2021, a revised edition of the digital product was released with updates made to bedrock geology, contacts, and faults in the Baddeck area. The updated data was used to replace OFM ME 2017-006 and OFM ME 2017-019 with OFM ME 2021-003 and OFM ME 2021-004 respectively.

Nova Scotia Open Government Licence

This data is made available under the Nova Scotia Open Government Licence.

Use of this data indicates your acceptance to the terms contained in the Nova Scotia Open Government Licence.

Location Map

Location Map

Detailed View

Sample Image

Format and Projection

Format ESRI shape files (SHP), ArcGIS File Geodatabase (GDB) and TXT files compressed in ZIP files (more information on data formats)

SHP/GDB - 120 MB (compressed), 600 MB (uncompressed)

Projection The data is in six-degree Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projection, Zone 20, Central Meridian 63° 00' West using the North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83).

Downloading Instructions

The data files have been compressed using IZArc into a single ZIP file.

  1. Read the Licence before accepting the data.
  2. Download the ZIP file to the desired location on your computer hard drive.
  3. Unzip and extract the data onto your computer. We STRONGLY recommend you unzip our data to a consistent area on your hard drive (e.g. C:\nsDNR\).

All data sets are in six-degree Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Zone 20 projection using the NAD83 datum.

A readme file and a copy of the licence agreement are also included with each data set.

Download Digital Data Set DP ME 433