Getting Access


SHARE - Getting Access

Authorized healthcare providers in hospital and in the community may access patient medication profiles through either the Drug Information System Portal or the SHARE Clinical Portal.

Drug Information System Portal

The Drug Information System Portal is used primarily by prescribers. The Portal allows these users to see medication profiles in the system, to add information to or update existing information in patient profiles, and to create prescriptions electronically, or e-prescribe.

SHARE Clinical Portal

The SHARE Clinical Portal is a view-only portal. It allows users, through the “Community Med Profile” tab, to see their patients’ medication profiles. This portal cannot be used to add or update information and e-prescribe.

Access in Hospital

Access in hospitals is determined by management at the IWK and in each zone within the Nova Scotia Health Authority. Users in hospital should speak with their managers about getting access to the Drug Information System. Access is set up using IT Self-Service.

Access in Private Healthcare Organizations

A private healthcare organization is a private sector corporation, association, partnership or person that provides healthcare services in the Province of Nova Scotia. A private healthcare organization may receive public funding for its healthcare providers or services, for example, through physician fees. It does not include public sector healthcare organizations, such as the Department of Health and Wellness (DHW), the Nova Scotia Health Authority or the IWK Health Centre. Private healthcare organizations requesting access to the Drug Information System are required to enter into a legal agreement with the Department of Health and Wellness that outlines the responsibilities of both parties.

The Drug Information System is accessible to private healthcare organizations, including provider-based clinics. Prescribers include physicians, nurse practitioners, RN prescribers, dentists, dental hygienists, optometrists and midwives. Staff in these clinics can access the system through either the Drug Information System Portal or the SHARE Clinical Portal and user access is coordinated by organization management.

Process and Forms

The following forms are referenced and described in the Checklist. These forms must be completed and returned to finalize the access process.

Supporting Documents

The following documents are referenced and described in the Checklist. They are provided to support private healthcare organizations through the access process and users as they begin to use the portals.


If you have questions or comments about the Drug Information System or SHARE contact or