Ecological Landscape Analysis Reports

The Ecological Landscape Analysis reports describe the ecosystems of Nova Scotia’s incredibly diverse ecodistricts, and the character of their geology, forests, wildlife and human land uses. The original reports were written by the Department of Natural Resources to support landscape level planning. These are now presented as a series of reports for a variety of audiences, including the general public, woodland owners and forest ecosystem planners. The reports provide benchmarks of the conditions as of 2007. In the future updates of current conditions will be released to allow comparison with the benchmarks to assess the trends in ecosystem health.

Profile: A 2-page snapshot

Parts 1 & 2: Overview for the public, with more specialized information for woodlot owners

Part 3: Detailed data summaries and appendices for forest ecosystem planners

Maps: Eleven maps representing the themes and statistics in the reports

A profile sheets, Parts 1 & 2, Part 3, Parts 1 & 2 2019 Update, and Maps are currently available, or use the following an interactive web-map to find your ecodistrict and responding ELA for your area (i.e. property ) of interest,

Part 3 Updates (2019) for all ecodistricts will be available later in 2019.

For more information on ELAs contact: Peter Bush, Provincial Landscape Ecologist

Ecological Landscape Analysis

Story map: Linking the Landscape to the Woodlot

Read the reports