Short Description |
Reference |
Mineral Occurrent Database |
DP ME 2, Version 11, 2016. Nova Scotia Mineral Occurrence Database.
Digital product compiled by G. A. O'Reilly, G. J. Demont, J. C. Poole and B. E. Fisher
Drillholes and Drill Core |
DP ME 3, Version 5, 2016. Nova Scotia Drillhole Database. Digital product compiled by Mick O'Neill and Jeff
Abandoned Mine Openings Database |
DP ME 10, Version 7, 2017. Nova Scotia Abandoned Mine Openings Database. Digital product compiled E. W.
Hennick and J. C. Poole
Geochemical Analysis of Stream Sediment and Water Samples |
DP ME 135, Version 2, 2006, Geochemical Analyses of Bulk Stream Sediment and Water Samples by the Nova Scotia
Department of Natural Resources over northern Nova Scotia, 1986-1987.
Regional Stream Sediment and Water Survey |
DP ME 136, Version 2, 2006. Regional Stream Sediment and Water Surveys by the Nova Scotia Department of
Natural Resources over the Northern Mainland Nova Scotia and Cape Breton Island, 1982-1983
Airborne Magnetic Images |
DP ME 97, Version 2, 2006. Airborne Magnetic Total Field, Calculated First Vertical Derivative and Calculated
Second Vertical Derivative Images Collectively Covering NTS Sheets 11E/05, 11E/06, 11E/07, 11E/08, 11E/09, 11E/10, 11E/11, 11E/12, 11E/13, 11E/14, 11E/15, 11E/16, 11F/05, 11F/12,
11F/13, 21H/07, 21H/08, 21H/09, 21H/10 and 21H/16, TGI-2 Project, Northern Mainland Nova Scotia
Airborne Magnetometer Survey Images |
DP ME 6, Version 2, 2006. Airborne Magnetometer Survey Images, Total Field and Vertical Gradient Images
Covering 11D, 11E, 11F, 11G, 11J, 11K, 11N, 20O, 20P, 21A, 21B and 21H, (200 m X 200 m Resolution).
Nova Scotia Gravity Database |
DP ME 154, Version 2, 2006. Nova Scotia Gravity Database
Gravity Images for Northern Mainland Nova Scotia |
DP ME 111, Version 2, 2006. Bouguer Gravity and Residual Bouguer Gravity Images Collectively Covering NTS
Sheets 11E/01, 11E/02, 11E/03, 11E/04, 11E/05, 11E/06, 11E/07, 11E/08, 11E/09, 11E/10, 11E/11, 11E/12, 11E/13, 11E/14, 11E/15, 11E/16, 11F/04, 11F/05, 11F/12, 11F/13, 21H/01,
21H/02, 21H/07, 21H/08, 21H/09, 21H/10 and 21H/16, TGI-2 Project, Northern Nova Scotia
VLF-EM Images for the Cobequid Highlands, Nova Scotia |
DP ME 113, Version 2, 2006. Airborne VLF-EM Orthogonal Total Field Images Collectively Covering Parts of NTS
Sheets 11E/05, 11E/06, 11E/07, 11E/10, 11E/11, 11E/12, 21H/07, 21H/08, 21H/09 and 21H/10, TGI-2 Project, Cobequid Highlands, Nova Scotia
Shaded Relief Images of the Cobequid Highlands Area, Nova Scotia |
DP ME 479, Version 1, 2012. Shaded Relief Images Derived From a 1 m LiDAR Bare-Earth Digital Elevation Model
of the Cobequid Highlands Area, Cumberland, Colchester and Pictou Counties, Nova Scotia, Compiled by B.E. Fisher and J.C. Poole
Geological Map of the Province of Nova Scotia |
DP ME 43, Version 2, 2006. Digital Version of Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources Map ME 2000-1,
Geological Map of the Province of Nova Scotia, Scale 1:500 000, Compiled by J. D. Keppie, 2000
Surficial Geology Map of the Province of Nova Scotia |
DP ME 36, Version 2, 2006. Digital Version of Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources Map ME 1992-3,
Surficial Geology Map of the Province of Nova Scotia, Scale 1:500 000, by R. R. Stea, H. Conley and Y. Brown, 1992
Nova Scotia Claim Reference Map Grid |
DP ME 9, Version 2, 2005. Nova Scotia Claim Reference Map Grid, Compiled by B. E. Fisher and J. C. Poole.
Geological Data for the Cobequid Highlands |
DP ME 148, 2006. Digital Geological Data Generated as Part of the Cobequid Highlands Project 1983-1999,
Colchester, Cumberland, and Pictou Counties, Nova Scotia, Parts of NTS 11E/05, 11E/06, 11E/11, 11E/12, 21H/07, 21H/08 and 21H/09, by G. Pe-Piper and D. J. W. Piper