The following sources of data are available to municipalities to assist with the preparation of MCCAPs:
Description: This layer was created from the 20 m provincial digital elevation model and can be used to indicate areas susceptible to coastal flooding. The layer and associated metadata can be downloaded here:
Source: Digital Data set provided by Internal Services (Nova Scotia Geomatics Centre) and Nova Scotia Department Natural Resources
Description: The 100-year flood was used to delineate and designate flood plains in nine communities by Environment Canada in the late 1970s. A 20-year flood zone is also defined in the map layer. To request a copy of the data please contact the following:
e-mail: geoinfo@novascotia.ca or phone 902-667-7231 toll free in NS and PEI 1-800-798-0706.
Source: Digital Data set provided by Internal Services (Nova Scotia Geomatics Centre), and Department of Environment and Labour.
Description: The seawater intrusion vulnerability layer was generated using existing well log data. The GIS-based approach broadly evaluates the relative vulnerability of bedrock coastal aquifers to seawater intrusion in unserviced areas of the province using existing datasets. The map identifies areas that may already be experiencing seawater intrusion or are at greatest relative risk to additional groundwater withdrawals, sea-level rise, or decreased groundwater recharge. The map is not intended to be used as a static map but may be updated by the Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources as new well log or surface elevation information becomes available. Users of the mapping should familiarize themselves with the approach and limitations, which are documented in the following companion paper:
The layer and associated metadata can be downloaded here:
Source: Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources
Description: This layer was created to infer on-site drainage condition, but may be used to provide general guidance on land areas that may be susceptible to flooding. For example, land areas where the inferred ‘water table depth’ in the wet areas mapping layer is less than 0.5 m and are adjacent to perennial watercourses may indicate flood prone areas. The approach relies mainly on the provincial digital elevation model and does not consider the timing of flood events and stormwater infrastructure (e.g. culverts). Users of the mapping should familiarize themselves with the approach and limitations. The layer and associated metadata can be downloaded here:
Source: Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources
Description: The Department of Natural Resources (NR&R) and Nova Scotia Environment (NSE) maintain an electronic Well Log Database which contains water well construction and location information for water wells in the Province of Nova Scotia. Information in the database is entered from original paper copies of well logs that are submitted by certified well drillers and well diggers. The database currently contains approximately 115,000 well logs constructed between 1940 and 2012, inclusive. The layer can be used to help identify the location of groundwater users, well type (e.g. dug vs. drilled), and type of groundwater use (e.g. commercial vs. domestic). The layer and associated metadata can be downloaded here:
Source: Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources