Geological Mapping of the Central Annapolis Valley

Metadata for Digital Geological Data Generated as Part of Geological Mapping of the Central Annapolis Valley Area, Nova Scotia

Table Of Contents

Identification Information

Citation Information
  Title: Digital Geological Data Generated as Part of Geological Mapping of the Central Annapolis Valley Area, Nova Scotia
  Originator: C.E. White , J.C. Poole , A.L. Barras , J.S. McKinnon
  Publication Date: 2020
  Data Type: vector digital data
  Series Name: Digital Product ME
  Issue Identification: 443
  Publisher: Nova Scotia Department of Energy and Mines, Geoscience and Mines Branch, Geological Survey Division
  Publication Place: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
  Online linkage:
Data Description
  Abstract: This digital product is a compilation of geological data which was collected in the Annapolis Valley and surrounding North and South Mountain in southern Nova Scotia as a follow-up from the South Shore Bedrock Mapping Project by C.E. White. The data was used to create Nova Scotia Department of Energy and Mines Open File Map ME 2019-006, compiled by C. E. White, 2019. The map data represents two summers of field work (2008 and 2009); and follow-up stratigraphic, geochronological, paleontological, and isotopic studies (White, 2010a, b; White and Barr, 2012a, b, 2017, White et al., 2012, 2014, 2017a, b, 2018; Pothier et al., 2015). Geological map data was collected at a scale of 1:10 000 and compiled to produce a 1:50 000-scale bedrock map showing the distribution of units and mineral occurrences. Carboniferous and younger units are modified after Kontak et al., 2010; Moore et al., 2009. The digital product contains layers for geological features such as: anticlines/synclines, drillholes, faults, bedrock geologic units, geological contacts, mineral occurrences, neatline, small outcrops, reference outlines, and structural data.
  Purpose: The main goals of this project are to produce a geological bedrock map of the area to aid in our understanding of the stratigraphy, structure, metamorphism, tectonic setting, and mineral deposits of southwestern Nova Scotia.
  Supplemental Information: Data Set ID = dp443av; Data Class = bgeo50; Project ID = SW Nova Valley
  Language English
  Data Credit: Nova Scotia Department of Energy and Mines, Geoscience and Mines Branch, Geological Survey
  Data Environment ArcGIS 10.5.1
  Native Data Set Format ESRI 10.5.1 file geodatabase feature class
Contact Information

    Jeff Poole
    Nova Scotia Department of Energy and Mines, Geoscience and Mines Branch, Geological Survey Division
    Digital Information Services Supervisor
    1701 Hollis Street, P.O. Box 698
    Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
    B3J 2T9
    (phone) (902)-424-8139
    (fax) (902)-424-7735
    Available: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. AST Monday - Friday
Time Period Information
  Date: 2019
  Currentness Reference: publication date of map
Data Status
  Progress: Complete
  Update Frequency: As needed
Spatial Domain
  West Coordinate: -65.2
  East Coordinate: -64.2
  North Coordinate: 45.1
  South Coordinate: 44.8
  G-Poly coordinates
  G-Poly Pair(1 of 5) 45.1, -65.2
  G-Poly Pair(2 of 5) 45.1, -64.2
  G-Poly Pair(3 of 5) 44.8, -64.2
  G-Poly Pair(4 of 5) 44.8, -65.2
  G-Poly Pair(5 of 5) 45.1, -65.2

  Theme Keywords: Geologic & Geophysical ; geoscientificInformation ; Downloadable Data ; Bedrock Geology (BG) ; BG 1:50 000 ; BG Detailed Scale Map ; digital products ; digital geoscience data ; digital databases ; digital maps ; anhydrite ; anticlines ; basalts ; bedrock geologic units ; bedrock geological mapping ; clays ; cobalt (commodity) ; conglomerates ; copper (commodity) ; diatomite ; drillholes ; faults ; foliation ; gold (commodity) ; granodiorites ; gypsum ; iron (commodity) ; lead (commodity) ; leucogranites ; leucomonzogranites ; limestones (commodity) ; limestones (rock type) ; manganese ; mineral occurrences ; molybdenum ; monzogranites ; porphyries ; quartzites ; regional geology ; sandstones ; shales ; siltstones ; slates ; synclines ; uranium ; zeolites
  Place Keywords: Nova Scotia ; Annapolis County ; Kings County ; Lunenburg County ; Hants County ; Halifax County ; 21A/13 ; 21A/14 ; 21H/03 ; 21H/02 ; 21A/15 ; 21A/16 ; 21H/01 ; 21H/08 ; 11D/13 ; Granville Ferry ; Bridgetown ; Margaretsville ; Berwick ; Gaspereau Lake ; Windsor ; Wolfville ; Parrsboro ; Mount Uniacke
  Stratum Keywords: Fundy Group ; North Mountain Formation ; Brier Island Member ; Margaretsville Member ; East Ferry Member ; Blomidon Formation ; Wolfville Formation ; Windsor Group ; White Quarry Formation ; Macumber Formation ; Horton Group ; Cheverie Formation ; Horton Bluff Formation ; Murphy Lake Muscovite Leucogranite ; Gold River Leucomonzogranite ; Inglisville Leucomonzogranite ; Joe Simon Leucomonzogranite ; Panuke Lake Leucomonzogranite ; Lake George Leucomonzogranite ; New Ross Leucomonzogranite ; Kerr Lake Muscovite-Biotite Monzogranite ; Cloud Lake Biotite Monzogranite ; Gaspereau Lake Biotite Monzogranite ; Quinan Pluton ; Barrington Passage Pluton ; Murray Cove Gabbronorite ; Birchtown Diorite ; Lyons Bay Tonalite ; Burnt Blanket Muscovite Leucogranite ; East Kemptville Muscovite Leucogranite ; Keddy-Reeves Muscovite Leucogranite ; Long Lake Muscovite Leucogranite ; Dog Lake Leucomonzogranite ; East Dalhousie Leucomonzogranite ; Mickey Hill Leucomonzogranite ; New Cornwall Leucomonzogranite ; Panuke Lake Leucomonzogranite ; Sabeans Lake Leucomonzogranite ; Tantallon Leucomonzogranite ; Walden Leucomonzogranite ; Westfield Leucomonzogranite ; East Dalhousie Leucomonzogranite ; Davis Lake Leucomonzogranite ; Lake George Leucomonzogranite ; New Ross Leucomonzogranite ; Spectacle Lake Leucomonzogranite ; Joe Simon Muscovite-Biotite Monzogranite ; Kejimkujik Muscovite-Biotite Monzogranite ; Sherwood Muscovite-Biotite Monzogranite ; Soloman Lake Muscovite-Biotite Monzogranite ; West Dalhousie Muscovite-Biotite Monzogranite ; Whale Lake Muscovite-Biotite Monzogranite ; Little Round Lake Biotite Monzogranite ; Scrag Lake Biotite Monzogranite ; Sandy Lake Biotite Monzogranite ; Salmontail Lake Biotite Monzogranite ; Tobeatic Lake Biotite Monzogranite ; Lequille Biotite Granodiorite ; Roseway Lake Biotite Granodiorite ; Scrag Lake Biotite Granodiorite ; Biotite Porphyry ; Brenton Pluton ; Mavillette Gabbro ; Nickersons Point Gabbro ; Wentworth Lake Gabbro ; Torbrook Formation ; White Rock Formation ; Government Brook Member ; Sunday Point Member ; Dayton Member ; Cape Forchu Member ; Overton Member ; Chegoggin Point Member ; Cape St Marys Member ; Bear River Formation ; Feltzen Formation ; Acacia Brook Formation ; Cunard Formation ; Bloomfield Formation ; Moshers Island Formation ; Church Point Formation ; High Head Member ; Government Point Formation ; Tancook Member ; West Dublin Member ; Rissers Beach Member ; Green Harbour Formation ; Lake Rossignol Member ; Moses Lake Formation ; Margaretsville Member
  Temporal Keywords: Triassic ; Jurassic ; Carboniferous ; Mississippian ; Visean ; Devonian ; Famennian ; Tournaisian ; Silurian ; Llandovery ; Wenlock ; Pridoli ; Emsian ; Ordovician ; Cambrian ; Furonigian ; Tremodocian ; Floian ; Terreneuvian ; Epoch 3
Access and Usage Information
  Access Constraints: The access constraints are contained in the License Agreement which the user must agree to before using the data. A copy of the License Agreement is included with the digital product. The License Agreement reads as follows: "For the data contained on this medium (media), or any part thereof, herein called the DATA Between the PROVINCE OF NOVA SCOTIA as represented by the Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources, hereinafter referred to as NR&R and the recipient of the data hereinafter called the USER For good consideration, the receipt of which is acknowledged, NR&R licences the non-exclusive use of the digital DATA to the USER on the following terms and conditions. TERMS AND CONDITIONS NR&R remains the owner of the DATA and is not assigning copyright privileges to the USER. The USER agrees to acknowledge NR&R as the source of the DATA, if using or distributing it in its original form, whether in whole or in part, or as part of a value added product. NR&R reserves the right to modify and/or update the DATA without obligations to notify the USER. The DATA is provided to the USER on an "as is" basis, without warranties of any kind, express or implied. The entire risk as to the quality and accuracy of the DATA is with the USER and the USER shall use his/her own judgment in making use of the DATA or drawing conclusions based upon it. NR&R shall not be liable to the USER, his/her clients, servants, agents, contractors, assigns, or to any other person for any loss or damage of any kind including personal injury or death arising from the use of the DATA or accompanying written materials, or from errors, deficiencies or faults therein, whether such damage is caused by negligence or otherwise. If errors or omissions are found in the DATA, the USER will notify NR&R. This Licence is the entire Agreement between the parties and supersedes all previous Agreements or understandings between NR&R and the USER hereto, whether written or oral, in connection with or incidental to the DATA. This Licence shall be binding upon the parties hereto and each of their executors, administrators, successors and assigns and shall ensure to the benefit of such executors, administrators, successors and authorized assigns. This Licence must be included with the DATA if the USER copies, resells, or re-distributes the DATA whether in whole or in part. This Licence can be terminated by NR&R at any time. Upon such termination, the USER shall refrain from using the DATA and destroy all copies and backups in the USER'S possession. This Licence is in effect once the USER reads and accepts the Terms and Conditions of this Licence. If the USER is unable or unwilling to fully comply with these terms and conditions, the USER must refrain from using the DATA. By using the DATA, the USER acknowledges that he/she was aware of the terms and conditions of this Licence when he/she accepted it, understood them, and agreed to be bound by them." A copy of the terms and conditions of the license are available with the downloaded product.
  Use Constraints: Any constraints on the use of the data are contained in the above license agreement. The terms and conditions of the license accompany the downloaded digital product. A statement of some use constraints can be viewed in the technical prerequisites.
Browse Graphic Information
  Filename: none at this time
  Description: unknown
Security Information
  Classification System: none
  Classification: Unclassified
  Handling Description: none
Cross Reference Information
Cross Reference (1 of 22)
  Title: Bedrock geology map of the central Annapolis Valley area, Nova Scotia
  Originator: C. E. White
  Publication Date: 2019
  Data Form: map
  Online Linkage:
  Other Citation Details: scale 1:50 000
  Series Name: Open File Map ME
  Issue Identification: 2019-006
  Publication Place: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
  Publisher: Nova Scotia Department of Energy and Mines, Geoscience and Mines Branch
Cross Reference (2 of 22)
  Title: Geological maps of the Hantsport area
  Originator: S.A. Ferguson
  Publication Date: 1983
  Data Form: map
  Online Linkage:
  Other Citation Details: 4 maps, scale 1:10 000
  Series Name: Open File Report
  Issue Identification: 557
  Publication Place: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
  Publisher: Nova Scotia Department of Mines and Energy
Cross Reference (3 of 22)
  Title: Geological map of Windsor (NTS 21A/16 west half and part of 21H/01), Nova Scotia
  Originator: L.J. Ham
  Publication Date: 1991
  Data Form: map
  Online Linkage:
  Other Citation Details: scale 1:50 000
  Series Name: Map
  Issue Identification: 90-10
  Publication Place: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
  Publisher: Nova Scotia Department of Mines and Energy
Cross Reference (4 of 22)
  Title: Geological map of Windsor (NTS 21A/16 east half), Nova Scotia
  Originator: L.J. Ham , R.J. Horne
  Publication Date: 1987
  Data Form: map
  Online Linkage:
  Other Citation Details: scale 1:50 000
  Series Name: Map
  Issue Identification: 87-7
  Publication Place: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
  Publisher: Nova Scotia Department of Mines and Energy
Cross Reference (5 of 22)
  Title: DP ME 438, version 1, 2010. Digital geological data generated as part of the North Mountain Basalt Mapping Project (2000-2004), from Brier Island to Cape Split, Digby, Annapolis and Kings counties, Nova Scotia
  Originator: D.J. Kontak , T.L. Webster , B.E. Fisher , J.D. MacNeil , J.S. McKinnon , A.L. Ehler
  Publication Date: 2010
  Data Form: vector digital data
  Online Linkage:
  Series Name: Digital Product ME
  Issue Identification: 438
  Publication Place: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
  Publisher: Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources, Mineral Resources Branch
Cross Reference (6 of 22)
  Title: Geological map of Gaspereau Lake (NTS sheets 21A/15 and part of 21H/02), Nova Scotia
  Originator: M.A. MacDonald , L.J. Ham
  Publication Date: 1992
  Data Form: map
  Online Linkage:
  Other Citation Details: scale 1:50 000
  Series Name: Map
  Issue Identification: 92-1
  Publication Place: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
  Publisher: Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy Branches
Cross Reference (7 of 22)
  Title: Geological map of Bridgetown, Nova Scotia (NTS sheet 21A/14)
  Originator: M.A. MacDonald , L.J. Ham
  Publication Date: 1994
  Data Form: map
  Online Linkage:
  Other Citation Details: scale 1:50 000
  Series Name: Map
  Issue Identification: 94-08
  Publication Place: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
  Publisher: Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources, Mineral and Energy Branches
Cross Reference (8 of 22)
  Title: DP ME 389, version 1, 2009. Digital Version of Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources Map ME 2000-3, Version 2, Bedrock Geology Map of the Wolfville-Windsor Area, NTS Sheet 21H/01 and Part of 21A/16, Hants and Kings counties, Nova Scotia, scale 1:50 000, by R.G. Moore, S.A. Fergsuon, R.C. Boehner and C.M. Kennedy, 2009
  Originator: R.G. Moore , S.A. Ferguson , R.C. Boehner , C.M. Kennedy , A.L. Ehler , J.S. McKinnon , B.E. Fisher
  Publication Date: 2009
  Data Form: vector digital data
  Online Linkage:
  Series Name: Digital Product ME
  Issue Identification: 389
  Publication Place: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
  Publisher: Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources, Mineral Resources Branch
Cross Reference (9 of 22)
  Title: DP ME 003, version 5, 2016., Nova Scotia drillhole database
  Originator: M.J. O'Neill , J.C. Poole
  Publication Date: 2016
  Data Form: vector digital data
  Online Linkage:
  Series Name: Digital Product ME
  Issue Identification: 003
  Publication Place: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
  Publisher: Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources, Geoscience and Mines Branch
Cross Reference (10 of 22)
  Title: DP ME 002, version 11, 2016. Nova Scotia mineral occurrence database
  Originator: G.A. O'Reilly , G.J. Demont , J.C. Poole
  Publication Date: 2016
  Data Form: vector digital data
  Online Linkage:
  Series Name: Digital Product ME
  Issue Identification: 002
  Publication Place: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
  Publisher: Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources, Geoscience and Mines Branch
Cross Reference (11 of 22)
  Title: Stratigraphy, provenance and tectonic setting of the Early Ordovician upper Halifax Group, Nova Scotia, Canada
  Originator: H.D. Pothier , J.W.F. Waldron , C.E. White , S.A. Dufrane , R.A. Jamieson
  Publication Date: 2015
  Data Form: paper
  Online Linkage:
  Other Citation Details: Atlantic Geology, v.51 p.51-83
Cross Reference (12 of 22)
  Title: Pre-Carboniferous bedrock geology of the Annapolis Valley area (NTS 21A/14, 15 and 16; 21H/01 and 02), southern Nova Scotia
  Originator: C. E. White
  Publication Date: 2010
  Data Form: paper
  Online Linkage:
  Other Citation Details: in Mineral Resources Branch, Report of Activities 2009, ed. D.R., MacDonald and K.A. Mills
  Series Name: Report ME
  Issue Identification: 2010-1, p.137-155
  Publication Place: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
  Publisher: Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources, Mineral Resources Branch
Cross Reference (13 of 22)
  Title: Stratigraphy of the lower Paleozoic Goldenville and Halifax groups in the western part of southern Nova Scotia
  Originator: C. E. White
  Publication Date: 2010
  Data Form: paper
  Online Linkage:
  Other Citation Details: Atlantic Geology, v.46, p.136-154
Cross Reference (14 of 22)
  Title: Overview map showing locations of bedrock geology maps for the southwestern area of Nova Scotia
  Originator: C. E. White
  Publication Date: 2012
  Data Form: map
  Online Linkage:
  Other Citation Details: scale 1:250 000
  Series Name: Open File Map ME
  Issue Identification: 2012-076
  Publication Place: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
  Publisher: Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources, Mineral Resources Branch
Cross Reference (15 of 22)
  Title: The new Meguma: stratigraphy, metamorphism, paleontology, and provenance; GAC-MAC 2012, St. John's, NL, post-meeting field trip
  Originator: C. E. White , S.M. Barr
  Data Form: document
  Other Citation Details: Field Trip Guidebook B5, 68 p.
Cross Reference (16 of 22)
  Title: Meguma terrane revisited: stratigraphy, metamorphism, paleontology, and provenance; GAC-MAC 2012, St. John's, NL post-meeting field guide summary
  Originator: C. E. White
  Publication Date: 2012
  Data Form: paper
  Online Linkage:
  Other Citation Details: Geoscience Canada, v.39, p.8-12
Cross Reference (17 of 22)
  Title: Stratigraphy and depositional setting of the Silurian-Devonian Rockville Notch Group, Meguma terrane, Nova Scotia, Canada
  Originator: C. E. White , S.M. Barr
  Publication Date: 2017
  Data Form: paper
  Online Linkage:
  Other Citation Details: Atlantic Geology, v.53, p.337-363
Cross Reference (18 of 22)
  Title: Pre-Carboniferous stratigraphy of the Meguma terrane, Nova Scotia, Canada: new constraints from micro and trace fossils
  Originator: C. E. White
  Publication Date: 2012
  Data Form: paper
  Other Citation Details: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v.124, p.1773-1792
Cross Reference (19 of 22)
  Title: Geology of the Hemlock Hill gneiss south of Windsor, Hants County, Nova Scotia
  Originator: C. E. White , V.J. Doucette , S.M. Barr
  Publication Date: 2014
  Data Form: paper
  Online Linkage:
  Other Citation Details: in Mineral Resources Branch, Report of Activities 2012, eds. D.R. MacDonald and E.W. MacDonald
  Series Name: Report ME
  Issue Identification: 2013-001, p.87-101
  Publication Place: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
  Publisher: Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources, Mineral Resources Branch
Cross Reference (20 of 22)
  Title: Pre-Carboniferous stratigraphy and structure in the Lawrencetown-Wolfville area, southern Nova Scotia
  Originator: C. E. White , D.A. Swanton , K-L Scallion
  Publication Date: 2017
  Data Form: illustration
  Online Linkage:
  Series Name: Open File Illustration ME
  Issue Identification: 2017-002
  Publication Place: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
  Publisher: Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources, Geoscience and Mines Branch
Cross Reference (21 of 22)
  Title: The Silurian-Devonian Rockville Notch Group, Nova Scotia, Canada - unique to Meguma; presentation at the GAC-MAC Joint Annual Meeting, Kingston, Ontario, May 14-17, 2017
  Originator: C. E. White , S.M. Barr , U. Linnemann
  Data Form: presentation
  Other Citation Details: In GAC-MAC Program with Abstracts, v.40, p.413
Cross Reference (22 of 22)
  Title: U-Pb (zircon) ages and provenance of the White Rock Formation of the Rockville Notch Group, Meguma terrane, Nova Scotia, Canada: evidence for the "Sardian gap" and West African origin
  Originator: C. E. White , S.M. Barr , U. Linnemann
  Publication Date: 2018
  Data Form: paper
  Online Linkage:
  Other Citation Details: Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v.55, p.589-603

Data Quality Information
Positional Accuracy
  Horizontal Accuracy Report: There may be positional accuracy errors in the digital data that come from the original data collection, plus there are errors added by the process of digitizing the features from the original published source maps or field maps. The transfer of this data from older base maps onto the current base maps may also produce some error. The user should be aware that using this data overlaid on topographic data that was not used during the digital capture of the data may result in apparent errors in the locations of the data that may or may not be real. The user should always try and use background topographic data that is the same as the source topographic data noted in this metadata. The entire risk as to the quality and accuracy of the data is with the user and the user shall use his/her own judgment in making use of the data or drawing conclusions from it.
Source Information
Source Citation (1 of 11)
  Title: NTS Digital 1:50 000 Topographic Maps - Coastal Zone Series
  Originator: Nova Scotia Geomatics Center
  Data Form: vector digital data
  Other Citation Details: Base data is derived from the Nova Scotia Topographic Database (NSTDB), Copyright Province of Nova Scotia. All rights reserved. The NSTDB is available from Service Nova Scotia & Municipal Relations, Nova Scotia Geomatics Center, 160 Willow St., Amherst, N.S.
  Series Name: Digital Bases
  Issue Identification: NTS Digital 1:50 000 Topographic Maps - Coastal Zone Series
  Publication Place: Amherst, Nova Scotia, Canada
  Publisher: Nova Scotia Geomatics Center
  Scale Denominator: 50000
  Citation Abbreviation: NSGC
  Source Contribution: Topographic information, such as the coastline, were taken from the digital 1:50 000 NTS base maps and used to construct the geological polygons.
  Currentness Reference: ground condition
  Currentness Date: unknown
Source Citation (2 of 11)
  Title: DP ME 003, version 5, 2016, Nova Scotia drillholes database
  Originator: J.C. Poole , M. O'Neill
  Publication Date: 2016
  Data Form: vector digital data
  Series Name: Digital Product ME
  Issue Identification: 003
  Publication Place: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
  Publisher: Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources, Geoscience and Mines Branch
  Source Contribution: Drillholes used in the digital product were taken from this digital database. Updates and additional holes may have been added to this version of the drllhole database.
  Currentness Reference: publication date
  Currentness Date: 2006
  Online Linkage:
Source Citation (3 of 11)
  Title: DP ME 002, version 11, 2016, Nova Scotia mineral occurrence database
  Originator: G. A. O'Reilly , G. J. Demont , J. C. Poole
  Publication Date: 2016
  Data Form: vector digital data
  Series Name: Digital Product ME
  Issue Identification: 002
  Publication Place: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
  Publisher: Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources, Geoscience and Mines Branch
  Source Contribution: Mineral occurrences used in the digital product were taken from this digital database. Updates or additions may have been made to this version of the database.
  Currentness Date: 2016
  Online Linkage:
Source Citation (4 of 11)
  Title: Geological maps of the Hantsport area
  Originator: S.A. Ferguson
  Publication Date: 1983
  Data Form: maps
  Other Citation Details: 4 maps, scale 1:10 000
  Series Name: Open File Report
  Issue Identification: 557
  Publication Place: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
  Publisher: Nova Scotia Department of Mines and Energy
  Source Contribution: Some of the geological data that are contained in the digital product were taken from these maps.
  Currentness Reference: ground condition
  Currentness Date: 1983
  Online Linkage:
Source Citation (5 of 11)
  Title: Geological map of Windsor (NTS 21A/16 west half and part of 21H/01), Nova Scotia
  Originator: L.J. Ham
  Publication Date: 1991
  Data Form: map
  Other Citation Details: scale 1:50 000
  Series Name: Map
  Issue Identification: 90-10
  Publication Place: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
  Publisher: Nova Scotia Department of Mines and Energy
  Source Contribution: Some of the geological linework and polygons that are contained in the digital product were taken or altered from this dataset.
  Currentness Reference: publication date
  Currentness Date: 1990
  Online Linkage:
Source Citation (6 of 11)
  Title: Geological map of Windsor (NTS 21A/16 east half), Nova Scotia
  Originator: L.J. Ham , R.J. Horne
  Publication Date: 1987
  Data Form: map
  Other Citation Details: scale 1:50 000
  Series Name: Map
  Issue Identification: 87-7
  Publication Place: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
  Publisher: Nova Scotia Department of Mines and Energy
  Source Contribution: Some of the geological linework and polygons that are contained in the digital product were taken or altered from this dataset.
  Currentness Reference: publication date
  Currentness Date: 1987
  Online Linkage:
Source Citation (7 of 11)
  Title: DP ME 438, version 1, 2010. Digital geological data generated as part of the North Mountain Basalt Mapping Project (2000-2004), from Brier Island to Cape Split, Digby, Annapolis and Kings counties, Nova Scotia
  Originator: D.J. Kontak , T.L. Webster , B.E. Fisher , J.D. MacNeil , J.S. McKinnon , A.L. Ehler
  Publication Date: 2010
  Data Form: vector digital data
  Series Name: Digital Product ME
  Issue Identification: 438
  Publication Place: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
  Publisher: Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources, Mineral Resources Branch
  Source Contribution: Some of the geological linework and polygons that are contained in the digital product were taken or altered from this dataset.
  Currentness Reference: publication date
  Currentness Date: 2010
  Online Linkage:
Source Citation (8 of 11)
  Title: Geological map of Gaspereau Lake (NTS sheets 21A/15 and part of 21H/02), Nova Scotia
  Originator: M.A. MacDonald , L.J. Ham
  Publication Date: 1992
  Data Form: map
  Other Citation Details: scale 1:50 000
  Series Name: Map
  Issue Identification: 92-1
  Publication Place: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
  Publisher: Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy Branches
  Source Contribution: Some of the geological linework and polygons that are contained in the digital product were taken or altered from this dataset.
  Currentness Reference: publication date
  Currentness Date: 1992
  Online Linkage:
Source Citation (9 of 11)
  Title: DP ME 42, Version 2, 2006, Digital Version of Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources Map ME 1994-8, Geological Map of Bridgetown, Nova Scotia, NTS 21A/14, Scale 1:50 000, by M. A. MacDonald and L. J. Ham, 1994
  Originator: B.E. Fisher
  Publication Date: 2006
  Data Form: vector digital data
  Other Citation Details: scale 1:50 000
  Series Name: Digital Product ME
  Issue Identification: 42
  Publication Place: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
  Publisher: Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources, Mineral Resources Branch
  Source Contribution: Some of the geological linework and polygons that are contained in the digital product were taken or altered from this dataset.
  Currentness Reference: publication date
  Currentness Date: 2006
  Online Linkage:
Source Citation (10 of 11)
  Title: DP ME 389, version 1, 2009, Digital Version of Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources Map ME 2000-3, version 2, Bedrock Geology Map of the Wolfville-Windsor Area, NTS Sheet 21H/01 and Part of 21A/16, Hants and Kings counties, Nova Scotia, scale 1:50 000, by R.G. Moore, S.A. Fergsuon, R.C. Boehner and C.M. Kennedy, 2009
  Originator: R.G. Moore , S.A. Ferguson , R.C. Boehner , C.M. Kennedy , A.L. Ehler , J.S. McKinnon , B.E. Fisher
  Publication Date: 2009
  Data Form: vector digital data
  Series Name: Digital Product ME
  Issue Identification: 389
  Publication Place: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
  Publisher: Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources, Mineral Resources Branch
  Source Contribution: Some of the geological linework and polygons that are contained in the digital product were taken or altered from this dataset.
  Currentness Reference: publication date
  Online Linkage:
Source Citation (11 of 11)
  Title: DP 474, Bedrock Map of the South Mountain Batholith compiled from 1:50 000 maps
  Originator: M. A. MacDonald , J.C. Poole , J.S. McKinnon
  Publication Date: creation date 2018
  Data Form: vector digital data
  Other Citation Details: Unpublished data. Located at: Nova Scotia Department of Energy and Mines, Geoscience and Mines Branch
  Source Contribution: Some of the geological linework and polygons that are contained in the digital product were taken or altered from this dataset.
  Currentness Reference: ground condition
Processing Step Information
Processing Step (1 of 4)
  Description: In 2008, MRB's GIS group began compiling data for the Southwest Nova Valley Project area from Ferguson' s OFR 479 maps. Geological data was digitized from these maps and shapefiles were created for categories of geological information. Digitizing and QA/QC was completed by summer students Aimee Ehler, Geoff Reith and Hayley Pothier. Further QA/QC work was completed by Jeff McKinnon.
  Software and Version: ArcGIS 9.x
  Date: Summer 2008-Late 2009
  Contact Person: (see Contact Information)
Processing Step (2 of 4)
  Description: Chris White began the bedrock mapping of the SW Nova Valley area in the 2008 field season and completed his work in 2011. Chris' field point work was merged with the geological information taken from the Ferguson data by Jeff McKinnon.
  Software and Version: ArcGIS 9.3.1
  Date: 2008-2011
  Contact Person: (see Contact Information)
Processing Step (3 of 4)
  Description: In late 2018, work began on the creation of a geology map for the Southwest Nova Valley map. Point data (Chris' and Fergusons) were aggregated into a GDB, and Chris' linework was taken from Corel Draw. Work was completed integrating Chris' geological contacts with the surrounding published maps, as well as combining the legends for the compilation data. This work was done by Angie Barras, with guidance from Chris White.
  Software and Version: ArcGIS 9.3.1
  Date: Late 2018-Summer 2019
  Contact Person: (see Contact Information)
Processing Step (4 of 4)
  Description: In December 2019, OFM ME 2019-006 (Bedrock geology map of the central Annapolis Valley area, Nova Scotia) was released, and in early 2020, the digital data was released as a digital product.
  Date: Dec.2019-Feb.2020

Spatial Data Organization Information

  Spatial Reference Method: Point and Vector

Spatial Reference Information

  Data Projection: Universal Transverse Mercator
  Zone: 20
  Scale Factor at Central Meridian: 0.9996
  Longitude at Central Meridian: -63.0
  Latitude of Projection Origin: 0
  False Easting: 500000
  False Northing: 0
  Geographic Coordinate System: GCS_North_American_1983_CSRS98
  Projected Coordinate System: NAD_1983_CSRS98_UTM_Zone_20N
  Datum: D_North _American_1983_CSRS98
  Ellipsoid: Geodetic Reference System 80
  Semi-Major Axis: 6378137.0
  Denominator Of Flattening Axis: 298.257222

Entity Attribute Information

Overview Description
  Dataset Overview: The data set contains a number of point, line and polygon feature classes stored in an ESRI file geodatabase. The shapefile (SHP) downloadable products contain the equivalent files as indicated below.
Detailed Description
Data Layer/Table (1 of 10)
  Table Name: d443avas_anticlines_and_synclines, d443avas.shp
  Description: ESRI file geodatabase feature class lines - anticlines and synclines
  Metadata Link:
Data Layer/Table (2 of 10)
  Table Name: d443avdh_drillholes, d443avdh.shp
  Description: ESRI file geodatabase feature class points - drillholes
  Metadata Link:
Data Layer/Table (3 of 10)
  Table Name: d443avfa_faults, d443avfa.shp
  Description: ESRI file geodatabase feature class lines - faults
  Metadata Link:
Data Layer/Table (4 of 10)
  Table Name: d443avgb_bedrock_geologic_units, d443avgb.shp
  Description: ESRI file geodatabase feature class polygons - bedrock geologic units
  Metadata Link:
Data Layer/Table (5 of 10)
  Table Name: d443avgc_geological_contacts, d443avgc.shp
  Description: ESRI file geodatabase feature class lines - geological contacts
  Metadata Link:
Data Layer/Table (6 of 10)
  Table Name: d443avmo_mineral_occurrences, d443avmo.shp
  Description: ESRI file geodatabase feature class points - mineral occurrences
  Metadata Link:
Data Layer/Table (7 of 10)
  Table Name: d443avnl_neatline, d443avnl.shp
  Description: ESRI file geodatabase feature class polygons - neatline
  Metadata Link:
Data Layer/Table (8 of 10)
  Table Name: d443avos_outcrops_small, d443avos.shp
  Description: ESRI file geodatabase feature class points - small outcrops
  Metadata Link:
Data Layer/Table (9 of 10)
  Table Name: d443avst_structural_data, d443avst.shp
  Description: ESRI file geodatabase feature class points - structural data
  Metadata Link:
Data Layer/Table (10 of 10)
  Table Name: d443avro_reference_outlines, d443avro.shp
  Description: ESRI file geodatabase feature class polygons - shear zones
  Metadata Link:

Distribution Information

  Description: Downloadable Data
  Digital Custom Order Process: Digital Product Number = DP ME 443
  Available: since 2020
  Liability: The DATA is provided to the USER on an "as is" basis, without warranties of any kind, express or implied. The entire risk as to the quality and accuracy of the DATA is with the USER and the USER shall use his/her own judgment in making use of the DATA or drawing conclusions based upon it. NR&R shall not be liable to the USER, his/her clients, servants, agents, contractors, assigns, or to any other person for any loss or damage of any kind including personal injury or death arising from the use of the DATA or accompanying written materials, or from errors, deficiencies or faults therein, whether such damage is caused by negligence or otherwise. If errors or omissions are found in the DATA, the USER will notify NR&R. The terms and conditions of the license accompany the downloaded digital product.
  Technical Prerequisite: Technical Prerequisites - GIS data In order to view our digital files on your computer, you require mapping software (e.g. ArcGIS, ArcInfo, ArcView, MapInfo, AutoCAD). If you do not have this software, ESRI provides a number of free Map Viewers called ArcGIS Explorer, ArcExplorer 9.x and ArcExplorer 2 which you can download over the Internet. ArcGIS Explorer is the latest version of this family of viewing software and we encourage clients to use it if you are running newer PC’s with Windows XP, Vista, or Windows 7 ( ArcExplorer 2 and ArcExplorer 9.x are no longer supported by ESRI but maybe more practical on older PC’s. ArcExplorer 2 will run on Windows 95 and NT 4.0 SP3 and works with our "E00", "SHP", "JPG", "SID" and "TIF" files, while ArcExplorer9 worked with our SHP, TIF, JPG and some web services. The "TIF" and "JPG" image file formats can also be viewed in a number of graphic and image software packages including CorelDraw and Paint Shop Pro. The MRSID "SID" images can be viewed in an increasing number of image packages as well as with a free MrSID viewer supplied by LizardTech. Links for these and other map viewers can be found at the bottom of Data Formats MRB provides its digital data products in a number of formats. You can find out more information on these formats and how to use them at NS NR&R Fonts Information A number of NS NR&R or GSC fonts may be required to properly view our data sets in an ArcMap project or to view the hard copy maps in a PDF format (normally the fonts will be embedded in the PDF). The fonts required for a particular data set may be found in the c:\nsDNR\dp999v9XX\d999YY\arcmap\fonts directory on your computer after you download the data set. A complete set of all of our fonts is available for download from our web site at Any of these fonts can be installed on a Windows computer by using Start - Settings - Control Panel - Fonts - File - Install New Font and adding the font(s) downloaded to c:\nsDNR\fonts or c:\nsDNR\dp999v9XX\d999YY\arcmap\fonts. ArcMap Project Information Our SHP products include an ArcMap project (.mxd) which has all of the shapefiles symbolized and tables loaded with links and joins already created. This project uses relative paths so it should be drive and path independent. It can be found in the c:\nsDNR\dp442v1sh\d442lc\arcmap\project directory. ArcView Project Information Our SHP products include an ArcView project (.apr) which has all of the shapefiles symbolized and tables loaded with links and joins already created. This project uses relative paths so it should be drive and path independent. It can be found in the c:\nsDNR\dp442v1sh\d442lc\arcview\project directory. ArcExplorer Project Information We have also included an ArcExplorer 2 project (.aep) and an ArcExplorer 9.x (.axl) project for this data set that can be found in the c:\nsDNR\dp442v1sh\d442lc\arcexpl directory. The shapefiles are already loaded and have limited symbolization, any related tables are not loaded. The AEP project uses relative paths and should be no problem using it without any changes. The AXL project includes a string "c:\nsDNR\dp442v1sh" that will allow the AXL project to open automatically if you download the shapefile digital product (SHP) using the default settings. If you download the product to a different location you will need to edit this string in the AXL file using a text editor such as notebook and change the path to where you downloaded the digital product. Hotlinks In order to use the hotlink feature within ArcView 3.x you may need to load MRB's Hotlink Anything extension which may be located in the arcview/ext directory along with documentation. You may also need to set the variable MEBGIS_HOME on your system to the location of the data set on your system. The SHP product provides an ArcView project set up with the hotlinks working. Some modifications to the HOTLINK field in the database tables or in the HLFILES may be required to make the hotlink work properly. Knowledge of ArcView and hotlinks may be required to make this work properly. A feature called hotlinks is used in ArcView to link a feature such as a mineral occurrence or cross section to a single text file, image or web site etc. For features that we want to link multiple items or documents to we have developed our own hotlink extension for ArcView 3.x called "Hotlink Anything". The extension and documentation on how to install the extension, and set the required MEBGIS_HOME variable to the location of the data set on your system is included in the x:\nsgov\dig_prod_num\data_set_id\arcview\ext directory (example - c:\nsgov\dp305v1sh\g118a\arcview\ext) assuming that you used our default directories when downloading the data. The SHP product provides an ArcView project set up with the hotlinks working. Some modifications to the HOTLINK field in the database tables or in the HLFILES.TXT file may be required to make the hotlink work properly. Knowledge of ArcView and hotlinks may be required to make the native hotlink utility or our extension work properly. Problems and Limitations Problems have been reported trying to import ARC E00 files into ArcView on Windows 95 computers. Related tables do not import into ArcView. It is not a problem on UNIX, Windows 3.1 or Windows NT, or Windows 2000 platforms. If you experience this problem you can use our DXF/DBF product which contains the tables in dBase format. dBase files can be imported into ArcView. Geological maps and associated digital products are intended for use at the published scale of the map.
  Ordering Fee: Free
  Instructions: The data set can be downloaded over the Internet
  Distribution Contact:
    see contact information
Digital Form: (1 of 1)
  format name: ArcGIS File Geodatabase (GDB) and ESRI Shapefiles (SHP)
  format version: 10.5.1
  format specification:
  Transfer Size: 38 MB
  Dataset Size: 77 MB
  Information Content: Contains data pertaining to anticlines/synclines, drillholes, faults, bedrock geologic units, geological contacts, mineral occurrences, neatline, small outcrops, reference outlines, and structural data
  Decompression Technique: ZIP archive file
  Online Transfer:

Metadata Reference

  Creation Date: 20200304
  Metadata Standard: FGDC Content Standards for Digital Geospatial Metadata
  Standard Version: FGDC-STD-001-1998
  Metadata Language: English
  Time Convention: local time
  Review Date: As required
  Access Constraints: none
  User Constraints: none
  Security Classification System: none
  Security Classification: Unclassified
  Security Handling Description: none
  Metadata Contact:
    see contact information