Nova Scotia Pumping Test Database, Version 2, G.W. Kennedy, Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources and Renewables, Digital Product ME 498, 2022 |
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AbstractThe Nova Scotia Pumping Test database is maintained by Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources and Renewables (NRR) and contains an inventory of pumping tests submitted to the province, typically in support of a water withdrawal approval application. Information recorded in the database includes details about the well construction and pumping test, and the interpreted hydrogeological properties. It is a point feature dataset consisting of 1221 records and is current to November 2021. Additional metadata and field descriptions can be found at: hgeo_ptest.htm |
Nova Scotia Open Government LicenceThis data is made available under the Nova Scotia Open Government Licence. Use of this data indicates your acceptance to the terms contained in the Nova Scotia Open Government Licence. |
Sample in ArcMap |
Sample of Pumping Tests in the Groundwater Atlas |
Format and Projection
Downloading InstructionsThe data files have been compressed into a single ZIP file. All data sets are in six-degree Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projection, Zone 20, Central Meridian 63° 00' West using the North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83). A readme file and a link to the licence agreement are also included with each dataset. |