Electronic Medical Records and Integrated Solutions - Integrated Solutions


Electronic Medical Records and Integrated Solutions - Integrated Solutions

Integrated solutions are provider or patient software functionality that integrates with certified electronic medical records (EMR). Sometimes, the Electronic Medical Records and Integrated Solutions (EIS) Program learns of, or may pursue functionality, through software systems outside of the functionality available in certified EMRs. When the EIS Program and its stakeholders recommend functionality as beneficial to users of certified EMRs and their patients, and it aligns with provincial strategic objectives, the EIS Program will assess the products from a privacy and security perspective. Based on the severity of risks of assessed systems, some of these systems may not be recommended for adoption in Nova Scotia.

The EIS Program shares custodian considerations identified from the privacy and security assessments with custodian representatives through the Nova Scotia Health Authority, IWK, Doctors Nova Scotia and Tajikeimɨk. Vendors are engaged to mitigate system risks if concerns are identified. Custodian representatives communicate mitigations that system users are encouraged to adopt.