Nova Scotia Mineral Occurrence Database

Attributes for DP ME 002, Version 11, 2016, Nova Scotia Mineral Occurrence Database
Overview Description
Dataset Overview: The data set consists a two point feature classes and associate tables in an ESRI 10.2 file geodatabase . The shapefile (SHP) and KML\KMZ downloadable products contain the equivalent files indicated below.
On-Line Linkage,
Detailed Description
Data Table/Layer
Table Name: d002ns_mineral_occurrences.gdb ... d002nsmo_mineral_occurrences, d002nsmo.shp, d002nsmo.kmz
Description: ESRI file geodatabase points feature class - mineral occurrences
Attributes (1 of 30)
Attribute Name: FID
Data Type: OID
Width: 4
Precision: 0
Scale: 0
Description: Internal feature number.
Definition Source: ESRI

Unrepresentable Values (1 of 1)
Value: Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generated.

Attributes (2 of 30)
Attribute Name: Shape
Data Type: Geometry
Width: 0
Precision: 0
Scale: 0
Description: Feature geometry.
Definition Source: ESRI

Unrepresentable Values (1 of 1)
Value: Coordinates defining the features.

Attributes (3 of 30)
Attribute Name: geo_id
Data Type: Number
Width: 9
Description: Unique Integer ID given to each individual feature within a theme. GIS administration field.

Attributes (4 of 30)
Attribute Name: geo_num
Data Type: String
Width: 32
Description: Unique ID given to each individual feature within a dataset. GIS administration field.

Attributes (5 of 30)
Attribute Name: Occ_num
Data Type: String
Width: 32
Description: Mineral Occurrence Number (e.g. A02-004)

Attributes (6 of 30)
Attribute Name: Name
Data Type: String
Width: 64
Description: Mineral Occurrence Name (e.g. Mill Village Au District )

Attributes (7 of 30)
Attribute Name: Occ_type
Data Type: String
Width: 24
Description: Mineral Occurrence Type. M - Metallic, I - Industrial, B- Both Metallic and Industrial, C - Coal

Attributes (8 of 30)
Attribute Name: Status
Data Type: String
Width: 25
Description: Status - One of the following: Producer, Deposit, Float, Placer, Drift, Boulder, Prospect, Past Producer, Till Anomaly, Occurrence

Attributes (9 of 30)
Attribute Name: Min_prim
Data Type: String
Width: 30
Description: Primary Mineral (e.g. native gold)

Attributes (10 of 30)
Attribute Name: Min_list
Data Type: String
Width: 200
Description: Mineralization found at the occurrence (e.g. native gold, arsenopyrite, chalcopyrite, galena)

Attributes (11 of 30)
Attribute Name: Comm_prim
Data Type: String
Width: 16
Description: Primary Commodity - element abbreviation (e.g. Au )

Attributes (12 of 30)
Attribute Name: Comm_list
Data Type: String
Width: 150
Description: Commodity list - element abbreviations (e.g. Au, As, Cu, Pb, Ag)

Attributes (13 of 30)
Attribute Name: av_legend
Data Type: String
Width: 24
Description: ArcView Legend field. Used for the map legend. In this case equivalent to the Comm_prim field.

Attributes (14 of 30)
Attribute Name: hotlink
Data Type: String
Width: 128
Description: Link to another document. In this case it is a link to a report from the online MODB database. (e.g. )

Attributes (15 of 30)
Attribute Name: County
Data Type: String
Width: 20
Description: County Name

Attributes (16 of 30)
Attribute Name: Claim_map
Data Type: String
Width: 20
Description: Claim Reference Map Sheet Number (e.g. 11F/05C)

Attributes (17 of 30)
Attribute Name: Tract
Data Type: Number
Width: 9
Description: From 1 to 108 Tract subdivisions of a Claim Reference Map Sheet.

Attributes (18 of 30)
Attribute Name: Claim
Data Type: String
Width: 2
Description: One of sixteen ( A , B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, Q, P, O, N) Claim subdivisions of a Tract.

Attributes (19 of 30)
Attribute Name: E_u83z20_m
Data Type: Number
Width: 9
Description: UTM Easting , NAN83 CSRS, zone 20, metres. NAD_1983_CSRS_UTM_Zone_20N, WKID: 2961 Authority: EPSG

Attributes (20 of 30)
Attribute Name: N_u83z20_m
Data Type: Number
Width: 9
Description: UTM Northing, NAD83 CSRS, zone 20, metres. NAD_1983_CSRS_UTM_Zone_20N, WKID: 2961 Authority: EPSG

Attributes (21 of 30)
Attribute Name: utm83_zone
Data Type: Number
Width: 9
Description: UTM Zone 20. All Easting and Northing coordinates are in zone 20, even if the mineral occurrence location is in zone 19 or 21.

Attributes (22 of 30)
Attribute Name: Lat_WM84dd
Data Type: Float
Width: 19
Decimals: 11
Description: Latitude in decimal degrees. WGS_1984_Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere, WKID: 3857 Authority: EPSG.

Attributes (23 of 30)
Attribute Name: Lon_WM84dd
Data Type: Float
Width: 19
Decimals: 11
Description: Longitude in decimal degrees. WGS_1984_Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere, WKID: 3857 Authority: EPSG.

Attributes (24 of 30)
Attribute Name: extrct_dt
Data Type: String
Width: 20
Description: The date the data was extracted from the mineral occurrence database.(e.g. 2015_02FEB_26_1200)

Attributes (25 of 30)
Attribute Name: dataset_id
Data Type: String
Width: 8
Description: Identifier given to dataset. GIS administration field.

Attributes (26 of 30)
Attribute Name: theme_id
Data Type: String
Width: 8
Description: Identifier given to theme type. GIS administration field.

Attributes (27 of 30)
Attribute Name: version
Data Type: Number
Width: 9
Description: Version number of the dataset. GIS administration field.

Attributes (28 of 30)
Attribute Name: source_id
Data Type: Number
Width: 9
Description: Numeric source ID. GIS administration field.

Attributes (29 of 30)
Attribute Name: gcode
Data Type: String
Width: 32
Description: Geological code given to feature. GIS administration field.

Attributes (30 of 30)
Attribute Name: gcode_desc
Data Type: String
Width: 96
Description: Description of geological code. GIS administration field.

Data Table/Layer Table Name: d002ns_mineral_occurrences.gdb ... d002nscl_geochemical_sample_locations, d002nscl.shp, d002nscl.kmz Description: ESRI file geodatabase points feature class - geochemical samplle locations
Attributes (1 of 11)
Attribute Name: FID
Data Type: OID
Width: 4
Precision: 0
Scale: 0
Description: Internal feature number.
Definition Source: ESRI

Unrepresentable Values (1 of 1)
Value: Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generated.

Attributes (2 of 11)
Attribute Name: Shape
Data Type: Geometry
Width: 0
Precision: 0
Scale: 0
Description: Feature geometry.
Definition Source: ESRI

Unrepresentable Values (1 of 1)
Value: Coordinates defining the features.

Attributes (3 of 11)
Attribute Name: OBJECTID
Data Type: Number
Width: 9
Description: Unique Integer ID given to each individual feature within a theme. GIS administration field.

Attributes (4 of 11)
Attribute Name: OCC_NUMBER
Data Type: String
Width: 7
Description: Mineral Occurrence Number (e.g. A02-004)

Attributes (5 of 11)
Attribute Name: SAMPLE_ID
Data Type: String
Width: 30
Description: Sample ID (e.g. DDH-3194-2-9 24, CP-62)

Attributes (6 of 11)
Attribute Name: SAM_TYPE
Data Type: String
Width: 20
Description: Type of Rock Samle - chip, bulk, crude ore, drill core, picked ore, float, grab, composite, boulder, channel

Attributes (7 of 11)
Attribute Name: ROC_TYPE
Data Type: String
Width: 60
Description: Rock type samples e.g. altered granitic rock, Shale and siltstone, stromatolitic limestone etc.

Attributes (8 of 11)
Attribute Name: NORTHING
Data Type: Number
Width: 9
Description: UTM Northing, NAD83 CSRS, zone 20, metres. NAD_1983_CSRS_UTM_Zone_20N, WKID: 2961 Authority: EPSG

Attributes (9 of 11)
Attribute Name: EASTING
Data Type: Number
Width: 9
Description: UTM Easting , NAN83 CSRS, zone 20, metres. NAD_1983_CSRS_UTM_Zone_20N, WKID: 2961 Authority: EPSG

Attributes (10 of 11)
Attribute Name: SAMP_DESC
Data Type: String
Width: 254
Description: Sample Description - More detailed description of the sample.

Attributes (11 of 11)
Attribute Name: u_smpl_id
Data Type: String
Width: 64
Description: Unique Sample ID - Occ_Number and Sample_ID (e.g A05-004-DDH-3194-2-9 24) to create a unique ID for the sample.

Data Table/Layer Table Name: d002ns_mineral_occurrences.gdb ...ALTERATION, ALTERATION.dbf Description: types of alteration Data Table/Layer Table Name: d002ns_mineral_occurrences.gdb ... ANALYSES, ANALYSES.dbf Description: analytical values for rock samples Data Table/Layer Table Name: d002ns_mineral_occurrences.gdb ... COMM, COMM.dbf Description: commodities and their priority Data Table/Layer Table Name: d002ns_mineral_occurrences.gdb ... MINERAL_Table, MINERAL_Table.dbf Description: minerals noted in the occurrence and their priority Data Table/Layer Table Name: d002ns_mineral_occurrences.gdb ... MODE, MODE.dbf Description: mode of mineralization Data Table/Layer Table Name: d002ns_mineral_occurrences.gdb ... SAMPLE, SAMPLE.dbf Description: samples sent for analyses Data Table/Layer Table Name: d002ns_mineral_occurrences.gdb ... STRAT, STRAT.dbf Description: stratigraphic units, age and host rock associated with the occurrence Data Table/Layer Table Name: d002ns_mineral_occurrences.gdb ... SURVEYS, SURVEYS.dbf Description: types of surveys conducted at an occurrence