The Drug Information System allows authorized healthcare providers in hospital and in the community to access and share patient medication information. Through the system, healthcare providers in Nova Scotia have more of your medication information available to them, which means improved safety and a better quality of care. Other benefits to you include:
A comprehensive overall profile of your medication information.
When you go to a community pharmacy to fill a prescription, your prescription is automatically added to your medication profile in the system. If you share medication-related information with your pharmacist or other healthcare provider that could be important for others to know when caring for you, it can also be added. Examples of medication-related information include allergies, adverse reactions and medical conditions. A comprehensive medication profile means better quality of care for you.
Fewer adverse drug reactions.
More information in your medication profile means it is easier for your healthcare providers to identify potential issues with your medications - things like side effects called, “adverse drug reactions”. This means improved safety for you.
Detection of potential drug-to-drug interactions.
Since all community pharmacies are connected to the Drug Information System, your pharmacy has access to drug information entered by other pharmacies , and they can see if your new prescription may have a harmful reaction with a medication you are already taking. In addition, prescribers, who use the Drug Information System to create prescriptions electronically (e-Prescribe) will also be made aware of potential harmful reactions. This means safer care for you.
Sharing of information between authorized healthcare providers.
The Drug Information System allows timely sharing of your medication and immunization information among authorized healthcare providers. In the past, healthcare providers only had medication information about you that was contained in their own system or files. With the Drug Information System, they have access to information provided by many healthcare providers. For example, if you arrive at the Emergency Department unable to remember all the medications you are taking, healthcare providers are able to access a more complete record of your medication information. This means better care for you.
Avoiding duplication of medications.
Your community pharmacy and other healthcare providers will be able to tell if a new prescription is similar to a medication you are already receiving from a different pharmacy or another healthcare provider. This means improved safety for you.
How it Works
Find out how the Drug Information System works.
The Drug Information System means improved patient safety and quality of care.